Will You Take The Vaccine?

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Nope. Never said I was covered in boils.
Success looks like extensive, not rushed, studies and testing prior to release to the public. Ensuring the public’s safety.
Not trying to convince anybody. Can’t have my own opinion? Cancel culture has consumed you too?
How long do you think it would take to determine if it's "safe"?
How many lives would be lost while this was determined?
How many would the vaccines kill in the end?

Your notions of "public safety" would kill hundreds of thousands of people and I'm willing to bet the goal post would be moving. Half witted autonomy describes your posts, you are not a scientist and have no clue as to how science works. You could also be something much worse, a murdering bastard. It's a binary choice between stupid and malicious at this point.
Wonder why people don’t blindly trust the government. Hmm.

Army Conducted 239 Secret, Open-Air Germ Warfare Tests

By George C. Wilson
March 9, 1977
The Army disclosed yesterday that it secretly conducted 239 germ warfare tests in open air between 1949 and 1969, some tests releasing live but supposedly harmless microscope "bugs" at Washington's Greyhound bus terminal and National Airport as part of the experiment.
THe idea, according to a two-volume report the Army gave to the senate health subcommittee yesterday, was to learn how to wage biological warfare and defend against it.
THe washington tests started in 1949 at an undisclosed location and were conducted again in may, 1965, at the bus terminal and airport.
Washingtin was one of five cities where the Army released simulated lethal germs i public places. Other cities where the public served as unknowing guinea pigs were New York, San Francisco, Key West and panama City, Fla.

A11 told, the Army listed 27 times that it tested simulated toxins on public property, including releasing spores in two tunnels on a stretch of pennsylavia Turnpike.
In addition to those experiments in public places, the Army secretary used military personnel and their families for open air experiments by spraying simulated germs into the air at a number of bases, including Fort Detrick, Md.; Fort Belvoir, Va.; and the Marine training school at Quantico, Va.
The Army said in ite report that the tests were "essential" to "substantiate theories and fill knowledge gaps and to determine vulnerability to attack." The live bacteria the Army employed were deemed harmless at the time, the report said.

But Sen. Richard S. Scheweiker (R-Pa.) told Army witnesses at the Senate subcommittee hearing yesterday that "it is very risky indeed to assume that any living organism, rediced to germ warfare size and released in a populated area, is ever safe."
In the 1950 San Francisco tests, the bacteria Seriatta Marcescens was used. Medical searchers suspect it may have caused 11 cases pneumonia in the bay area, including one [WORD ILLEGIBLE]
The Army report acknowledges that the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ice recognised in 1969 that the germ should be used in experiments because large does [WORD ILLEGIBLE] could produce disease.
Besides the suspicions of illness causes [WORD ILLEGIBLE] experiments outside Army laboratories Army listed yesterday the casualties [WORD ILLEGIBLE] those who worked directly with the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ganisms. The Army said three laboratorers at Fort Detrick died from diseases contracted in the 1950s and 1960s, as had been reported previously.

Another 504 workers connected with biological warfare activities at Ft. Detrick, Dugway proving Ground and the Deseret test Center in Utah and the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas suffered infections, according to the Army's count.
THe Army released its censored report, believed the miost complete official version of this nation's biological warfare effort, as Chairman Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) of the Senate health subcommittee convened a hearing on the subject.
Kennedy released a summary of a separate Central Intelligency Agency report which showed that the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA used germ warfare against the head of Nazi Germany's Reichbank during World War 11 to prevent him from attending an economic meeting.

IN what is believed the first official acknowledgement that the United States engaged in germ warfare, OSS agents managed to give Hjalmar Schact, Nazi Germany's leading banker, food poisoning. The CIA summary did not supply the date or how the poison was administered.
The Army, in its two-volume report, traced the history of the U.S. biological warfare program from 1942 when President Nixon renounced the use of biology weapons. The military's effort since then, according to the Army, had been confined to studying defensive measures against biology warfare.
The Army report eaid testing of biological warfare agents rose sharply after May, 1961 when then Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to "evaluate the potentialities" of both biological and chemical warfare, "considering all possible applications."

