My attitude toward Romney is that he probably isn't much better than Obama, but he is not a closet socialist, he has demonstrated management ability and he deserves a chance.
Bullshit, Obama has nothing to do with socialism, he is more to the right than even Bush or Reagan. Trust me... I am a Marxist... he is a 100% hardcore free market capitalist. I can't stand him. He pretends to have leftist leanings just to get votes from gullible people. His words and his actions are two entirely different things.
Being a successful capitalism doesn't mean you'll be a good politician. The government is supposed to give us the best value for our dollar. Businesses, however, are supposed to give us the least value for our dollar that they can get away with, in order to maximize profit.
Romney has a proven track record of being harsh on drugs. If he becomes president it will be a complete disaster for mj.
Your voting strategy could be upgraded by taping pictures of candidates to a dartboard, eating beans, jamming a dart up your ass, and farting it into the dartboard.