Why Vote Against Republicans?


Well-Known Member

Have you ever served??? first thing they cut is pay and benifits and then on to equipement.

It is to late to turn back now. We need to finish what is started in order to keep it safe for the American people.

I know a good one... cut everyone, pay who believes like you and voted for the new president and the democratic congress and I am sure we can do more with that then cutting back our military spending.

Second cut off all benifits for illegal imigrants and their children(if they did not come here illegally then they would not have been born here) and we could reduce the deficit.

Food... we can feed to whole world with what we can produce... it is the pieces of shit in our government the keep us from it.

Also cut back on sexual education and aids funding for affrica and we could feed our people.

So sorry... not falling for the shit.
We should bring all our overseas troops home where they can protect us instead of sacrificing them while they police countries we have no business being in. The reason the terrorists fight us is because we are on their holy land. What would happen if China tried to do that here in the US?
Our policies have thrown fuel on the fires that have burned there for centuries. We back overthrows of countries who then turn on us. It should not be not our policy to dictate to other countries what form of government they should run.
Have we learned nothing from Korea and Viet Nam? I can think of few causes more noble than serving your country. We should have gone after the ones who were responsible and then left. Our fallen brothers and sisters who gave their lives in the Middle East deserved better. We all deserve better.


Active Member
WWI - Woodrow Wilson - fascist Democrat.

Federal Reserve Act - Woodrow Wilson - fascist Democrat.

16th Amendment establishing the income tax - Woodrow Wilson - fascist Democrat.

WWII - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Confiscation of gold coin and bullion from all private citizens and cancellation of all gold clauses in private contracts - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Withholding tax - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Social Security Ponzi Scheme - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Korean War - Kennedy, Johnson - Democrats.

Bay of Pigs - Kennedy - Democrat.

War on Poverty ... three trillion wasted - Johnson - Marxist Democrat.

Double digit inflation, 21% interest rates, gas rationing - Carter - Marxist Democrat.

Iran Hostages with America held hostage - Carter - Marxist Democrat.

Rape, abuse of women - Clinton - sex addicted Democrat.

Obama ... remains to be seen but so far he is leaning toward fascism.

Now then ... I DO agree with the premise of the article. The Republican Party only has itself to blame for being out in the wilderness. George Bush was no conservative and most of the Republicans in government today are not conservatives.

What is sorely needed in this country are true liberals in the classic sense. Those who believe in individual liberty, freedom, free markets and free minds.

Don't forget Reagan (communist) and his billions and trillions on the Drug War, (Plus the arms for hostages, Iran, oh and the start of Osama), Bush WAR, Bush-2 (Dictatorship) WAR.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget Reagan (communist) and his billions and trillions on the Drug War, (Plus the arms for hostages, Iran, oh and the start of Osama), Bush WAR, Bush-2 (Dictatorship) WAR.
I have to agree with you on the war on drugs, but they have been wasting billions of dollars on that for decades before Reagan even entered politics. Desert Shield, certainly not Bush's war, and certainly justified and legal. Afghanistan, legal but most definitely misdirected.

Iraq, most certainly legal, but Bush used the wrong justification for going in. Using the Iraq Liberation Act, which established as an objective of U.S . foreign policy the removal of the Saddam Hussein regime, which was signed by President Clinton, as a foundation would have greased the skids. But more importantly, as Christopher Hitchens points out so well, "Iraq met all the conditions under which a country may be deemed to have sacrificed its own legal sovereignty. To recapitulate: It had invaded its neighbors, committed genocide on its own soil, harbored and nurtured international thugs and killers, and flouted every provision of the Non-Proliferation Treaty". That's it, that's all we needed to invade, in fact by the UN's own language we (and they) are REQUIRED to intervene in such circumstances. And yes I'm aware of all the other countries that meet the same standards. But a lack of needed action elsewhere shouldn't serve as a detraction from where needed action was taken.

Frankly, I'm starting to lean more and more towards Ron Paul's viewpoint of let the rest of them burn in their own hell, bring back the troops, build a nice big wall and defend it to the death if they come for ya. We owe NOTHING to the other countries of the world, unless it serves to OUR benefit... we aren't citizens of the world no matter how much my esteemed, well intentioned opponents on the left want us to be. We're Americans and it's high time we started thinking of our own well being first and how the rest of the world views us last. I know I couldn't give a shit less what some politician in France or Germany thinks of us.


New Member
Don't forget Reagan (communist) and his billions and trillions on the Drug War, (Plus the arms for hostages, Iran, oh and the start of Osama), Bush WAR, Bush-2 (Dictatorship) WAR.