The Joint Chiefs, the report said estimated it would cost $4 billion to obtain "McNamara's complete spcctrum" of biological and chemical warfare capability.
THe Pentagon's research the director at the time, Harold Brown, who is now Secretary od Defense, "strongly concurred in the JCS view that these weapons had great potential," according to the report which mentioned Brown by position but not by name.
McNamara accepted the Joint Chief's recommendations as modified by Brown'n office, the report said, and a detailed chemical and biological warfare program was laid down. "Overall," the report continued. "The project resulted in large increases in U.S. Army BW [biology warfare] programs."

in releasing the two-volume report, Army Secretary Clifford L. Alexander said that the Army's biological warefare program from its inception was characterized by continuing in depth reviewq and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officails."
Brig. Gen. William S. Augerson, Army assistant surgeon general, told the senate subcommittee that the Army sometimes used human volunteers for biological experiments but projected them to a degree which "equalled or exceeded" civilian safeguards. "We know of no death of permanent injury in any volunteer in this program," Augersin said.
Valid point.......:)
How long do you think it would take to determine if it's "safe"?
How many lives would be lost while this was determined?
How many would the vaccines kill in the end?

Your notions of "public safety" would kill hundreds of thousands of people and I'm willing to bet the goal post would be moving. Half witted autonomy describes your posts, you are not a scientist and have no clue as to how science works. You could also be something much worse, a murdering bastard. It's a binary choice between stupid and malicious at this point.
Everything has been politicized, that is how the attack on our society works.

My money is on all the scientists who are not trolls and double checking everyones work to make sure that they do the best they can for our health.

As for the ones that are being 'censored' I call bullshit. Unless you are not talking about American doctors because I don't know shit about what other nations are doing tbh.
They are being censored. Any doctor or scientist who cites the 14 random control trials that show that masks don’t work for preventing transmission of a virus gets censored. Or if they talk about the vaccine adverse events and deaths being reported they will be censored. The vast majority of these “covid-19 deaths” being reported are based off of PCR tests and not definitive tests. PCR tests are known to cause false positives. If you die from a heart attack and happen to test positive on a PCR test for covid-19 it will be recorded in the covid deaths.
Well my friends daughter and grandchildren with covid had another set back, the kids seem to be recovering but the daughter had a crisis and had her leg amputated below the knee. She's diabetic and had a infection in her foot and went to the hospital to have it looked at, that's where she got covid. Don't know if there is any connection but it does seem to be more than a coincidence but I think covid was probably a contributing factor. Some people get covid toes which is more than likely blood clot related, with diabetes already causing poor circulation and healing, covid blood clots may have led to the infection getting much worse and ending in amputation.
They are being censored. Any doctor or scientist who cites the 14 random control trials that show that masks don’t work for preventing transmission of a virus gets censored. Or if they talk about the vaccine adverse events and deaths being reported they will be censored.
Where did you see this?

Is it something that you have seen in real life in your professional career? Or is it from some troll website?

What do you mean by 'censored', maybe we should start there. Examples would be fantastic.

The vast majority of these “covid-19 deaths” being reported are based off of PCR tests and not definitive tests.
And this is something that you are confident in your knowledge of from some kind of professional position? You have experience working with these tests to know enough to figure out the different between bullshit propaganda and legit science?

Are you even sure they are real doctors on whatever propaganda that I am going out on a limb to say you saw this narrative on?


It is worth understanding as much about the ways people can lie to us now and put our trust in the people whose entire careers are built under the scrutiny of other people constantly evaluating their work.

PCR tests are known to cause false positives. If you die from a heart attack and happen to test positive on a PCR test for covid-19 it will be recorded in the covid deaths.
Doesn't everything have false positives?

Do you think maybe all of the extra protocols that may happen to have to clean those areas and body disposal or whatever else that I have no clue how it really works in hospitals when someone dies and has a deadly virus, cost money?

Do you think it is likely too that those hospital workers having a positive case have a increase in chance that someone gets sick and puts the hospital in a bind to cover shifts.

I would quit listening to the trolling. It might be so satisfying to 'own the libs' like they do on Fox and hate radio every handful of seconds with some well thought out burn, but it is all just bullshit distractions to their true message of "Democrats are bad people". To trick their cult into voting Republican.

