Why the hell are people against free health care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Semper Fi NoDrama. It's just so hard to explain to some people. There is just no honor, courage, commitment. We don't want to adopt the policies of other countries. He want to stay America.


Well-Known Member
Shit man you post alot, how about posting all those sentences in the same thread..

I'd have to say I agree with ya on that note, I use to be almost 300lb fat ass now thanks to my 2 year meth binge (JOKING, I live and eat healthy now) weigh 143lbs and yeah fat plp are a prob too, shit they should have to pay more since their care costs more.

Just like plp that smoke cigs, drink booze alot, ect.. All those shitty life stlyes should cost that person not the rest of us.

Im not a vegitirian that drives a hybrid either LOL, I eat meat every day and dirve a gass guzzling SUV (and love it other than 8-12MPG with 93oct SUCKS). But I have decent health, and I've never taken welfare or unemployment.:bigjoint:
Wasn't this the very Idea of what the Incoming Regime suggested in allocating more funds to help pay for Health Care
and in consequence you Would have Healthier People.

It was a rhetorical question to begin with, and you don't get fined for having insurance.

You are basically telling me that you having a right to choose is bad, mandatory insurance is good, fines if you don't have insurance are ok, and that I don't support any kind of insurance reform.

And you got all that from me saying it's mandatory.
Do you ride the Short Bus :roll:, It was a Rhetorical statement, I'm not Basically telling you anything b/c I can't explain anything to you that is Basic...

I've already answered this for you, tell me what you Understand, and we'll work from there, and Not what you Guess and Assume..

Let me Clear this Up on My position tho' the System is Fucked.. I would rather be taxed at a Higher Rate so that the people in My Country will be able to live a Healthier, Affordable Life. Instead of it going to a Bunch of Individual Fat Asses/ Cooperations....That is using people, whether they can Afford it or Not as a Scam to Make Money off Of.. If I had to Choose, I would do what Makes me Feel Better on the Inside when I look back at where my Money was Spent.

and for the people who keep implying somebody wants something Free, make it known to Who you are Addressing, I See no One asking for anything Free...Stop Using up the virtual Memory Space too, :lol:


Well-Known Member
Semper Fi NoDrama. It's just so hard to explain to some people. There is just no honor, courage, commitment. We don't want to adopt the policies of other countries. He want to stay America.

ROFL! No, sir, we sure don't want to adopt policies that ACTUALLY WORK, do we?

We'd rather stay the United Clusterfuck of America. Good old U.S of A that never gets anything done.

By the way, you DO realize that our current health care system is just a mishmosh of policies from other countries, right?

We aren't asking for a completely new system, just ONE system that works for EVERYONE.


Active Member
ROFL! No, sir, we sure don't want to adopt policies that ACTUALLY WORK, do we?

We'd rather stay the United Clusterfuck of America. Good old U.S of A that never gets anything done.

By the way, you DO realize that our current health care system is just a mishmosh of policies from other countries, right?

We aren't asking for a completely new system, just ONE system that works for EVERYONE.
What policies have worked in other countries? Why are we known as the best country on the planet? It's certainly not because we follow europe. We stand alone and that's what makes us great.
If we didn't get anything done would we be here today? We are the leaders in the world. We have created so many things that the world would never have dreamed of. We do have a mix of ideas from everywhere, but we take them to the next level. American ingenuity.
We have a free market healthcare system. Socialized medicine was started after WW2 and never ended. It wasn't supposed to work in time of peace, and it shows by how bankrupt every country is who have it.
That ONE system would be controlled by the government. It would decrease competition, decrease productivity, and decrease quality. It is never a good thing when the government takes control. It shows how sneaky this president is when he wanted this bill passed before the August recess, knowing it was a 1000+ pages and knowing the majority would not read it. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/hx3ycMDTfw4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/hx3ycMDTfw4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Well-Known Member
What policies have worked in other countries? Why are we known as the best country on the planet? It's certainly not because we follow europe. We stand alone and that's what makes us great.
If we didn't get anything done would we be here today? We are the leaders in the world. We have created so many things that the world would never have dreamed of. We do have a mix of ideas from everywhere, but we take them to the next level. American ingenuity.
We have a free market healthcare system. Socialized medicine was started after WW2 and never ended. It wasn't supposed to work in time of peace, and it shows by how bankrupt every country is who have it.
That ONE system would be controlled by the government. It would decrease competition, decrease productivity, and decrease quality. It is never a good thing when the government takes control. It shows how sneaky this president is when he wanted this bill passed before the August recess, knowing it was a 1000+ pages and knowing the majority would not read it. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/hx3ycMDTfw4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/hx3ycMDTfw4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Dude do you even travel???? People not still thinking how great USA is..Was a time when we were number one..I hope that we get back that way. There is an old saying "no man stands alone for no man is an island". The thinking that this country is "so great we can't fall Fuck you We AMerican" is the reason we are falling ..Answer me this what the hell was the last thing you bought that was made in america...Look around your house and tell me how American are you ??? lol makes me laugh the mentality of some( not all) Americans. Hey keep yelling USA USA USA sounds great at the Olympics..Travel dude is all I can say.Might open your eyes. Hey heres a exchange rate for dollar vs Euro.. http://www.x-rates.com/d/USD/EUR/graph120.html ... tell me what you think... USA USA USA:wall:


Well-Known Member
The fact that you think these politicians do not have teams of people that read and fully digest these bills and are very aware of everything in them (if they want to know) is rediculous.

What policies have worked in other countries? Why are we known as the best country on the planet? It's certainly not because we follow europe. We stand alone and that's what makes us great.
If we didn't get anything done would we be here today? We are the leaders in the world. We have created so many things that the world would never have dreamed of. We do have a mix of ideas from everywhere, but we take them to the next level. American ingenuity.
We have a free market healthcare system. Socialized medicine was started after WW2 and never ended. It wasn't supposed to work in time of peace, and it shows by how bankrupt every country is who have it.
How do you figure that every country that has a socialized medicine is bankrupt? Well I guess other than every country that has a working health care system has some sort of socialization of it.

That ONE system would be controlled by the government. It would decrease competition, decrease productivity, and decrease quality. It is never a good thing when the government takes control. It shows how sneaky this president is when he wanted this bill passed before the August recess, knowing it was a 1000+ pages and knowing the majority would not read it.
As there is currently nothing there now, there is nothing that would be competitive at this point in time. That is the problem. Again, there is no insurance that is covering this group now, so this is a way to put something there. So how can you decrease productivity when it is zero as it is?


Well-Known Member
What policies have worked in other countries? Why are we known as the best country on the planet?

HAHAHA!! Known by whom? Please, who thinks we're the best country on the planet besides people like you who don't know any better.

It's certainly not because we follow europe. We stand alone and that's what makes us great.
If we didn't get anything done would we be here today? We are the leaders in the world. We have created so many things that the world would never have dreamed of. We do have a mix of ideas from everywhere, but we take them to the next level
If the "next level" is measure of insanity, then you're correct. What we've really done is take a bunch of different systems that work and wrap them in so much red tap that they don't work anymore.
. American ingenuity.
We have a free market healthcare system. Socialized medicine was started after WW2 and never ended. It wasn't supposed to work in time of peace, and it shows by how bankrupt every country is who have it.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The US has the third largest debt of the G20 nations. We also spend about twice as much on health care per capita than countries with "socialized" health care systems, so if they're "bankrupt" it isn't because of health care costs.

Ironically, the US is the ONLY country in which CITIZENS are going bankrupt due to high medical costs.


Active Member
Dude do you even travel???? People not still thinking how great USA is..Was a time when we were number one..I hope that we get back that way. There is an old saying "no man stands alone for no man is an island". The thinking that this country is "so great we can't fall Fuck you We AMerican" is the reason we are falling ..Answer me this what the hell was the last thing you bought that was made in america...Look around your house and tell me how American are you ??? lol makes me laugh the mentality of some( not all) Americans. Hey keep yelling USA USA USA sounds great at the Olympics..Travel dude is all I can say.Might open your eyes. Hey heres a exchange rate for dollar vs Euro.. http://www.x-rates.com/d/USD/EUR/graph120.html ... tell me what you think... USA USA USA:wall:
AMEN I'm with you .. I didn't want to be the one that said it but when I travel I don't know anyone who likes the USA or thier policies!!!!!!!!!! They boom countries tell everyone how to live then tell them they are wrong ??? They you have the Balls to say your the best, what pot are you smoking bud???I don't want to burst your bubble but your not the best in the world and when your city was under water your President did nothing and has still you guys do nothing for your ppl . For the richest nation in the world why can't you look after your ppl health wise without taking them to the poor house? You rate 37 in the world as far as health care thats not number 1. peace out Headband707:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
America number one? Please, we fucking stink because we've pissed away almost all that used to be great about this country and almost everyone in the rest of the world flat out hates us as a country. To claim otherwise is flat ass ignorant. As others have pointed out there's very little american stuff that's in demand in other countries to begin with let alone considered the best in the world, and the stuff you could be proud of in our history is being overwhelmed by bullshit going on now. We don't treat other countries well, hell we don't even treat our fellow citizens well as is exampled by so many peoples greed and spite for others that they are willing to cost themselves a health program that would benefit all just to punish others.

