'Why we hate you': ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners

How did they do it through their disbeleif? That makes no sense. Killing in the name of atheism would mean you are killing in the name of nothing. Just think about what ive written instead of knee-jerk defense responses.

Their communist beliefs of enforcing atheism led them to that
what part of the new testament instructs you guys to hate gays so much?

you know they have done scientific studies (sorry, no fake zombies involved) about homophobes like you guys.


Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?
Adams HE1, Wright LW Jr, Lohr BA.
Author information

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

hey budster, does the holocaust denial keep you from focusing on your latent homosexuality?

what is it like to be a closeted homosexual?

Fucking bite much???

And no I dont mean the pillow.

If you cannot take the insults then stay the fuck out of conversations you cannot add anything meaningful to and stop adding drivel insults to take away the fact you have never questioned the subject in mind.
I don't believe in God

I don't believe in private ownership

How do you link that to

Murder people who believe in God?

You can't without making a giant leap in logic

You are not a communist who shares the views of Stalin etc then. Thats good.

I believe in God.

I believe in private ownership.

How do you link those specific to statements or my views to supporting murder?

You can't without adding other factors such as mental health and personal gain from committing these crimes.

If you point at the bible, you are not pointing at Christianity. I can`t prove my faith to another person. If one reads the Bible, holds it with them and says, "See, I`m a Christian" They don`t understand Christianity. That`s why you think that people kill in the name of Christianity. They said so.
The laws and police procedural policies were penned because that cop acted out of evil? Again, wtf are you talking about. I think you might have lost the context or maybe miscomprehended?

Ya, said that kinda unclear. He acted out of evil, his doctrine is penned to prevent that. Pulling his gun and shooting, he was guilty any way you look at it right off the bat.
Their communist beliefs of enforcing atheism led them to that

I disagree. Communism can exist without atheism. Communism and atheism do not call for killing. A communist/atheist regime isnt inherently evil/violent, if they commit violence and evil it reflects on them personally not the commands of atheism or communism. Unlike some examples of religion, communism and atheist cannot be used as ideological tools to justify murder, it requires other rationale. Also, did you read the above post about Stalin?
Fucking bite much???

And no I dont mean the pillow.

If you cannot take the insults then stay the fuck out of conversations you cannot add anything meaningful to and stop adding drivel insults to take away the fact you have never questioned the subject in mind.

i've never seen much need to question the existence of the holocaust since several of my family members lived through it and all.

but it surprises me that you think that the mention of your closeted homosexuality is not a meaningful addition to this conversation. after all, a lot of the nazis you admire were gay, and it was OK as long as you weren't a "sissy fag". they hated those sissy fags, but they loved manly fags like yourself.

although admittedly, your closeted homosexuality does not scream "ubermensch" or "manly fag" in the way you that i'm sure you'd like it to. to me, the fact that your homosexuality is closeted means you are repressed and ashamed. what a pity.

anyhoo, you never even answered the question in your "outed as a closet homosexual" rage, loser.

what part of the new testament instructs you to be so hateful to gays? i mean, i can see that shit all over the old testament, but you say to leave that shit out of the discussion because you are so hardcore new testament and whatnot. and apparently pretty hardcore on the secret desire to suck cocks, too.

not that there is anything wrong with sucking cock. my wife still sucks mine occasionally and i think it is great. so there is no need for you to be ashamed of your secret desire to suck cocks.

thanks, untermensch. don't get holocausted or anything.
I disagree. Communism can exist without atheism.

It's to think you believe that however the founders of Communism disagree so I'm sire you can see this thought holds no water.

Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels both openly states many times that they both agree that religion should be suffocated and ultimately destroyed.
It's to think you believe that however the founders of Communism disagree so I'm sire you can see this thought holds no water.

Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels both openly states many times that they both agree that religion should be suffocated and ultimately destroyed.
Except that the majority of citizens in "Communist" countries were still religious, and Cuba is a real world example of a Catholic Communist country, and it outlasted pretty much all of the countries with policies that were nominally atheistic. So not only does it hold water, it has been proven to be correct. Also I love how when it comes to Communism, you only hold the original writings of Marx and Engels to be valid, and yet when it comes to Christianity you are very quick to discard the original writings upon which the Bible is based. Quite the double standard you have there.
It's to think you believe that however the founders of Communism disagree so I'm sire you can see this thought holds no water.

Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels both openly states many times that they both agree that religion should be suffocated and ultimately destroyed.