Well my friends daughter and grandchildren with covid had another set back, the kids seem to be recovering but the daughter had a crisis and had her leg amputated below the knee. She's diabetic and had a infection in her foot and went to the hospital to have it looked at, that's where she got covid. Don't know if there is any connection but it does seem to be more than a coincidence but I think covid was probably a contributing factor. Some people get covid toes which is more than likely blood clot related, with diabetes already causing poor circulation and healing, covid blood clots may have led to the infection getting much worse and ending in amputation.

Seriously sucks man, that is horrifying.
January 26, 2021
Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19

At a Glance
  • The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection.
  • The results provide hope that people receiving SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will develop similar lasting immune memories after vaccination.
Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Colorized scanning electron micrograph of a cell, isolated from a patient sample, that is heavily infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus particles (red). NIAID Integrated Research Facility, Fort Detrick, Maryland


Hundreds take part in rally at Forks to protest public health orders
Several hundred people took part in a rally at The Forks on Sunday afternoon to protest the continuing public health orders and restrictions in place in Manitoba.

Presented by Winnipeg Alternative Media and promoted by the Manitoba Together advocacy group, the rally featured controversial Ontario activist Chris “Sky” Saccoccia, who has rallied against health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and is currently on a “Freedom Convoy” across Canada from Vancouver to Thunder Bay including stops in Saskatchewan on Saturday.

Other speakers were Minister Tobias Tissen from the Church of God near Steinbach and Manitoba Together’s Patrick Allard.

Many of rally attendants carried signs reading “Unmask our kids now,” “Stop giving your freedoms away” and “Hugs over masks.”

Last week, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe requested that rallies slated for Maple Creek, Sask., and Regina this weekend featuring Saccoccia not take place.

An Easter weekend “recreational party” in the Maple Creek area went “way over” the current outdoor gathering limit and featured “minimal” adherence to public health rules, according to provincial Health Minister Paul Merriman. More than 100 people attended that party and the ensuing outbreak involves the B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant, which was first identified in the U.K.

As of Friday, 40 cases of COVID-19 were tied to the event.

At the moment 44% of covid cases in hospital are the B.1.1.7 variant. A 22 year old man ended up catching it from his dad as well as the rest of his family got it, except the sister who works as a nures and had the vaccine.

'It was horrible': Winnipeg man hospitalized twice by B.1.1.7. variant speaks out
Peter Soliman, a 22-year-old man from Winnipeg, said he was healthy, eating well and physically active before COVID-19 struck his family.

In March, his dad got a call that he had been identified as a close contact to a case. Soliman says the entire family was tested for COVID-19 – and though his dad tested positive, the rest of them were negative.

But, one by one, Soliman said the rest of his family started experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, and, one by one, they started testing positive for the virus. His mother was the first of them to be admitted to hospital. He and his father were later admitted to hospital but released. Within a few days, Soliman said his oxygen dropped to 70 per cent and he came down with pneumonia.

Soliman said the only member of his family who did not test positive for COVID-19 was his sister. He said she works as a nurse, and received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. She has tested negative for the virus multiple times now, he said.
Fuck them.
I work with three people who currently have older parents in the hospital who have all expressed opinions in the past that this is no worse than a flu or hospitals are just reporting random sicknesses as covid "for the money". One of the parents is in critical condition.

Meanwhile, non vaccinated idiots have stopped wearing their masks so that, every day, fewer and fewer masks are being worn. The facility manager has pretty much stopped entirely.

My much beloved Karen-never-mask-anti-vaxxer is still up to her usual bullshit and uses the word "plandemic" daily. If there is a god...

I am fully vaxxed. Fuck them all.
As seen in previous studies, the number of antibodies ranged widely between individuals. But, promisingly, their levels remained fairly stable over time, declining only modestly at 6 to 8 months after infection.
Do you not question that number of antibodies widely ranged means that it is not something that you can rely on after catching the deadly virus?
COVID-19 Report: Breastfeeding Baby Dies After Mother Receives Pfizer Vaccine

BySteven Li
April 30, 2021

Just days after a mother in the U.S. received her second Pfizer vaccine dose, her breastfed infant passed away. Pictured is an infant being tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Shah Alam, on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, on February 17, 2021. (Image: MOHD RASFAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Ever since Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines received emergency use authorization (EUA) in the United States, there has been widespread concern about their safety in pregnant women and newborn babies. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine EUA document posted on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website states, “Available data on Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”
In a recent report submitted by a doctor to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a five-month-old baby developed symptoms and passed away within days of breastfeeding from a mother who had just received the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (1166062). VAERS reports are submitted by health professionals, patients, and family members. According to the VAERS website, the system is “not designed to detect if a vaccine caused an adverse event, but it can identify unusual or unexpected patterns of reporting that might indicate possible safety problems requiring a closer look.”
The mother received her second vaccine dose on March 17, and the next day, her “breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat, and developed a fever.” According to the clinician who wrote the report, the baby was brought to a local emergency room and was found to have elevated liver enzymes, which may represent liver damage or inflammation.

