I haven't been trying to prove you wrong.....You proved yourself wrong...moash, stop.... you keep trying to prove me wrong but you can't.
Hey, if removing branches and leaves, and flushing your soil, and any of the other eff'd up practices that reduce yield are your thing, more power to you. Keep doing that if it makes you happy.
I mean are we talking a gram difference here? lol
Sloanz, I don't think you're understanding the term hybrid vigor correctly. You're not comparing a clone and a seed. You're comparing the original strain and the hybrid cross strain. "F1 hybrids are often bigger and more robust than either of the parent populations used in the creation of the F1 population. For example, a skunk #1 x blueberry hybrid may grow faster and yield more than either the pure skunk #1 pr blueberry population."
However, this has nothing to do with cloning. In fact, you can have perpetual harvests of an F1 hybrid mother and not only take advantage of hybrid vigor but have a more thc potent plant as I mentioned above. To recap, hybrid vigor is ONLY a term used for breeding, not cloning.
LOL. Jorge Cervantes, LOL ............ sorry..... sorry...... I'm still LOLing ..........
You guys keep trying to rationalize your beliefs with nonsense. I'm sorry but you're wrong.
Fact: seed grown mj plants have 2 branches per node until the plant starts reaching 'adulthood' (for lack of the proper word).
Fact: clones, because they come from an 'adult' plant, only have one branch at each node.
Now, employ simple common sense and you'll see that I'm correct.
I'll even help you out with a hint - 2 branches vs 1 branch.
Sure, through topping and longer veg time, etc. you can get equal or better yields than a seed grown plant of the same strain, but if left alone, and with all growing factors being the same, the seed grown plant will out produce a clone every single time.
Actually they're not irrelevant, and you do have 2 branches per main stem node (at the bottom of the plan) when you flower with a seed started plant.
I've seen as many as 8 nodes with 2 branches each before the plant switches over to 1 branch at every node.
More branches=more bud sites=more total yield.
moash, you surprise me. I thought you'd have known this.
Hybrid vigor? The plants we grow are so far removed from wild type cannabis that hybrid vigor isn't a factor. Everything we grow is a hybrid and from a long line of previous hybrids. Unless you're working with original crosses from landrace strains hybrid vigor doesn't enter into it. There are "horticultural" hybrids, like the type we're familiar with, which are crosses of two different strains. People do this to breed desirable characteristics into or undesirable characteristics out of their plants. Then there are "biological" hybrids, which are crosses of two organisms of the same species that have different characteristics due to geographic isolation. Hybrid vigor is only going to apply to the latter.
In regards to the OP's discussion, I move around a lot, so I always try to have a stash of seed to start over from. I pollinate my initial grows and keep the seed, then grow with mothers/clones from then on for convenience. If I'm fortunate enough to stay in one place for a couple years, I'll pollinate again for some fresh seed. In fact I just pollinated my current grow this week (due to a recent move). I ordered seeds last year for the first time in about five years because my stash got lost in a move, but other than that I try to be as self-sufficient as I can. Probably a result of my paranoia more than anything, but I try to keep other people (i.e. seedbanks, the USPS, etc.) out of my garden as much as possible. Coming up on 20 years growing off and on without an incident, so I guess it's served me well.
Oh, I've never kept data in my journals on branching and whatever that other guy said about seeds vs. clones and better harvest from seed, but like I said I've grown with both for ~20 years, and I call bullshit on that. My impression is that yields are (or are potentially) equal. I think people probably flower clones sooner than plants grown from seed because they are able to, that's the only reason I can think of that would lead to an impression like that.
Yeah Moash! Everyone knows you get most of your bud from the bottom of the plant. HUH?
That means everything. More branches=more product.I'm not twisting anything man. You said seeds yield more because their nodes don't alternate until the plant becomes mature, usually around 8-10 weeks. That still doesn't mean anything.
Thank you. That's all I've been trying to say all along.And as for the poster before that, you're right clones don't produce more per plant than seeds, but they do produce it faster. a perpetual room will produce twice as much in any given year than straight from seed.
I top my plants right before they start to flower,That way I get the most from the bottom nodes.....
I don't mess with none of that "one branched node" bullshit
Some of you are just being assholes now. Grow the fuck up.
I understand that....I hope that you did'nt miss the sarcasm in my post. It was addressed to the bottom picker that made the comment, not you.