USA number 1 these days refers to us being one of the number one threats to world peace and the number one ignorant bully greedy nation on the planet.

Oh and number one nation letting our rights get eroded away out of fear and ignorance.

We need this health care system for everyone but you all are bound to fuck it up. No suprise.

Thank you rest of the world for undestanding some americans don't stand for all of us. I would have thought if any group would understand we are being lied too about all the fake negatives with socialized medicine it would be pot smokers who already know we're being lied too and manipulated just for money and greed in other areas.

Saying a national health system would be bad for us is like saying the war on drugs and privately owned prisons run for profit is good.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed a commonality among almost every poster in favor of a National Health Care Program. You all argue from a position of how far this country has fallen, or how we aren't a desirable place to live anymore. Insulting (yes you are) our achievements and belittling our staggering contributions and charity to other nations. I know it makes you feel "trendy and european" to do so and I'm sure it goes over well with the people who travel in your circles. But to the self loathing (towards your own country) Americans, I gotta tell you, you are in a complete minority among the citizens of this country. And arguing from that position as to why we need a change (any change) is the LAST THING YOU SHOULD DO. It won't work... you're trying to ice skate uphill. You're free to do it of course, but you are sabotaging your own argument before you even get the motor running.

And to folks on here from other countries, while hearing your opinions is entertaining and all, make no mistake that a VAST majority of the US population couldn't care less what you think of us, as it should be. You don't live here, you don't matter in this debate... at all, nor does your opinion. We neither seek nor require your acceptance or approval on any of our domestic policies. Foreign policy is a different matter entirely and we may or may not consider your positions on those subjects, but again, only insomuch as it benefits THIS country. It may come off a little harshly, but most of your countries have extremely checkered pasts in how your government interacts with your populace. When I hear you guys giving advice, a single thought keeps coming to mind that seems to overpower any strength that may be in your arguments. "Misery loves company"... thanks but no thanks.


Well-Known Member
I don't say anything to seem cool to some group of people in other countries I will never even see in my lifetime anyway. Hell I don't say anything to seem cool to anyone, that's a pretty dumb thing to even claim.

Misery loves company? Seriously? This is even dumber. You honestly think people from other countries are trying to give us incorrect advice and information just because... Forget it nevermind this is a waste of time.


Active Member
Why are the loudest, usually the least informed? I appreciate hearing from people that live in a country with single payer medicine and tell how they love it and the argument against it is all lies by the private insurance companies, and run with by Rush, Glen Beck, O' Reilly, Hannity, etc. As soon as you say your information is from FOX News or Rush, you have already discredited yourself


Well-Known Member
I don't say anything to seem cool to some group of people in other countries I will never even see in my lifetime anyway. Hell I don't say anything to seem cool to anyone, that's a pretty dumb thing to even claim.

Misery loves company? Seriously? This is even dumber. You honestly think people from other countries are trying to give us incorrect advice and information just because... Forget it nevermind this is a waste of time.
Actually, my post wasn't directed at you in particular. I simply point to just about every post favoring the current health care proposal on this thread and with few exceptions, every other thread. But using ANY argument that includes how the europeans, canadians etc etc laugh at us, is pointless as their opinion on the matter is moot.

As to your second comment, it hardly matters why they are giving advice. As a sovereign nation, whose citizens will have to live with the outcome of whatever bill is eventually passed, we alone shall determine our path. And as to misery loves company being dumb, well to deny that psychological certainty would be the height of stupidity. You will find people in all countries, (you're making the argument we're doing it right now) that despite a system failing right in front of their and everyone else's eyes, will argue for it's merits and invite others to enlist in that system, while chastising any opponent that simply claims the emperor has no clothes.

And to the fellow that dismisses Fox, Beck and the like, I see everything you see AND everything you don't allow yourself to see. The fact is you're only getting 1/10 of the information that is out there, I see it all and can disseminate what is plausible and what isn't. Simply accepting the SCANT information the MMM allows to pass through the cheerleader filter and dismissing anything else only shows you think major corporations should be deciding what information is worthy of your consideration. Attacking the ONLY organization that still employs journalism to expose corruption in both parties holds no water anymore.... zero. Heck, I'd love to see the MMM start asking some, hell, ANY questions that matter. Say what you want, but they are getting SCOOPED by Fox on a daily basis, and their ratings are plummeting, while Fox's are soaring. Maybe we need a censorship/propaganda czar to hook all these crumbling networks and papers up with a bailout, because they sure as hell aren't in the business of journalism anymore.