A breastfed infant died in the U.S. just days after the mother received her second Pfizer vaccine dose.

The baby was “hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away” two days later with a diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website, TTP is “a rare blood disorder… blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body. The clots can limit or block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body’s organs, such as the brain, kidneys, and heart. As a result, serious health problems can develop.”
While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a recommendation for pregnant people to get the COVID-19 vaccine based on a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that evaluated over 35,000 pregnant women, the results are still preliminary. Many concerns persist regarding reports of miscarriages and stillbirths after vaccination. Further research is still needed regarding the effects of the vaccines on pregnant women and breastfed infants.
Hundreds of COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Reports submitted
As of April 16, 2021, there have been 86,080 COVID-19 vaccine adverse event reports submitted to VAERS related to the administration of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines predominantly in the United States. Despite many adverse events and criminal history of vaccine or drug companies, federal officials have not publicly launched investigations into the majority of reported deaths and severe side effects.
There are 115 VAERS reports of miscarriages or stillbirths, 3,186 deaths, 6,282 hospitalizations, 531 cases of anaphylaxis, 4499 severe allergic reactions, 606 cases of Bell’s Palsy, 713 heart attacks, and 420 cases of thrombocytopenia or low platelet counts after vaccination.
Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician in the Canadian Province of British Columbia, expressed his concerns about giving COVID-19 vaccines to pregnant women in an open letter to BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry.
“There have been hundreds of reported miscarriages in pregnant women who have received the Covid vaccines. The placenta is one of the 20 tissue types that also has a spike protein. So it is most likely, that the cause of these miscarriages, is that these women, now have an antibody that targets placental tissue. They have effectively been vaccinated against any future pregnancy,” Hoffe wrote.
“So if you know any woman of childbearing age, who is planning to receive a Covid vaccine, please warn her about this possibility, of permanent sterility, through recurrent miscarriage. I request your prayers, and I very much hope that this information may be helpful to you and those dear to you. Please feel free to share it with anyone who might heed these warnings.” he continued.
COVID-19 Report: Breastfeeding Baby Dies After Mother Receives Pfizer Vaccine

BySteven Li
April 30, 2021

Just days after a mother in the U.S. received her second Pfizer vaccine dose, her breastfed infant passed away. Pictured is an infant being tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Shah Alam, on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, on February 17, 2021. (Image: MOHD RASFAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Ever since Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines received emergency use authorization (EUA) in the United States, there has been widespread concern about their safety in pregnant women and newborn babies. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine EUA document posted on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website states, “Available data on Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”
In a recent report submitted by a doctor to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a five-month-old baby developed symptoms and passed away within days of breastfeeding from a mother who had just received the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (1166062). VAERS reports are submitted by health professionals, patients, and family members. According to the VAERS website, the system is “not designed to detect if a vaccine caused an adverse event, but it can identify unusual or unexpected patterns of reporting that might indicate possible safety problems requiring a closer look.”
The mother received her second vaccine dose on March 17, and the next day, her “breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat, and developed a fever.” According to the clinician who wrote the report, the baby was brought to a local emergency room and was found to have elevated liver enzymes, which may represent liver damage or inflammation.

A breastfed infant died in the U.S. just days after the mother received her second Pfizer vaccine dose.

