Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Doctor offered thalidomide to mom, glad she passed it up. The mRNA downfall of being too specific is also its strength. They identify just a portion of the virus so any antibodies developed have a lessor effect on you. But with a major change in the variant it may miss the new guy in town. Might need a booster shot at a later date. Now if we do not snuff out most of the reinfections then there is a chance some dimwit will get the first shot and not the second allowing the variant to be mostly killed but some of the virus with a completly new mutation used the person as a petri dish. And then pass that one along.

Ain't life grand?
Ya I grew up with many many thalidomide kids, tragic. I believe it was for morning sickness? There have been a few mistakes made but the Billions helped far out way the tragedies. The opioid crisis is the most recent tragedy. When my doctor prescribed it for my back injury (fell off a 25’ ladder that my boss was supposedly steadying) I can clear as day remembering him say “yup newest thing on the market and not addictive like other opiates. The hot blonde sale rep was just leaving his office :(.
Nothing to see here.

Got any reliable sources Bob?

Got any reliable sources Bob?

It's early and perhaps our coffee hasn't kicked in.

Was pretty sure Lew Rockwell published info, "from the CDC" . Would you like Dr. Fauci to give you a call and tell you it's okay?
Some people just don't understand that you will never have 100% positive results with something of this the magnitude. There is no such thing as a "one size fits every person on the planet"..... There are only acceptable risks and non-acceptable risks.

If you give a few simple paracetamol tabs to 100 million people, some of them will have severely negative side effects from it or even die. Does that mean the whole world needs to stop taking paracetamol? And within one week thousands and thousands of those people will have died from a plethora of non-related reasons. The global deathrate stands at 163,898 deaths per day, with or without Corona. Averse reactions are just what happens when dealing with groups of people this large. It is unavoidable. Following every daft antivaxxer theory just because nature happens or because nothing is perfect is ludicrous.

Look at Europe now. 40 people got blood clots after being injected with the AstraZeneca's vaccin and most EU countries stopped giving it to their population. One: it's not even proven that it's related or whether these people had pre-existing conditions and two: 40 bad cases out of what, 5 million already injected, are in fact great odds. It's 0.0008%.

If you think a 0.0008% chance is too much risk and worth your time raving and ranting on the internet thinking you are smart about refusing to take the vaccine that will make life normal again for everybody on the planet, better lock your doors and never come outside anymore because you have a way bigger chance than that to have a traffic accident or food poisoning every time you go out.

Funny when people who have been eating junk food, sniffing 20% "pure" coke and smoking pesticide sprayed weed their whole lives suddenly become experts on what's safe to use and what's not.
If somebody owned an interest in vaccines and also owned an interest in media, would they have a reason not to publish vaccine issues ?

Asking for a fiend.

It's early and perhaps our coffee hasn't kicked in.

Was pretty sure Lew Rockwell published info, "from the CDC" . Would you like Dr. Fauci to give you a call and tell you it's okay?

You’re pretty sure are you? Instead of reading a tainted report from a Libertarian rag, why not go directly to the CDC website?

Clip from the article above:

“A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths”

Go peddle your bullshit somewhere else.
You’re pretty sure are you? Instead of reading a tainted report from a Libertarian rag, why not go directly to the CDC website?

Clip from the article above:

“A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths”

Go peddle your bullshit somewhere else.

So, what you're saying is, a "suspected covid comorbidity death" IS a covid death, but a suspected vaccine related death IS NOT a vaccine death ?

Science !!!
But wait...there's more!

0 for 2 Bob. Tsk tsk.

If somebody owned an interest in vaccines and also owned an interest in media, would they have a reason not to publish vaccine issues ?

Asking for a fiend.

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Im not saying anything other than the “sources” you are so proud of sharing are flagged as conspiracy pseudoscience.


So, what you're saying is, a "suspected covid comorbidity death" IS a covid death, but a suspected vaccine related death IS NOT a vaccine death ?

You never answered this question.

I suspect you might be guilty of applying two different standards to hear only the pleasant sounds in your echo chamber.

Bill Gates is micro and soft.
You never answered this question.

I suspect you might be guilty of applying two different standards to hear only the pleasant sounds in your echo chamber.

Bill Gates is micro and soft.
Nice try Bob. Unfortunately though, another epic fail.

You didn’t ask a question, you implied I said something that I didn’t. I don’t feel any sense of responsibility to answer a non question that implied something that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

I’m not going on a ride on the crazy Rob Roy merry go round. I suggest you stick with pestering the new members and sharing your bogus articles with the gang at your next oath keepers meeting.

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Nice try Bob. Unfortunately though, another epic fail.

You didn’t ask a question, you implied I said something that I didn’t. I don’t feel any sense of responsibility to answer a non question that implied something that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

I’m not going on a ride on the crazy Rob Roy merry go round. I suggest you stick with pestering the new members.

Just drop the occasional insult on him, sometimes the stupid is too hard to resist! :lol:
Will insurance companies send out notices to people telling them if the choose not to be vaccinated and are hospitalized for covid they won't be covered?

After vaccinations have been offered, your health insurance could require a vaccination for coverage on covid and related conditions. We don't worry about that stuff in Canada, but your insurance company might be interested in saving many billions of dollars! Since the healthcare insurance lobbyist own the GOP establishment in congress and the democrats want as many people to be vaccinated as possible ASAP...

I wonder what the cutoff date will be? ;)