Will You Take The Vaccine?

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Actually I’m still recovering from Trumps lies, the truth is like a breath of fresh air, thank you US brothers and sisters for doing your part in sacking that lying piece of baboon shit.
They all lie . The most important thing is that the people have confidence in their government. So they keep their heads down and work. If half of the lies that have been told in the past and will continue to be told in the future came out their would be civil unrest, riots, war. No one would pay tax no one would play ball. We’re all being fed bullshit all of the time and there’s not a leader around the world whos ready to TELL THE FULL TRUTH about anything. Why we trusting the same idiots over and over again and still just accepting their adulterated information. I’m not defending any politicians. Trump Biden Cameron Borris, they’re all full of it.
A consensus of responsible media opinion and reporting that use professional standards and practices. The truth it out there bitch slapping you in the face, but yer to stupid to see it cause yer head is full of bullshit.

I’m not denying any truth. All I’m saying is that a government who is proven to lie and has gotten away with it so many times will always lie
A consensus of responsible media opinion and reporting that use professional standards and practices. The truth it out there bitch slapping you in the face, but yer to stupid to see it cause yer head is full of bullshit.
Also where is the proof that these people are using professional standards, isn’t every piece of media and in the us subject to censorship anyways?, so even if they are doing the best job and are really telling the truth, are u telling me they’re not subject to censorship? By your government!
Also where is the proof that these people are using professional standards, isn’t every piece of media and in the us subject to censorship anyways?, so even if they are doing the best job and are really telling the truth, are u telling me they’re not subject to censorship? By your government!
Where is the truth then?
Where can I go to educate myself to what’s real or not?
You’ve obviously gathered some real truth as a point of reference.
Also where is the proof that these people are using professional standards, isn’t every piece of media and in the us subject to censorship anyways?, so even if they are doing the best job and are really telling the truth, are u telling me they’re not subject to censorship? By your government!
How about the BBC, the CBC, CTV and all the western foreign media, you've got a problem with processing information and don't know shit from silver. Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes, everybody lies too, including you and including to yourself.
Where is the truth then?
Where can I go to educate myself to what’s real or not?
You’ve obviously gathered some real truth as a point of reference.
The real full and whole truth stops when it reaches government, and they decide what they want us to know. Look at the past, it’s staring us in the face, they hide whatever they want, lie about whatever they want and get away with it to do it again. If Edward snowden hadn’t of blew his whistle do u think the spying on the public by top security agencies would’ve been common knowledge by now? Ungortunately for us we have to wait for tiny glimpses of the truth when it comes to stuff our public servants don’t want us to know about. I’m not saying I don’t believe in covid, vaccines or anything else. I’m saying I can’t trust the people who spread this information as it’s all controlled by an agenda.
How about the BBC, the CBC, CTV and all the western foreign media, you've got a problem with processing information and don't know shit from silver. Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes, everybody lies too, including you and including to yourself.
Professional standards ? Lying? Sound like 2 different organisations to me mate
How about the BBC, the CBC, CTV and all the western foreign media, you've got a problem with processing information and don't know shit from silver. Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes, everybody lies too, including you and including to yourself.
Are they or are they not subject to censorship from the highest possible authority?
Also where is the proof that these people are using professional standards, isn’t every piece of media and in the us subject to censorship anyways?, so even if they are doing the best job and are really telling the truth, are u telling me they’re not subject to censorship? By your government!
You sound like your from Russia or living under some other totalitarian regime, Trump tried that but it didn't work out for him. The world is a complex place with many competing factions, many versions of the truth and many alternative realities, but here's the thing, ya either have a grasp on the true nature of reality or you do not. Delusion is normal we use it all the time and almost half the US population was delusional about Trump or they were just racist assholes, perhaps both.
If a government is trustworthy why are they censoring the information intended for us? Explain that ?
You sound like your from Russia or living under some other totalitarian regime, Trump tried that but it didn't work out for him. The world is a complex place with many competing factions, many versions of the truth and many alternative realities, but here's the thing, ya either have a grasp on the true nature of reality or you do not. Delusion is normal we use it all the time and almost half the US population was delusional about Trump or they were just racist assholes, perhaps both.
They all lie . The most important thing is that the people have confidence in their government. So they keep their heads down and work. If half of the lies that have been told in the past and will continue to be told in the future came out their would be civil unrest, riots, war. No one would pay tax no one would play ball. We’re all being fed bullshit all of the time and there’s not a leader around the world whos ready to TELL THE FULL TRUTH about anything. Why we trusting the same idiots over and over again and still just accepting their adulterated information. I’m not defending any politicians. Trump Biden Cameron Borris, they’re all full of it.
So what do you suggest is the solution? Do you have one?
The real full and whole truth stops when it reaches government, and they decide what they want us to know. Look at the past, it’s staring us in the face, they hide whatever they want, lie about whatever they want and get away with it to do it again. If Edward snowden hadn’t of blew his whistle do u think the spying on the public by top security agencies would’ve been common knowledge by now? Ungortunately for us we have to wait for tiny glimpses of the truth when it comes to stuff our public servants don’t want us to know about. I’m not saying I don’t believe in covid, vaccines or anything else. I’m saying I can’t trust the people who spread this information as it’s all controlled by an agenda.

I hope you can sort this out.
I think four years of Trump has created a large number of people stuck in a serious disinformation loop.
Good luck to you brother.
I hope you can sort this out.
I think four years of Trump has created a large number of people stuck in a serious disinformation loop.
Good luck to you brother.

everyone knows how to stop looping. do they want to? fantasy can be quite the aphrodisiac.

once Dor-freak and Suckerbergmydickmuch cut him off was a big part of it..i heard FB is re-considering and they've put a focus group together to decide.

if they let him back on FB..hell will hath no fury like myself and I won't be responsible for the things i think up and execute (freudian slip) from a distance. i mean Silly String travels so far and i wasn't even aware of its flamability until you guys told me so.
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So what do you suggest is the solution? Do you have one?
No I do not, unfortunately we are stuck with this. It is the nature of the human. Power will always be maintained with tactics like this, you think the new president doesn’t answer to the exact same people the old one did? And this is not the public, cos if it was there would be no censorship, no lies no adulterated information. We’re stuck with it. It’s so sad but it’s reality. I’m from the U.K. btw not Russia or China
No I do not, unfortunately we are stuck with this. It is the nature of the human. Power will always be maintained with tactics like this, you think the new president doesn’t answer to the exact same people the old one did? And this is not the public, cos if it was there would be no censorship, no lies no adulterated information. We’re stuck with it. It’s so sad but it’s reality. I’m from the U.K. btw not Russia or China

‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’