Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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That's because most of us have been growing for a long time and the novelty has worn off. I built my water cooled LED grow lights long ago and have all the info I need on growing, there are many sources of good information online these days. For most of the people here you'll need to go back years and through old threads.

Oh ok

so didnt you tell me that you stopped growing and you're about to quit smoking weed?

idk man...i doubt i would hang out in the politics section of a growers message board if i wasn't really interested in growing anymore

there's always new things in growing going on - it's always interesting, at least to me, to see what others are doing

and then there's the breeder threads - those are fun too - ya get to see how others are doing on some seeds you might grab or you did grab and you're running the same thing - also talking about new and upcoming seed drops

hmmm idk man
Oh ok

so didnt you tell me that you stopped growing and you're about to quit smoking weed?

idk man...i doubt i would hang out in the politics section of a growers message board if i wasn't really interested in growing anymore

there's always new things in growing going on - it's always interesting, at least to me, to see what others are doing

and then there's the breeder threads - those are fun too - ya get to see how others are doing on some seeds you might grab or you did grab and you're running the same thing - also talking about new and upcoming seed drops

hmmm idk man
Again, it's called roll it up, not grow it up.

You didn't do well in school did you?
Oh ok

so didnt you tell me that you stopped growing and you're about to quit smoking weed?

idk man...i doubt i would hang out in the politics section of a growers message board if i wasn't really interested in growing anymore

there's always new things in growing going on - it's always interesting, at least to me, to see what others are doing

and then there's the breeder threads - those are fun too - ya get to see how others are doing on some seeds you might grab or you did grab and you're running the same thing - also talking about new and upcoming seed drops

hmmm idk man
I ran a small compassion club, but between covid and the waning popularity of CBD and legalization and dropping prices here, it's not worth the bother. My gardener recently was diagnosed with cancer and quit smoking and I had kept the grow going for him, he used to come in the basement door every morning and do the day to day work. He's a good friend and grow partner and it kinda took the joy out of it for me.

I recently stopped smoking pot because I'm doing a lifestyle change to improve my health and fitness and pot gets in the way. I've got white widow clones (28% THC) I'm putting in the backyard this summer and will probably give the pot away, though they will have to harvest it since I hate harvesting and trimming etc. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Oh ok

so didnt you tell me that you stopped growing and you're about to quit smoking weed?

idk man...i doubt i would hang out in the politics section of a growers message board if i wasn't really interested in growing anymore

there's always new things in growing going on - it's always interesting, at least to me, to see what others are doing

and then there's the breeder threads - those are fun too - ya get to see how others are doing on some seeds you might grab or you did grab and you're running the same thing - also talking about new and upcoming seed drops

hmmm idk man
Here is another thread of mine and my hobby, there is more to RIU than just pot, this is in the gaming section.
FPV Flying, Where gamers go to die, reality. | Rollitup
Oh ok

so didnt you tell me that you stopped growing and you're about to quit smoking weed?

idk man...i doubt i would hang out in the politics section of a growers message board if i wasn't really interested in growing anymore

there's always new things in growing going on - it's always interesting, at least to me, to see what others are doing

and then there's the breeder threads - those are fun too - ya get to see how others are doing on some seeds you might grab or you did grab and you're running the same thing - also talking about new and upcoming seed drops

hmmm idk man
Right? I took horticulture classes in college over 25 years ago, but I never stopped learning since then.
Any day, community college boy!

140. Bachelor of Science from a 4-year University, majored in Computer Science and minored in Physics, Cum Laude.

9 post-graduate courses so far, and several professional certifications.

How about you?

snicker ... this should be good!

Golly gee, I guess I'll just have to give up now. I'll just have to wish to aspire to be as smart, cool, and good looking as you. Maybe in a future life. But of course only if I get vaccinated. Otherwise I'll just be stuck in purgatory forever.
No, PJ boy attended a Community College, and now he still works there plugging in speaker wires.

Naturally, he calls it a high-tech job! :lol:

Just to be fair I’ve had the same receiver for 3 years and still have no clue how it works ...... but I’ll figure it out lol.
Any day, community college boy!

140. Bachelor of Science from a 4-year University, majored in Computer Science and minored in Physics, Cum Laude.

9 post-graduate courses so far, and several professional certifications.

How about you?

snicker ... this should be good!


Couldn't make Suma. What good are you?
Six cases of blood clotting with one fatality out of 7 million doses, less than one thousandth of a percent. All the patients are female and the rate of this rare disorder does not appear to be higher than those unvaccinated. The pause just demonstrates how cautious they are. It's the same situation with the AZ vaccine, almost all those afflicted were female and numbers indicate it is no more than would have it normally. These pauses are done out of an abundance of caution, compared to many over the counter medications, these vaccines are extremely safe.
Johnson & Johnson vaccine should be paused in U.S. after 'extremely rare' blood clots, FDA and CDC say (nbcnews.com)

Johnson & Johnson vaccine should be paused in U.S. after 'extremely rare' blood clots, FDA and CDC say
Some 6.8 million have received the vaccine in the United States. Of these six have experienced the clot, the FDA and CDC said.

Federal health agencies on Tuesday recommended pausing the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after a small number of people experienced "a rare and severe type of blood clot" after receiving the shot.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a statement saying they were "recommending a pause in the use of this vaccine out of an abundance of caution."

Some 6.8 million people have received the single-shot vaccine in the United States. Of these, six have experienced the clot, the agencies said, adding: "Right now, these adverse events appear to be extremely rare."