You don't need to smoke any more weed.... you've had enough... :roll:


New Member
I've heard that weed can drop the IQ 5 points. I don't know if it's true, but perhaps there should be a cut off point for some. :lol:

Like a breathalizer... "sorry dude, the meter says you can't have any at all..." :wink:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Cutting the military budget is the BEST way to solve everything ailing our country. And I consider our number ailment our imperialistic policing of the world and money spent abroad, so problem #1 solved by cutting their budget. Then we could have health care for all, food for all, education for all, etc...

Cutting the military budget = good.

Healthcare, food, and education for all? Would you use force to make this happen? That doesn't sound consistent with your first idea where you reject the military state.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No, Bush knew the intelligence was bullshit. He even uncovered Valerie Plame as retaliation for her husband's report, which stated VERY clearly that Iraq never tried to purchase yellow cake uranium. Bush knew all along those reports were BS and intentionally created a false pretense for war. He duped Congress with this pretense (as well as the American people) and began an illegal war based on one man's lies. He wanted to avenge his father.

In fact, for the first 8 months of Bush's presidency, he was asked why he wasn't paying attention to Osama and focusing all his attention on Iraq - and keep in mind, this was before 9/11! Rice shrugged off these criticisms.
This can't be...I'm agreeing with you again!


Well-Known Member
Cutting the military budget = good.

Healthcare, food, and education for all? Would you use force to make this happen? That doesn't sound consistent with your first idea where you reject the military state.
If you don't want to get use from anything that taxes pay for, I wouldn't have a issue with allowing people to not pay. But you realize it would be impossible for you to live in civilized America and not benefit for the things that taxes provide.

And you would be a waste of space, same with your children. Your family would not have education (since your not allowed to use past knowledge that used any benefits from taxes), no technology, no running water, no food that you don't grow, on and on.

And I think that the life expectancy with that lifestyle was around 55. So have fun with that.


Active Member
I've heard that weed can drop the IQ 5 points. I don't know if it's true, but perhaps there should be a cut off point for some. :lol:

Like a breathalizer... "sorry dude, the meter says you can't have any at all..." :wink:
I believe your looking for the fox news channel, do as I say not as I do! :wall:
I never realized how much brainwashing Bush did until I started reading this post. Gotta love the repubs because if there afraid of it best to make it illegal and call it bad. And also love how they love telling others what to do. Don't do drugs (cause I need more myself), gays are bad (shhh, don't tell anyone I'm having a secret affair with a gay prostitute), and the lovely spying on US citizens in the name of terrorism/protection all while freedom was being taken away. The idiots should have started right in DC. It is full of corrupt terrorist.


Well-Known Member
I believe your looking for the fox news channel, do as I say not as I do! :wall:
I never realized how much brainwashing Bush did until I started reading this post. Gotta love the repubs because if there afraid of it best to make it illegal and call it bad. And also love how they love telling others what to do. Don't do drugs (cause I need more myself), gays are bad (shhh, don't tell anyone I'm having a secret affair with a gay prostitute), and the lovely spying on US citizens in the name of terrorism/protection all while freedom was being taken away. The idiots should have started right in DC. It is full of corrupt terrorist.
The problem is that most of those things were spawned from our side (Dems) lunatic fringe and it got spread. Just like this lunatic fringe is spreading all the bs about Obama.

They don't get their info from the Fox channel. They get it from the nutballs that feed the 'info' to the fox channel, which is all made up from the Republicans and passed on through fake blog sites.


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to get use from anything that taxes pay for, I wouldn't have a issue with allowing people to not pay. But you realize it would be impossible for you to live in civilized America and not benefit for the things that taxes provide.

And you would be a waste of space, same with your children. Your family would not have education (since your not allowed to use past knowledge that used any benefits from taxes), no technology, no running water, no food that you don't grow, on and on.

And I think that the life expectancy with that lifestyle was around 55. So have fun with that.
First off you have yet to address the free rider problem

Second, if I don't want the government to provide me with healthcare, food or education (all of which I'm perfectly capable of providing for myself, being a mature, independent, sane human being) then I should be able to opt out, and keep my money to myself.

If I don't want the government providing for my retirement (because SS is a giant ponzi scheme) then I should be able to keep payroll taxes.

If I don't want the government providing for my medical care in old age (because being able to invest it will provide a better job of guaranteeing aforementioned care) then I should be able to keep the payroll taxes I am coerced into paying.

Thirdly, you've neglected to actually mention where in the Constitution it says that government is obligated to provide any of these things. If you are so brain-washed as to believe that any of these things come under General Welfare then you are nothing more than a partisan with no mental capacity whatsoever for independent thought.


Well-Known Member
First off you have yet to address the free rider problem
If you mean the people that take advantage of programs and loaf, then you are wrong I have at good length, where in all the threads and posts, I am not sure right now. But I have talked about it.

That is always going to be a problem. If those people chose not to take advantages of what is provided and better their lives, there is nothing that we can do except try to educate their children about why it is important.

