will be turning to 12 on 12 in 1 week


Well-Known Member
hi people. decided to show some pics of my babys. im growing 10 rhyno cuttings under 1200 watts hps. they are about 3 weeks old at the moment. will be tuning the lights in about a week to 12/12. as you can see im growing in coco and im feeding them on canna coco a&b and cannazym. they are in a 10 pot willma drip system. i will start giving them canna boost in about 2 weeks and some pk13/14 in about 7 weeks.

please let me know what you think.. thanks

will start adding new pics every week so you can see how they are coming along!!



Well-Known Member
White Rhyno, Where did you get those seeds and for how much?

You got stealth and a lot of room there.
i didnt get seeds. i got cuttings from a friend of mine. not sure where he got the seeds hes had the mother for a long time.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know an easy way to raise my humidity in my grow. at the moment its 41, ive been reading the growfaq and it says it should be between 50 and 60?


Well-Known Member
does anyone know an easy way to raise my humidity in my grow. at the moment its 41, ive been reading the growfaq and it says it should be between 50 and 60?
dont worry bout it. your flowering real soon and flowering and humidity=bud rot. thats why people reccomend lowering humidity during flower


New Member
You dont want to be adding any humidity at this point, but in veg if you want to add some just leave some open water near the plants.

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-super sweet setup you got there bro.superb healthy plants as well.

keep that good work up mate...


Well-Known Member
That is a sick set up man :) Beats my box all to hell. Lmao. Nice looking girls and good luck with the grow dude.


Well-Known Member
looking good buddy keep up the good work.
hi fellow growers.
thanks bonghits.

heres some more pics of my babys, they have been on 12/12 for two days now.
as you can see they are starting to fill out nicely.
will give them there last pruning today and start them on some canna boost in about a week.

will be posting pics of them every sunday.