Sure it holds water. Are you really saying you cant see a government run economy that is also a religious theocracy? Like the Monarchy in Great Britain for example?

Arent the teachings of Jesus somewhat communist in that they are pro-social welfare and anti-greed, and all under a central, unquestionable authority?
Except that the majority of citizens in "Communist" countries were still religious, and Cuba is a real world example of a Catholic Communist country, and it outlasted pretty much all of the countries with policies that were nominally atheistic. So not only does it hold water, it has been proven to be correct. Also I love how when it comes to Communism, you only hold the original writings of Marx and Engels to be valid, and yet when it comes to Christianity you are very quick to discard the original writings upon which the Bible is based. Quite the double standard you have there.

Exactly, i couldnt say it better.
Arent the teachings of Jesus somewhat communist in that they are pro-social welfare and anti-greed, and all under a central, unquestionable authority?

Never heard jesus called a commi before lol.

I'm afraid I'm kind of lost. Anti-greed yes and trying to spread equality through the people by the rich giving to the poor. Yes however the similarities end there, he of course did not give orders on government ownership etc. :/.

We seem to have gotten off track of the original reason why atheism was brought up. It has almost been turned into a "not a real atheist......" argument.

I understand there are leaders who lead other ways ie allowing religion in their country like Cuba. My reason for bringing them up in the first place was to disprove the usually unquestioned myth of "atheists kill less than religious people"
Never heard jesus called a commi before lol.

I'm afraid I'm kind of lost. Anti-greed yes and trying to spread equality through the people by the rich giving to the poor. Yes however the similarities end there, he of course did not give orders on government ownership etc. :/.

We seem to have gotten off track of the original reason why atheism was brought up. It has almost been turned into a "not a real atheist......" argument.

I understand there are leaders who lead other ways ie allowing religion in their country like Cuba. My reason for bringing them up in the first place was to disprove the usually unquestioned myth of "atheists kill less than religious people"
You don't seem to understand the difference between someone who is an atheist who kills people and someone who kills people because they're an atheist (or communist)
Never heard jesus called a commi before lol.

I'm afraid I'm kind of lost. Anti-greed yes and trying to spread equality through the people by the rich giving to the poor. Yes however the similarities end there, he of course did not give orders on government ownership etc. :/.

We seem to have gotten off track of the original reason why atheism was brought up. It has almost been turned into a "not a real atheist......" argument.

I understand there are leaders who lead other ways ie allowing religion in their country like Cuba. My reason for bringing them up in the first place was to disprove the usually unquestioned myth of "atheists kill less than religious people"
And yet Atheists, who represent 3.1% of the U.S. population, make up only 0.1% of the U.S. prison population.
And yet Atheists, who represent 3.1% of the U.S. population, make up only 0.1% of the U.S. prison population.

Can you please link a study showing that number? I'm stuggling to find one with 0.1% as the result.

Regardless we are now talking about another issue.

Many of these people shouldn't have been imprisoned.


Drug offences; 46.4%

You would need to find out which offence is linked to which faith for your number to hold any meaning.

It's a well known fact prisons NEED to fill their cells to keep money flowing so an easy way to do it is lifting petty criminals (cannabis users and such)


You'll see here that the violent offences are a minority.
Never heard jesus called a commi before lol.

I'm afraid I'm kind of lost. Anti-greed yes and trying to spread equality through the people by the rich giving to the poor. Yes however the similarities end there, he of course did not give orders on government ownership etc. :/.

We seem to have gotten off track of the original reason why atheism was brought up. It has almost been turned into a "not a real atheist......" argument.

I understand there are leaders who lead other ways ie allowing religion in their country like Cuba. My reason for bringing them up in the first place was to disprove the usually unquestioned myth of "atheists kill less than religious people"

Really, you've never seen anybody compare Jesus's teachings to communism? Are you new to the internet?

Damn, I really wish you could just comprehend the millions ways I've explained the same exact point. Here it is one more time:

Stalin being atheist has zero influence on his decision to kill. The definition of atheism doesn't in any way, shape, or form call for the killing of anybody. He is a real atheist, but his rationale for killing comes from elsewhere.

Back to topic, I think there is an argument that Christianity can be twisted logically by a person to justify murder (ex: murdering a homosexual because God says homosexuality is a sin: obviously most Christians today would argue against this, but probably not 200 years ago). IMO that simply isn't possible with Atheism, it doesn't make rational, logical sense. This is the last time I'm typing this.