The programs are not here for the people that don't get that they work harder and have a less enjoyable life by not trying to succeed, it is for the people that will use it. Because for every 1 that works themselves out of that life, it will pay for about 6 that chose to loaf.

Second, if I don't want the government to provide me with healthcare, food or education (all of which I'm perfectly capable of providing for myself, being a mature, independent, sane human being) then I should be able to opt out, and keep my money to myself.

If I don't want the government providing for my retirement (because SS is a giant ponzi scheme) then I should be able to keep payroll taxes.

If I don't want the government providing for my medical care in old age (because being able to invest it will provide a better job of guaranteeing aforementioned care) then I should be able to keep the payroll taxes I am coerced into paying.
Then you can chose not to. Stop getting paid over the table, or move to somewhere it is easier to float under the radar like Africa, or the deep woods.

Question for you, did you get your high school diploma?

Thirdly, you've neglected to actually mention where in the Constitution it says that government is obligated to provide any of these things. If you are so brain-washed as to believe that any of these things come under General Welfare then you are nothing more than a partisan with no mental capacity whatsoever for independent thought.
Nope I didn't infact let me find the post that I directed at you and your joke of a constitutionalist ideals.

There took a few minutes but I found it:
The government has been overstepping its bounds for a while now, and yet all I see from your ilk is justification for its violations of the Constitution and transformation of that document into something that it was not meant to be.

Makes me believe that you will never say a word about the gross abuses of government as long as its spun as being for the common "good."
I have been trying to be civil with you but I am over it. Dude get a life. You are in a constant state of fear and are so worried about a piece of paper that has slowly been adjusted over the last 220 years. Things change, technology gets better and we have to adapt. If you feel like the nation is the same as it was when it was written and that we have nothing to offer for the betterment of our country, I feel sorry for you.

You are turning into a dinosaur. Your 'austrian economics' is biased which it shouldn't be. Your fear of actual economic theories is unfounded. The Gold/deflation bit you keep playing is played out and absurd. Your nutball theories about the fed is asinine.

But what ever, you are a fear mongerer and that is all you will be until you wake up and realize there is no one in the government that cares enough about you to try to get you. And if there is some diabolical plan to take over the nation enough to get Obama elected and control all the banks, wake the heck up because it would mean that they are already in power, so why would they need to get more when they would be able to have everything that they want?

For over two hundred years we have been adjusting that document that took a couple weeks to write as we grew as a nation. Was it an amazing document, hell yeah. Is it all things to everyone, hell no. Does these adjustment mean that the government is overstepping its bounds? No. Because it is the people that elect these idiots and they are just passing crap that people want, leaving in just enough loopholes to skim some off the top.

Do we need to get out of peoples lives? Yes.

Does collecting what people are talking about so that they can understand the point of view your nutty right is coming up with at breakneck speeds constitute something to worry about? Hell no.

Now if they tried to collect who was saying it in order to arrest them, then yeah big time issue with that.


Well-Known Member
If you mean the people that take advantage of programs and loaf, then you are wrong I have at good length, where in all the threads and posts, I am not sure right now. But I have talked about it.

That is always going to be a problem. If those people chose not to take advantages of what is provided and better their lives, there is nothing that we can do except try to educate their children about why it is important.

The programs are not here for the people that don't get that they work harder and have a less enjoyable life by not trying to succeed, it is for the people that will use it. Because for every 1 that works themselves out of that life, it will pay for about 6 that chose to loaf.

Then you can chose not to. Stop getting paid over the table, or move to somewhere it is easier to float under the radar like Africa, or the deep woods.

Question for you, did you get your high school diploma?

Nope I didn't infact let me find the post that I directed at you and your joke of a constitutionalist ideals.

There took a few minutes but I found it:

Wow, thank you for exposing your idiotic dribble that you truly believe in. Now, go fuck yourself, dog.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thank you for exposing your idiotic dribble that you truly believe in. Now, go fuck yourself, dog.
I may not have the words that Jrh can use, but I wish that I did here.

Face it you are lost, your ideals are full of crap, and you are a joke.

And your economic ideas are incomplete and childish.

But hey the taxes we pay keep this structure we call a government up that give you the freedom to say what you want.


Well-Known Member
I may not have the words that Jrh can use, but I wish that I did here.

Face it you are lost, your ideals are full of crap, and you are a joke.

And your economic ideas are incomplete and childish.

But hey the taxes we pay keep this structure we call a government up that give you the freedom to say what you want.
I wouldn't need the government to speak my mind, and thus you have demonstrated once again that it is you whose thoughts on jurisprudence, politics and economics are childish and full of crap.

I don't see the government stepping in and telling me that I can type whatever I want to say right now regarding the uneducated state of mind that you are in. There is no need for the government to get involved, but if I remember recent history correctly the government is currently attempting to forcefully restrict my ability to type whatever I want online at the behest of some one that is probably (remarkably enough) more idiotic than you are.