The baby was “hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away” two days later with a diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website, TTP is “a rare blood disorder… blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body. The clots can limit or block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body’s organs, such as the brain, kidneys, and heart. As a result, serious health problems can develop.”
While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a recommendation for pregnant people to get the COVID-19 vaccine based on a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that evaluated over 35,000 pregnant women, the results are still preliminary. Many concerns persist regarding reports of miscarriages and stillbirths after vaccination. Further research is still needed regarding the effects of the vaccines on pregnant women and breastfed infants.
Hundreds of COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Reports submitted
As of April 16, 2021, there have been 86,080 COVID-19 vaccine adverse event reports submitted to VAERS related to the administration of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines predominantly in the United States. Despite many adverse events and criminal history of vaccine or drug companies, federal officials have not publicly launched investigations into the majority of reported deaths and severe side effects.
There are 115 VAERS reports of miscarriages or stillbirths, 3,186 deaths, 6,282 hospitalizations, 531 cases of anaphylaxis, 4499 severe allergic reactions, 606 cases of Bell’s Palsy, 713 heart attacks, and 420 cases of thrombocytopenia or low platelet counts after vaccination.
Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician in the Canadian Province of British Columbia, expressed his concerns about giving COVID-19 vaccines to pregnant women in an open letter to BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry.
“There have been hundreds of reported miscarriages in pregnant women who have received the Covid vaccines. The placenta is one of the 20 tissue types that also has a spike protein. So it is most likely, that the cause of these miscarriages, is that these women, now have an antibody that targets placental tissue. They have effectively been vaccinated against any future pregnancy,” Hoffe wrote.
“So if you know any woman of childbearing age, who is planning to receive a Covid vaccine, please warn her about this possibility, of permanent sterility, through recurrent miscarriage. I request your prayers, and I very much hope that this information may be helpful to you and those dear to you. Please feel free to share it with anyone who might heed these warnings.” he continued.
I know of a guy who got the vaccine and got hit by a car two days later.

Damn you Moderna!
Do you think medical science has gotten better or worse since the computer age?

Im trusting the scientists. I am pretty sure virtually none of the politicians know shit about vaccine science to know enough to have anything to do with their production.

1976 computer.
COVID-19 Report: Breastfeeding Baby Dies After Mother Receives Pfizer Vaccine

BySteven Li
April 30, 2021
Did this one come from some website? I call bullshit on it.

Screen Shot 2021-05-01 at 1.01.46 PM.png
In an effort to quell the coronavirus pandemic and wrest the country back to normal, President Joe Biden announced in March his plan to expand vaccine eligibility to all U.S. adults by May 1. That timeline has been moved up by two weeks, the president announced April 6.

Opening up the vaccine eligibility is good news: New coronavirus cases have been falling in the last several months, although recently stalled, and the number of reported daily deaths dropped to its lowest point in more than a year on April 4. It's hoped that with more vaccines reaching everyone, there is a greater likelihood these trends would continue.

But on social media, vaccine apprehension and hesitancy live on, with one claim alleging breastfeeding babies are experiencing adverse reactions because of their vaccinated mothers.

Shared to Facebook on March 30, text above an image of an unidentified child covered in rashes asks if "anyone heard anything about babies having reactions when their nursing moms get the covid vaccine?"

A Facebook comment below the image appears to provide an explanation.

"Lyndsi received her second dose last Wednesday. Thursday her breastfed baby was covered in a head to toe rash. By that night he was inconsolable and declining so they went to the ER," writes Caitlyn RN, who in her Facebook profile says she is a registered nurse.

Caitlyn RN alleges that once at the hospital, the baby was diagnosed with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, or TTP, an infrequent and incredibly rare blood disorder where blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body, along with elevated liver enzymes. Despite "various treatments," the child died on March 16.

Comments below the image relay condolences to the poster, who denies any relation with the child pictured, and concerns about the vaccine's safety for nursing women.

"I thought breastfeeding mothers aren't supposed to take the shot," says one Facebook user.

"And I'm not getting the vaccine... Everyone else can be the test tubes not me my friend," writes the original poster.

Fact check: CDC data on adverse effects of vaccine cannot determine cause

USA TODAY has reached out to the Facebook user and Caitlyn RN for further comment.

Image not the same child, death not verified
Caitlyn RN's Facebook comment included in the photo originates from a March 17 post where she mentions the death of a friend's 5-month-old son, using it to warn pregnant women and nursing mothers to "steer clear of these experimental vaccines."

In a March 31 post, she clarifies that the rash-covered child pictured in the image and the child referred to in the March 17 post are not the same.

