Budley Doright
Well-Known Member
Ya I grew up with many many thalidomide kids, tragic. I believe it was for morning sickness? There have been a few mistakes made but the Billions helped far out way the tragedies. The opioid crisis is the most recent tragedy. When my doctor prescribed it for my back injury (fell off a 25’ ladder that my boss was supposedly steadying) I can clear as day remembering him say “yup newest thing on the market and not addictive like other opiates. The hot blonde sale rep was just leaving his officeDoctor offered thalidomide to mom, glad she passed it up. The mRNA downfall of being too specific is also its strength. They identify just a portion of the virus so any antibodies developed have a lessor effect on you. But with a major change in the variant it may miss the new guy in town. Might need a booster shot at a later date. Now if we do not snuff out most of the reinfections then there is a chance some dimwit will get the first shot and not the second allowing the variant to be mostly killed but some of the virus with a completly new mutation used the person as a petri dish. And then pass that one along.
Ain't life grand?