Active Member
What ever happened to the people who were all about QUESTION AUTHORITY? You don't seem to do so when your man is in charge. I don't give a damn what other countries think of us. Do you know how many people would like nothing better than the destruction of this country? We are the greatest nation, and I don't care what anybody else says. People are dying to get here, for obvious reasons. We may be in a recession, but hopefully the government leaves the free market to balance itself out, and we would be fine. What country is it that provides and discovers most of the cures for illness and disease? Us, with no help from the government. Though we may have problems, they are nothing to what the rest of the world is faced with. It's the lazy people who blame their faults on others, who are bringing this nation down. Work hard and anything is possible. Poll after poll has shown that the American people do not support socialized medicine, so why are people trying to force it on us? And for all those not in America, what are you trying to do. This has no effect on you, so let the American people decide their fates. We don't want this, never have and never will.


Active Member
I have noticed a commonality among almost every poster in favor of a National Health Care Program. You all argue from a position of how far this country has fallen, or how we aren't a desirable place to live anymore. Insulting (yes you are) our achievements and belittling our staggering contributions and charity to other nations. I know it makes you feel "trendy and european" to do so and I'm sure it goes over well with the people who travel in your circles. But to the self loathing (towards your own country) Americans, I gotta tell you, you are in a complete minority among the citizens of this country. And arguing from that position as to why we need a change (any change) is the LAST THING YOU SHOULD DO. It won't work... you're trying to ice skate uphill. You're free to do it of course, but you are sabotaging your own argument before you even get the motor running.

And to folks on here from other countries, while hearing your opinions is entertaining and all, make no mistake that a VAST majority of the US population couldn't care less what you think of us, as it should be. You don't live here, you don't matter in this debate... at all, nor does your opinion. We neither seek nor require your acceptance or approval on any of our domestic policies. Foreign policy is a different matter entirely and we may or may not consider your positions on those subjects, but again, only insomuch as it benefits THIS country. It may come off a little harshly, but most of your countries have extremely checkered pasts in how your government interacts with your populace. When I hear you guys giving advice, a single thought keeps coming to mind that seems to overpower any strength that may be in your arguments. "Misery loves company"... thanks but no thanks.
Perhaps thats your problem you don't listen or care about anyone but yourself ! Whats the point in agruing with ppl like you ?? Fuck keep your bullshit country pure whatever that mean lol .. We will all just smoke a joint and laugh at how stupid you look from this angle and every angle peace out everywhere Headband707:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to the people who were all about QUESTION AUTHORITY? You don't seem to do so when your man is in charge. I don't give a damn what other countries think of us. Do you know how many people would like nothing better than the destruction of this country? We are the greatest nation, and I don't care what anybody else says. People are dying to get here, for obvious reasons. We may be in a recession, but hopefully the government leaves the free market to balance itself out, and we would be fine. What country is it that provides and discovers most of the cures for illness and disease? Us, with no help from the government. Though we may have problems, they are nothing to what the rest of the world is faced with. It's the lazy people who blame their faults on others, who are bringing this nation down. Work hard and anything is possible. Poll after poll has shown that the American people do not support socialized medicine, so why are people trying to force it on us? And for all those not in America, what are you trying to do. This has no effect on you, so let the American people decide their fates. We don't want this, never have and never will.
You're wrong if you think most americans don't support it. You are believing the wrong polls, polls can say anything you like when you only poll certain groups.

People overwhelmingly voted for change did they not? That's why Omaba's in office and this is just a part of that change. Socialized Medicine is not an Obama idea, it's been around for a very long time and the first try to get it passed here was by the clinton administration.

We are overwhelmingly against socialized medicine? We already have more socialized medicine systems in place than almost anywhere else on the planet. We have medicare, medicaid, the veterans administration, and at least one state run system in all 50 states and often more than one in each plus a million free clinics etc etc.

All that bs with all the millions of miles of paperwork overhead and layers of profit at every turn needs to be rolled into one system to cover everyone along with whatever parts of the for profit system
want to come along and done right everyone will be covered at a lower cost than we pay now.

If you think most don't support it, that's because you get your news from faulty sources. We voted in a black man (miracle of all miracles) specifically for change and it wasn't a minority that voted the man in, quite the opposite.

I'm all for question authority... Question everything... The first question is why are you listening to propaganda against this when we desperately need it and have for a very long time. Why can some go on and on about our charity to other nations and how proud we should be of that when we don't even take care of our own people?
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