Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
No, you are a Nazi because of the nazi sentiments you have expressed over time. Speaking historical facts is besides the point. All good lies and most delusional thought is based on a shred of truth.
Supporting the US Constitution makes one a Nazi. Thanks for clarifying.
No, being a Nazi makes you a Nazi. Warping the meaning of those smarter than you by taking them out of context and leveraging them for your own purposes is a common trick used by authoritarian lovers.

Fucking Nazi shill. You are either evil or too stupid and mean-spirited to know better.
go ahead and start citing, unless of course your anus is so cavernous you have plenty of material to manufacture yourself.
It was a bump stock. You can buy them anywhere. It's a waste of bullets and you can't aim the rifle for shit. Think about that. They guy was shooting from 566 yards at a downward angle. Research what a bump stock is.

There's lots of lies being spread about the shooting. Like always politicians will ride people's coffins to get elected.
Tell us the effective range of a .223 or a .308 round is, oh master gunsmith? Pretty fucking far right? Go ahead, enlighten us..
Downward angle? What the fuck does that have to do shooting into a crowd of 20,000 people?
Apparently none.



These are just two of the 23 weapons found in his room, and one thing is clear, they killed 59 people, and wounded 515.
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The guy is an asshole, what do you expect.
The next thing out of his stupid fucking mouth will be its fake news.
Oh thats right, it already has.

"There's lots of lies being spread about the shooting"

You did say that right?

@SouthCross your just another Trump supporting idiot, aren't you?

Trump is taking us to war. He's a disgusting parrot. China will set us straight soon. Or at least try.

Lol, no man....I'm definitely not a chump supporter. He didn't get my consent to do a single thing.
Tell us the effective range of a .233 or a .308 round is, oh master gunsmith? Pretty fucking far right? Go ahead, enlighten us..
Downward angle? What the fuck does that have to do shooting into a crowd of 20,000 people?
Apparently none.



These are just two of the 23 weapons found in his room, and one thing is clear, they killed 59 people, and wounded 515.
upper left corner of pic 2 is how he broke the window. yellow handled sledgehammer.