"The baby I reported about passing away after mom got the second Pfizer vaccine is NOT this baby pictured from the Vaccination Re-education Discussion Forum. I specified such in my original post but it seems to be getting overlooked. The pictured infant is apparently doing much better as of a week ago when I last saw an update," she writes.

USA TODAY has not been able to verify whether the infant death discussed in the original post actually happened. In her March 31 post, Caitlyn RN would not provide any further details when asked by Facebook users to verify her claim, but in the March 17 post, she said the death would be reported to the U.S. government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. USA TODAY could not find any reports of TTP-related deaths among infants because of a mother's vaccination or other cases involving similar conditions, such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura (known to affect a few Pfizer vaccine recipients).

Breastfeeding and COVID-19 vaccination
If a nursing mother gets vaccinated, is there any risk to the child? Health experts say that's not likely.

"During lactation, it is unlikely that the vaccine lipid would enter the blood stream and reach breast tissue. If it does, it is even less likely that either the intact nanoparticle or mRNA transfer into milk. In the unlikely event that mRNA is present in milk, it would be expected to be digested by the child and would be unlikely to have any biological effects," said the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine in a December statement.

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund acknowledged while there is little data on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine in nursing women and breastfeeding children, "as the vaccine is not a live virus vaccine and the mRNA does not enter the nucleus of the cell and is degraded quickly, it is biologically and clinically unlikely to pose a risk to the breastfeeding child."

New data on the vaccine's safety in breastfeeding women is emerging, and it's showing COVID-19 vaccination protects not only the mother but the child as well.

A recent study from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found vaccinated nursing mothers may pass on protective, anti-coronavirus antibodies to their babies through breast milk for at least 80 days after vaccination.

Antibody levels in the breast milk of five nursing mothers – children's ages ranging from 1 month to 2 – were measured before vaccination and on a weekly basis until the 80 days after their initial dose.

"Our study showed a huge boost in antibodies against the COVID-19 virus in breast milk starting two weeks after the first shot, and this response was sustained for the course of our study, which was almost three months long," said Dr. Jeannie Kelly, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and first author on the study, in a statement released by Washington University. "The antibodies levels were still high at the end of our study, so the protection likely extends even longer."

Kelly said her group's findings add to the growing body of evidence supporting COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant and lactating women.

"This is information we didn't have a few months ago, and it's really helping us better counsel our patients who are considering getting the vaccine. I'm telling my pregnant and breastfeeding moms that I strongly recommend that they get vaccinated as soon as possible," she said.

Our ruling: Missing context

We rate this claim MISSING CONTEXT because without additional context it might be misleading. The graphic of a child covered in rashes is not the same child mentioned in the Facebook comment claiming a child died after the mother got a COVID-19 vaccine. It is unclear whether the death actually occurred; there is no such report in the government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Several medical agencies and organizations have said that the COVID-19 vaccine is unlikely to harm a breastfeeding child and that maternal vaccination may confer protective immunity against the virus, according to emerging research.

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January 26, 2021
Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19

At a Glance
  • The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection.
  • The results provide hope that people receiving SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will develop similar lasting immune memories after vaccination.
Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Colorized scanning electron micrograph of a cell, isolated from a patient sample, that is heavily infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus particles (red). NIAID Integrated Research Facility, Fort Detrick, Maryland

