Why is my plant dying?! +rep!


Well-Known Member
:leaf:If you're going to wal-mart, I've had success with MG Bloom booster. It's got 15-30-15 NPK, and I never saw any real problems. It does however, lack some trace elements. In some strains I have, I get a slight Mg deficiency. I combat this from the start by pre-mixing the soil, making sure to adjust PH to prevent nute lock and other problems, and mixing a fert solution like this:

1 tablespoon "Bloom booster"
1/2 teaspoon epsom salt -- (Magnesium sulfate)
1 Gallon of water

It works well. Obviously this is just for flowering, but I use the epsom salts at any sign of Mg deficiency. Start off slow with half the dosages, then at 3rd watering go to full dose and pour a whole gallon through it. Make sure you don't re-use what comes out the bottom. I normally catch it to check the PH. Too high or too low, and I adjust the water for the next feeding.

As I said before, everything I suggest is just what I do, or what I would do. There are so many varying circumstances such as strain, soil, environment, water type used, etc., etc., etc...... that all I can say, is I hope I have helped, and good luck. I'd like to know how it turns out.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Alright guys.. i've posted this a few times and i've tried all the new things i've been told. I've read through the plant pictures of things but i can't pin point my problem. Here is my setup.

The first picture was the plant 12 days ago.. the last couple are all from today..

-1 plant
-Shultz per fert soil. (bad i know but worked fine till now )
- 150w HPS
Like 4 fans.
pH was like 6.2
temps are 85 lights on 80 lights off.
Humity is 50.
This plant also is like 3 months old. Possibly longer i didnt actually start growing for real untill like july cause it was just on a window seal and got like 2 inchs in about a month lol..
It's about 15 inchs or so atm and has been there for like a week.. its not even moving. its in like week 3 to 4 of flowering.

Anyways i did have a little heat issue for like 2 days but i fixed it but this has been getting worse for like a week now. Its just started at the top of my plant near the main cola and working its way down the plant. The leaves are just slowly starting at the tip of the leaf turning brown and crumpling and drying out till it reachs the stem and falls off. Please help what do i do?
Is it possible because the plant is so old its just starting to die becuase it thinks its lifespand is up? lol

Sorry about the pictures my camera is the shits.

Please help guys.. its my first grow and i was doing so good! Lol

i ws going to say that it looks normal until i saw the pics , let say like usher and let it burn lol. nute burn 4-real yo


Well-Known Member
im growing like five strains and one of them (i have two of) is doing the exact same thing and so are seven of the same strain i got for a buddy. all the top fan leave are all but completely burned and everything else in the grow is fine it looks like fat buds with no leaves the only thing i can say is give a really good flush and scale way back on the nutes


Well-Known Member
haha i got a few people telling me its nute burn and some people telling me its defitency lol... No one really has a real answer? lmao. I have not given it any nutes ever so im guessing its not a nute burn. However i did use pre fert soil but it worked fine till now... anyways maybe that soil is bad for flowering im not sure... I figured i might as well try a bit of nutes tho. The only thing i could find at walmart was The food stakes for plants. Has like 5-10-4 or something like that. IT says use 5 for a 10" pot and i only put 4 in. So we will see if that really cooks it or if it helps it. Then ill know if its a lack of nutes or to much haha... Next grow im gonna have to do some learning on my soil etc... haha.. If anyone could give me there cook up of what they use for soil that would be greatly appreciated. not just the 3 things u use like actuall Ratios if possible lol.. and ill try to measure my own nutes next time instead of the prefert shit.


Well-Known Member
haha i got a few people telling me its nute burn and some people telling me its defitency lol... No one really has a real answer? lmao. I have not given it any nutes ever so im guessing its not a nute burn. However i did use pre fert soil but it worked fine till now... anyways maybe that soil is bad for flowering im not sure... I figured i might as well try a bit of nutes tho. The only thing i could find at walmart was The food stakes for plants. Has like 5-10-4 or something like that. IT says use 5 for a 10" pot and i only put 4 in. So we will see if that really cooks it or if it helps it. Then ill know if its a lack of nutes or to much haha... Next grow im gonna have to do some learning on my soil etc... haha.. If anyone could give me there cook up of what they use for soil that would be greatly appreciated. not just the 3 things u use like actuall Ratios if possible lol.. and ill try to measure my own nutes next time instead of the prefert shit.
The people who are telling you it's nute burn are just looking at the pics and spewing it out there as a guess instead of reading your post(s). I stand by what I said before.