will the police come to my home if i have 8/600watt hps. is electric a problem?


Well-Known Member
In the UK we dont have that problem. Police dont have access to electric supply records etc. But we do have heat cameras on helicopters. The smell should be your main concern. Make sure room is properly insulated and check you cant smell it from outside. That's where carbon filters come in.
SMELL? C'mon, man, really?
I smell shit at the gas station, mini mart, every once in a while in the 'hood, but I don't even blink twice.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't surprise me if an employee turns you in to collect a reward. Here in WA they pay $5k for each pot grow you turn in. Their phone number is even 1-800-388-grow

The Marijuana Eradication Program (MEP) is sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration and managed by the Washington State Patrol.
The emphasis of this program is to consolidate the efforts of federal, state, and local enforcement agencies to eradicate marijuana-growing operations within the state of Washington.
This program needs your assistance to be successful.
The MEP Hotline receives and monitors anonymous information from concerned citizens regarding marijuana-growing operations. This information is sent to an enforcement agency in the jurisdiction of the reported marijuana grow for action.
Up to $5,000 for information leading to the seizure of marijuana-growing operations.
...they may indicate the illegal growing of marijuana.

  • Covered or blackened windows
  • Loud humming sound from fans or ballasts
  • Strong musty order
  • Large amounts of potting soil, containers, fertilizers, hoses, halide light systems, ballasts.
  • Use of guard dogs
  • Posted property
  • Security Systems

  • Large purchases of fertilizer, garden hoses, PVC pipe, camouflage netting
  • "No Trespassing" or "Keep Out" signs
  • Guard Dogs
  • Unusual structure or items in remote forested areas; buckets, garden tools, fertilizer bags, etc...
fuck, I have covered windows and my dogs sound mean, also humming dehumidifier and fans.


Active Member
Or do it the hide in open view. Go to the eledtric co and ask about any rebates they have for updating to Green appliances. Have them do a free inspection to see how you could lower your bill. Then ask about a l/arge heated outdoor pool or sauna can be run off the existing main panel. Well how big of a sauna room can I run off my panel? How much would my bill go up if it was straight resistive heating ? 4800 watts 24/7 to keep the rocks hot?? Bug enough people and they will just want you to go away; Never visit a crazies sauna!

Or actually purchase a new washer and dryer from them then part of your increase will not be power will be printed on bill and increased power explained. My wife actually likes hot water for her bath and to wash diapers go figure!


Active Member
im more concerned about posting and talking about my shit openly on here more than my electricity usuage! lol
Why would I be concerned my tomatoes grew on the side walk all summer in the apts. And move them inside My name should be on a list somewhere in Smyrna as the person that walked in and turned over 3 pounds of grass when the grower got paranoid they were coming to get them? Dont know what it is but it fills the door!


Well-Known Member
They already have a warrant and are coming for you.
hehe I grew some in the room 3~ years ago, then stopped, but I left black plastic taped over the windows without even thinking about it and a couple months ago my wife was saying isn't it weird that you have black stuff covering the windows? I'd never thought of it until then. Meanwhile the meter reader walks past the window to check the meter.

Just hoping Seattle + medical card + small operation = not getting door kicked down and pets shot.

Low profile

Active Member


Well-Known Member
I've always assumed the ones who think they got popped for electrical use either don't want to admit it or don't even realize it was some other variable that led the cops to your door. The just ignorantly think they are perfectly invisible and assume the only way they could of got busted is if the cops cheated.
I've always assumed the ones who think they got popped for electrical use either don't want to admit it or don't even realize it was some other variable that led the cops to your door. The just ignorantly think they are perfectly invisible and assume the only way they could of got busted is if the cops cheated.
very true. think how nerdy and unrealistic it sounds for cops to be seeing increased power as 100% evidence. its more likely they got tipped off by your neighbor and used the bill to back up their story or you've gone and told the wrong people about what your doing. be more concerned about telling people or your wife telling people. i cant remember where i got it but theres a ten commandments for growing. the first rule was dont tell anyone. yes its cool but they will think so too and people get jealous and in the jealously tell other people that cool story and then who the fuck knows who is aware of what you are doing.

for the guy running the 8 lights, i suppose that is A LOT of power. so yea, be extra careful. make those dummy calls to your supplier. run 4 on and 4 off in two rooms. blacked out windows can be solved by putting up blinds first and then blacking them out. from the outside it just looks like closed blinds.

for extra stealth, run surveillance where people cant see the camera's. watch when your neighbors are home and when theyre not. get an idea of what their schedule is like and try to do obvious construction or moving bud, etc. when they are out.


A neighbor has a dog grooming business in her home and uses twice the electricity that I do. Personally, these computer servers seem to driven my bill by 75%. Nod & wink.


Well-Known Member
This is what you do, Call your power company and explain to them you are putting in 4,5,6 space heaters with the same wattage as your lights, Ask them if you need them to come out to the house to hook them up or do anything to ensure its not too much juice, act pretty stupid about electricity and explain that you need these because its too expensive to install/use gas. you just replace your furnace with baseboard heating or an electric heat pump. What if you had a hot tub, heated driveway, heated pool, night time floodlights. the list of consumer shit you can plug into your walls in endless, oh whats that your starting a welding hobbyinst shop in your garage? I wonder how much juice that would use. It doesn't matter how big your bill is, your only giveaway is the spikes in the usage. Make sure you contact the company and ask for recommendations. Use words like my megawatt usage(stupid).Those telephone people write reports for every time you call. If for some reason there was a flag raised they will look at your account and have a record of the call and concern. Then all of a sudden you have a legitimate, forewarned excuse for excess power consumption. Summertime its a air-conditioner, no, 4 of them. 10,000 btu bitches, and you just installed a pond with a fountain that uses a big ass water pump. You don't need to call all the time to ask permission to hook shit up, your calling because you want to make sure there's nothing special required of you, from the electric company, for these improvements, which of course there isn't.
Hope you can use something out of this
fukin planet u on... lol... ring them up oh yeh thats c,lever put yourself on the radar lol

dont do shit just remember PAY FOR THE ELECTRICITY


Well-Known Member
I spoke to a friend today he told me his buddy works for the electric company (and also grows lol) he said sometimes he calls people with excessively high bills and says they are clearly visible and warns them to move "their tomatoes " if they are growing any! what a joker! I am not sure yet if they pick them out and tip off the police thats something I cannot confirm.. nor do i believe. surely if the company is getting paid more from all these cannabis grows they wouldnt tell their workers to spend time (and employment costs) to pick out growers to lessen their profits.. it doesn't make sense to me.. am i the only one?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
pay your bill on time. Have it wired by someone who knows what they're doing. dont steal electricity