Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Will insurance companies send out notices to people telling them if the choose not to be vaccinated and are hospitalized for covid they won't be covered?

After vaccinations have been offered, your health insurance could require a vaccination for coverage on covid and related conditions. We don't worry about that stuff in Canada, but your insurance company might be interested in saving many billions of dollars! Since the healthcare insurance lobbyist own the GOP establishment in congress and the democrats want as many people to be vaccinated as possible ASAP...

I wonder what the cutoff date will be? ;)
Yeah, that likely won't happen. If it was the case there would not be so many children out there now who are not vaccinated due to religious or cultural reasons. Yet still in the public schools. Oh the future is going to be interesting.
Will insurance companies send out notices to people telling them if the choose not to be vaccinated and are hospitalized for covid they won't be covered?

After vaccinations have been offered, your health insurance could require a vaccination for coverage on covid and related conditions. We don't worry about that stuff in Canada, but your insurance company might be interested in saving many billions of dollars! Since the healthcare insurance lobbyist own the GOP establishment in congress and the democrats want as many people to be vaccinated as possible ASAP...

I wonder what the cutoff date will be? ;)

2 years from the beginning of the EUA, so Jan 2023ish?
Some people just don't understand that you will never have 100% positive results with something of this the magnitude. There is no such thing as a "one size fits every person on the planet"..... There are only acceptable risks and non-acceptable risks.

If you give a few simple paracetamol tabs to 100 million people, some of them will have severely negative side effects from it or even die. Does that mean the whole world needs to stop taking paracetamol? And within one week thousands and thousands of those people will have died from a plethora of non-related reasons. The global deathrate stands at 163,898 deaths per day, with or without Corona. Averse reactions are just what happens when dealing with groups of people this large. It is unavoidable. Following every daft antivaxxer theory just because nature happens or because nothing is perfect is ludicrous.

Look at Europe now. 40 people got blood clots after being injected with the AstraZeneca's vaccin and most EU countries stopped giving it to their population. One: it's not even proven that it's related or whether these people had pre-existing conditions and two: 40 bad cases out of what, 5 million already injected, are in fact great odds. It's 0.0008%.

If you think a 0.0008% chance is too much risk and worth your time raving and ranting on the internet thinking you are smart about refusing to take the vaccine that will make life normal again for everybody on the planet, better lock your doors and never come outside anymore because you have a way bigger chance than that to have a traffic accident or food poisoning every time you go out.

Funny when people who have been eating junk food, sniffing 20% "pure" coke and smoking pesticide sprayed weed their whole lives suddenly become experts on what's safe to use and what's not.
Right, and then the media loves to blow up these rare instances of the shot not working.
When I told my coworker I was getting the shot she show me a news report video of a nurse who got the shots back in January and then gets tested Covid positive in March.

The coworker is hesitant to get the shot . I tried to explain it’s a rare case but she appeared unmoved . But when I asked if if she knew that our company is paying 2 hours bonus pay PTO for every shot and didn’t know that , she changed her mind real fast and got real excited and said, oh yeah I am def getting the shots .
Finally got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today‼☃☃☃ Took forever to get here in chicago:mad: All my buddies in TX are already fully vaccinated, crazy...
Rural Montana counties have so little vaccine they are still vaccinating the elderly, meanwhile the bigger cities are giving it to pretty much anyone. The vaccine rollout here is the clearest indication to me that the USA is on the road to failed statehood.
My cousin told me something interesting today-3 of his coworkers, all of whom have been vaccinated, just tested positive for Covid and are now quarantining. Makes you wonder how many of these vaccine doses are just bunk, or maybe weren't stored properly, etc.
My first thought is that....maybe it's fine? Maybe the the test is just detecting the dead virus cells?
My cousin told me something interesting today-3 of his coworkers, all of whom have been vaccinated, just tested positive for Covid and are now quarantining. Makes you wonder how many of these vaccine doses are just bunk, or maybe weren't stored properly, etc.
What kind of test was it? A test for antibodies or a test for an active infection?

Did they all get the jab in the same session?

Not much information and a lot of speculation.
My cousin told me something interesting today-3 of his coworkers, all of whom have been vaccinated, just tested positive for Covid and are now quarantining. Makes you wonder how many of these vaccine doses are just bunk, or maybe weren't stored properly, etc.
Being vaccinated doesn't mean you can't catch covid. It does mean you are protected from most if not all of its effects.

Also, from the time you've been vaccinated, it takes two to three weeks for it to build up your immunity.

So many people get stupid, get a shot, think they're safe, throw caution in the garbage can and go out partying and catch it.

There's also the likelihood they caught it before they got vaccinated.

There's also the possibility they're lying. So I'd take that story with half the shaker of salt.
The vaccines are clearly made of gay man semen that will make you want to go shoe shopping with AOC and eat flax seed by the handful.
It's not complicated at all.

Risk of Covid causing death or long term illness >>> vaccine causing death or long term illness

Cost of dealing with Covid illnesses >>> cost of vaccine

Emotional strain of remaining socially distant from friends and family >>> emotional strain of getting an appointment for vaccine

There are others that come to mind. But really, the decision is easy to make. I'm not stupid. I'll take the vaccine, any of them, when it is available to me.
They just opened up registration for 55+ for Astro Zeneca here. I’m registering (I’m 59) right away.
Ontario is in shutdown, even conservatives here have some sense. Dunno when I'm up for the jab, but we're getting a lot of supply in Canada lately, I'm 66 so I figure it won't be that long. Astro will do just fine for me, though an mRNA vaccine is preferred, but hey, beggars can't be choosers!
A close friend that I have regular contact with was just admitted to the hospital with covid today. Been trying to be very careful with contact of everyone, hope it was enough. I'm already registered for the vaccine but haven't been contacted yet, calling my doctor in the morning to see if I can jump the line.