Well-Known Member
Seals and Rangers could kick a Marine's assSorry... was a United States Marine and do not believe in your socialistic aproach. USMC is the most supreme fighting force in the world and is done with aggressive tendencies. How do you think swords are made???? fire and a hammer.... then sharpened to perfection.
Cut back spending and support to other countries. Tax the socialist people in this country only...(hey... they need to lead by example and I will fallow at a latter time), cut the spending on the illegal aliens and their incarceration, quit taxing the small businesses in this country... and I can for sure see a turn around in the economic stand point of this country.
Sorry for the aggression but I was paid to do for this country what the cowards of this country did not want to do or could not do!

I'd take a ninja over a Marine any day. Or a Swiss Guardsman. Have you seen their outfits? Talk about intimidating.
As for the part in bold, can you say brainwashing?