Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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Well-Known Member
tell us how the GOP still thinks trickle down econ works. i need a good laugh. trump and co increased our national debt slightly less than obama in 4 yrs compared to 8.
You all assume anyone with a conservative viewpoint supports the GOP when in truth we hate them just as much as the hard lefties if not more.


Well-Known Member
tell us how the GOP still thinks trickle down econ works. i need a good laugh. trump and co increased our national debt slightly less than obama in 4 yrs compared to 8.
Youre kidding, right? Trickle down is a spectacular success. So good is it at moving money from the have-nots and the have-a-littles to the money class that theyve kept it going for over 40 years and counting.


Well-Known Member
If I saw any logic and proof that these things were working then I might be more inclined to do those things. But like I have stated earlier. I literally don't know anyone with covid much less anyone in the hospital so I'm not really inclined to go along with any of these mandates and vaccinations because I don't see the point anymore. Covid is only a threat if your immune system is compromised. Mine isn't and I won't bend the knee and support government over reach to make anyone feel safe. Safety and government overreach do not have to go hand in hand.
“A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”


Well-Known Member
Any actual fiscal conservative would see the need for more taxes, especially by closing the dodges used by wealthy individuals and corporations.
As the Repugs are giving the rich tax breaks, they are overspending like sailors on liberty and leaving the citizens they swore to protect holding the bag. Classic kleptocracy.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
View attachment 4988550

I predict we will be getting a couple of new posters in politics very soon. Older accounts that haven't said much in years but recently moved across the country to states where they are finally free to post. While we may experience a strong sense of deja vu, they will all be totally original and will have experienced horrible persecution due to those who seek to quell a public health crisis.
is that young larry king or old kreskin.....¿