The news was first reported by The New York Times.

In a statement, Johnson & Johnson said it was aware that blood clots had been reported with some Covid-19 vaccines, but that "no clear causal relationship has been established between these rare events" and its shot.

"We continue to work closely with experts and regulators to assess the data and support the open communication of this information to healthcare professionals and the public," it said.

The six people who experienced clots were all women between the ages of 18 and 48, the FDA and CDC said. They had what's called a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or CVST, as well as low levels of blood platelets.
I ran a small compassion club, but between covid and the waning popularity of CBD and legalization and dropping prices here, it's not worth the bother. My gardener recently was diagnosed with cancer and quit smoking and I had kept the grow going for him, he used to come in the basement door every morning and do the day to day work. He's a good friend and grow partner and it kinda took the joy out of it for me.

I recently stopped smoking pot because I'm doing a lifestyle change to improve my health and fitness and pot gets in the way. I've got white widow clones (28% THC) I'm putting in the backyard this summer and will probably give the pot away, though they will have to harvest it since I hate harvesting and trimming etc. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
I do a big outdoor grow, hook up friends less than 1/2 store price, v.good qual.,know what I'm doing,spoil the bitches to the max,but I haven't blazed since old lady had stroke Jan9,truth is I hadn't smoked since I had my seasonal layoff from work.As I age I enjoy growing more than smoking, mostly because I've noticed it has been increasing my anxiety as I get older and I don't like that feeling. Grass never made me lazy or killed my mojo though iot's just that the last couple of years I take a few hits and all of a sudden I'm worrying a lot more.ccguns
Six cases of blood clotting with one fatality out of 7 million doses, less than one thousandth of a percent. All the patients are female and the rate of this rare disorder does not appear to be higher than those unvaccinated. The pause, just demonstrates how careful and cautious they are. It's the same situation with the AZ vaccine, almost all those afflicted were female and numbers indicate it is no more than would have it normally. These pauses are done out of an abundance of caution, compared to many over the counter medications, these vaccines are extremely safe.
Johnson & Johnson vaccine should be paused in U.S. after 'extremely rare' blood clots, FDA and CDC say (nbcnews.com)

Johnson & Johnson vaccine should be paused in U.S. after 'extremely rare' blood clots, FDA and CDC say
Some 6.8 million have received the vaccine in the United States. Of these six have experienced the clot, the FDA and CDC said.

Federal health agencies on Tuesday recommended pausing the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after a small number of people experienced "a rare and severe type of blood clot" after receiving the shot.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a statement saying they were "recommending a pause in the use of this vaccine out of an abundance of caution."

Some 6.8 million people have received the single-shot vaccine in the United States. Of these, six have experienced the clot, the agencies said, adding: "Right now, these adverse events appear to be extremely rare."

The news was first reported by The New York Times.

In a statement, Johnson & Johnson said it was aware that blood clots had been reported with some Covid-19 vaccines, but that "no clear causal relationship has been established between these rare events" and its shot.

"We continue to work closely with experts and regulators to assess the data and support the open communication of this information to healthcare professionals and the public," it said.

The six people who experienced clots were all women between the ages of 18 and 48, the FDA and CDC said. They had what's called a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or CVST, as well as low levels of blood platelets.
Getting the AZ vaccine today and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any anxiety about it.

In times like these we have to take some risk and statistically speaking, getting the vaccine is the lower risk than not getting one.
I do a big outdoor grow, hook up friends less than 1/2 store price, v.good qual.,know what I'm doing,spoil the bitches to the max,but I haven't blazed since old lady had stroke Jan9,truth is I hadn't smoked since I had my seasonal layoff from work.As I age I enjoy growing more than smoking, mostly because I've noticed it has been increasing my anxiety as I get older and I don't like that feeling. Grass never made me lazy or killed my mojo though iot's just that the last couple of years I take a few hits and all of a sudden I'm worrying a lot more.ccguns
Smoke more and read less.
One of the main reasons for the pause in the J&J vaccine is to make sure doctors know how to treat this rare disorder and to be on the lookout for it. Conventional treatments can make it worse apparently and there is a correct protocol for treatment that needs to be communicated. Also they want to review the data, but nonetheless, it will undermine confidence in this vaccine and anti vaccers will seize upon it like a drowning man does to a straw. The issue will be amplified, distorted and conflated by those seeking rationalizations. But the risks are really less than one in a million, assuming the vaccine is causal and the condition is treatable.
Getting the AZ vaccine today and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any anxiety about it.

In times like these we have to take some risk and statistically speaking, getting the vaccine is the lower risk than not getting one.
Almost all the cases of clotting were with females (90%) and the incidents are less than one in a million.
One of the main reasons for the pause in the J&J vaccine is to make sure doctors know how to treat this rare disorder and to be on the lookout for it. Conventional treatments can make it worse apparently and there is a correct protocol for treatment that needs to be communicated. Also they want to review the data, but nonetheless, it will undermine confidence in this vaccine and anti vaccers will seize upon it like a drowning man does to a straw. The issue will be amplified, distorted and conflated by those seeking rationalizations. But the risks are really less than one in a million, assuming the vaccine is causal and the condition is treatable.
At least we are given facts, I mean those numbers of adverse reactions are infinatismal, compare that to the hijinks going on w/vaccines internationally.Read a article stating that Slovak officials believe they've been hosed by the Russians receiving what they say is a bogus Sputnik vacc, that doesn't even resemble their first batch visually or chemically.ccguns