After people recover from infection with a virus, the immune system retains a memory of it. Immune cells and proteins that circulate in the body can recognize and kill the pathogen if it’s encountered again, protecting against disease and reducing illness severity.
This long-term immune protection involves several components. Antibodies—proteins that circulate in the blood—recognize foreign substances like viruses and neutralize them. Different types of T cells help recognize and kill pathogens. B cells make new antibodies when the body needs them.
All of these immune-system components have been found in people who recover from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. But the details of this immune response and how long it lasts after infection have been unclear. Scattered reports of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 have raised concerns that the immune response to the virus might not be durable.
To better understand immune memory of SARS-CoV-2, researchers led by Drs. Daniela Weiskopf, Alessandro Sette, and Shane Crotty from the La Jolla Institute for Immunology analyzed immune cells and antibodies from almost 200 people who had been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and recovered.
Time since infection ranged from six days after symptom onset to eight months later. More than 40 participants had been recovered for more than six months before the study began. About 50 people provided blood samples at more than one time after infection.
The research was funded in part by NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Cancer Institute (NCI). Results were published on January 6, 2021, in Science.
The researchers found durable immune responses in the majority of people studied. Antibodies against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which the virus uses to get inside cells, were found in 98% of participants one month after symptom onset. As seen in previous studies, the number of antibodies ranged widely between individuals. But, promisingly, their levels remained fairly stable over time, declining only modestly at 6 to 8 months after infection.
Virus-specific B cells increased over time. People had more memory B cells six months after symptom onset than at one month afterwards. Although the number of these cells appeared to reach a plateau after a few months, levels didn’t decline over the period studied.
Levels of T cells for the virus also remained high after infection. Six months after symptom onset, 92% of participants had CD4+ T cells that recognized the virus. These cells help coordinate the immune response. About half the participants had CD8+ T cells, which kill cells that are infected by the virus.
As with antibodies, the numbers of different immune cell types varied substantially between individuals. Neither gender nor differences in disease severity could account for this variability. However, 95% of the people had at least 3 out of 5 immune-system components that could recognize SARS-CoV-2 up to 8 months after infection.
“Several months ago, our studies showed that natural infection induced a strong response, and this study now shows that the responses last,” Weiskopf says. “We are hopeful that a similar pattern of responses lasting over time will also emerge for the vaccine-induced responses.”
—by Sharon Reynolds

So you are saying we should have sneezing parties and everybody should get infected by the virus rather than taking the vaccine?

Recovered Covid patients have been reinfected with new virus strains, WHO says

They are being censored. Any doctor or scientist who cites the 14 random control trials that show that masks don’t work for preventing transmission of a virus gets censored. Or if they talk about the vaccine adverse events and deaths being reported they will be censored. The vast majority of these “covid-19 deaths” being reported are based off of PCR tests and not definitive tests. PCR tests are known to cause false positives. If you die from a heart attack and happen to test positive on a PCR test for covid-19 it will be recorded in the covid deaths.
Bullshit, you live in an alternate reality and someone has been shitting in your ear so much it's coming out your mouth. Your post indicates you have a tenuous grasp on reality at best. Censored my my ass, and there is very good quality evidence that masks work, credible studies, science is like here, believe bullshit or have fuzzy thinking and you will get stepped on, like right now.

So we are getting right down to now civil warrior, you don't like vaccines or masks and you think covid is fake news. The world is a dark place controlled by mysterious figures who lurk in the shadows, only Trump tells the truth for you. Ya better get yer head out of yer own asshole son and stop living in fear and being driven around by it and not much else.
An overview of the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of face masks.
1. Studies on the effectiveness of face masks
So far, most studies found little to no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in the general population, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control.
  1. A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control. (Source)
  2. A Danish randomized controlled trial with 6000 participants, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in November 2020, found no statistically significant effect of high-quality medical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection in a community setting. (Source)
  3. A large randomized controlled trial with close to 8000 participants, published in October 2020 in PLOS One, found that face masks “did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections nor against clinical respiratory infection.” (Source)
  4. A February 2021 review by the European CDCfound no significant evidence supporting the effectiveness of non-medical and medical face masks in the community. Furthermore, the European CDC advised against the use of FFP2/N95 masks by the general public. (Source)
  5. A July 2020 review by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine found that there is no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks against virus infection or transmission. (Source)
  6. A November 2020 Cochrane review found that face masks did not reduce influenza-like illness (ILI) cases, neither in the general population nor in health care workers. (Source)
  7. An April 2020 review by two US professors in respiratory and infectious disease from the University of Illinois concluded that face masks have no effect in everyday life, neither as self-protection nor to protect third parties (so-called source control). (Source)
  8. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine from May 2020 came to the conclusion that face masks offer little to no protection in everyday life. (Source)
  9. A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal BMJ Open found that cloth masks were penetrated by 97% of particles and may increase infection risk by retaining moisture or repeated use. (Source)
  10. An August 2020 review by a German professorin virology, epidemiology and hygiene found that there is no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks and that the improper daily use of masks by the public may in fact lead to an increase in infections. (Source)
Development of cases after mask mandates
In many states, coronavirus infections strongly increased after mask mandates had been introduced. The following charts show the typical examples of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, the UK, California and Hawaii. Furthermore, a direct comparison between US states with and without mask mandates indicates that mask mandates have made no difference.

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