Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

I'll swear on all my dead peoples, that using dry ferts over liquid will give you the best food for mycos, the liquid nutes go right into the plants roots cutting the mycos out of the process, the mycos need organic matter to eat, what they break down is taken into the roots for the plant, to use, any product with urea, EDTA, or chelated minerals will stagnate or kill them because the plant doesn't take in all the liquid ferts they store in the soil as salts. The salts will definitely kill them.
If it will kill them then why doesn't that say it on the directions? And I don't know if its killing the mycos thats why im asking. But imo it NOT because I can see better growth.
Because You keep adding them back into the medium, and who says bad things about their products? That's why you have to read the labels I know for sure Grow Big has chelated minerals that's why I never bought any.
Using Aquarium products does cause a salt buildup ....so using it for chloramine may help, but you may get locked out in the process. How do you know that the water is killing the myco are you seeing it happen first hand??? I use Plant Success also and i think it's a fantastic product. It works best when used in transplant applied directly to the rootball. I use it with my FF Grow Big and city tap and have no problems.... other than the fact that i have to transplant more often than not because i go heavy with the Plant Success.
How are you applying it?
The drops used to remove chloramine or chlorine will not cause salt build up in the medium. Yes the pH adjusting agents used in aquariums can cause issues.
Using Aquarium products does cause a salt buildup ....so using it for chloramine may help, but you may get locked out in the process. How do you know that the water is killing the myco are you seeing it happen first hand??? I use Plant Success also and i think it's a fantastic product. It works best when used in transplant applied directly to the rootball. I use it with my FF Grow Big and city tap and have no problems.... other than the fact that i have to transplant more often than not because i go heavy with the Plant Success.
How are you applying it?

I don't KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that it's killing the myco. But the directions I got with the Plant Success state to make sure water in non-cholrinated. I got the Plant Success Soluble on accident. Respected commercial growers i know use the granular and have better results. I mix a scoop a gallon every 4th feed. Plus when I transplant I load up the bottom and sides of the hole I make for the rootball.
so wet, do you think my water or food will kill them or has already killed them? I didn't think that you had to use more then once but the one dude said you did.
I don't KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that it's killing the myco. But the directions I got with the Plant Success state to make sure water in non-cholrinated. I got the Plant Success Soluble on accident. Respected commercial growers i know use the granular and have better results. I mix a scoop a gallon every 4th feed. Plus when I transplant I load up the bottom and sides of the hole I make for the rootball.

The best way to keep track of your personal micro herd. Go to Hobby Lobby and buy a basic microscope and some slides. You will not only learn how(hopefully)to identify different organisms. But you will also actually be able to use runoff in a positive manner...and its fun to watch those little bugs running about, trying to figure out who is who.......all done for under 50 bucks. Which in the end can prove to be priceless....
You know what? That is a fuckin GREAT idea. I was wondering if you could actually do that? You read my mind, much appreciated dude.
so wet, do you think my water or food will kill them or has already killed them? I didn't think that you had to use more then once but the one dude said you did.

IDK to be honest, it would just be a guess on my part. All I know for sure is MY water and food.

My water for the most part is tap, since I use well over 100 gallons to water everything. It's good tap, but still has some chloramine in it, like <3PPM.

I DO de-chlorinate it when I first apply the mycos @ transplant, but once they are established .........

For my food, it's mostly natural amendments and teas, but they do get a shot of Jack's or Dyna-Gro perhaps once/month if they are coming up short somewhere. I haven't noticed any negative effects.

The microscope is a great idea. From everything I've read and observed, you can't see mycos with the naked eye. These guys that go on about the soil being full of mycos are really seeing bacteria and thinking it's mycos. LOL Especially like on the top of cooking organic soil. The bacteria is a good thing, but it's not mycos.

Watchowidoit is absolutely 420% correct.

To the contrary you can see mycorrhizae fungi check the fuzzy extensions that are on the ends of the thinner feeder roots, that's them!
IDK to be honest, it would just be a guess on my part. All I know for sure is MY water and food.

My water for the most part is tap, since I use well over 100 gallons to water everything. It's good tap, but still has some chloramine in it, like <3PPM.

I DO de-chlorinate it when I first apply the mycos @ transplant, but once they are established .........

For my food, it's mostly natural amendments and teas, but they do get a shot of Jack's or Dyna-Gro perhaps once/month if they are coming up short somewhere. I haven't noticed any negative effects.

The microscope is a great idea. From everything I've read and observed, you can't see mycos with the naked eye. These guys that go on about the soil being full of mycos are really seeing bacteria and thinking it's mycos. LOL Especially like on the top of cooking organic soil. The bacteria is a good thing, but it's not mycos.

Watchowidoit is absolutely 420% correct.


100 gallons?? I know how much I go thru sooooooooo lol "WET FOR PRESIDENT"