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You and Harry are so cute together.


My mom took me to the first gay pride parades in Santa Cruz and San Francisco way back in the late 70's. I turned out heterosexual anyway. Who'd of thunk? I wouldn't mind being gay at all, but I juts love pussy and boobs too much, and other dudes' cocks aren't appealing to me. I'm certainly not homophobic however. Cute gif.
It's all just sexual preference to me...2 consenting adults can have all the fun they want as far as im concerned

but hey

seriously now

im pretty good at math too

i know i had quite a few posts subtracted in this thread because i may have insulted somebody

oh well

there's always more to add tho right?

It's all just sexual preference to me...2 consenting adults can have all the fun they want as far as im concerned

but hey

seriously now

im pretty good at math too

i know i had quite a few posts subtracted in this thread because i may have insulted somebody

oh well

there's always more to add tho right?


Totally agree. I'm good at math too. I see how they are both subtracting our posts, and also trying to divide us. The thing is you can't really beat p = mv.
I voted against Trump twice cutie pie. Want to measure? Or maybe @rollitup would like to go toe to toe in an IQ test? Either way, I'm game, and feel pretty confident that I would be proclaimed the winner in either category. Cheers.

Any day, community college boy!

140. Bachelor of Science from a 4-year University, majored in Computer Science and minored in Physics, Cum Laude.

9 post-graduate courses so far, and several professional certifications.

How about you?

snicker ... this should be good!

Any day, community college boy!

140. Bachelor of Science from a 4-year University, majored in Computer Science and minored in Physics, Cum Laude.

9 post-graduate courses so far, and several professional certifications.

How about you?

snicker ... this should be good!


Well he hasn't passed 6th grade civics yet, so there's that.
it's pretty funny

you got ppl here claiming that they're smart while they claim somebody else is stupid

ive never told anybody here that they're stupid....but they call me stupid or whatever and what do i say "oh look how smart you are"

seriously tho - you should all cut that business out

claiming stacks of diplomas and books still isn't gonna settle anything

i got 2 associate degrees - that's it - idk i guess im stupid too just like the rest of ya's

does that make you all happy?

Well...talk to your buddy there. He wanted to either measure wieners, or IQ, with @rollitup, which just oozes insecurity. And if you're including my comment in with that, he's already shown that he doesn't understand individual rights relative to domain/entity. And I do realize that IQ tests are mostly derived from math and puzzles, so he could very well have a high IQ and a poor understanding of rights. It's exactly how you end up with dumb smart people, Ben Carson for example.
Well...talk to your buddy there. He wanted to either measure wieners, or IQ, with @rollitup, which just oozes insecurity. And if you're including my comment in with that, he's already shown that he doesn't understand individual rights relative to domain/entity. And I do realize that IQ tests are mostly derived from math and puzzles, so he could very well have a high IQ and a poor understanding of rights.

I'm not talking to anybody specifically - Im talking to everybody in general

Chill out with all the brainiac talk

We're all flawed in one way or another in somebody else's eyes and even in our own eyes

You're great

and I'm not so great

Does that make everybody feel better about themselves?

Cause I really don't give a fuck

I just don't

And I'm ok with that
I'm not talking to anybody specifically - Im talking to everybody in general

Chill out with all the brainiac talk

We're all flawed in one way or another in somebody else's eyes and even in our own eyes

You're great

and I'm not so great

Does that make everybody feel better about themselves?

Cause I really don't give a fuck

I just don't

And I'm ok with that
Dumb it down ya'll

so you're saying i do meth

ok if you wanna think that go ahead

honestly i think its the worst drug ever - and then i also hate opiates

i used to like coke but not anymore

i like weed and i like lsd

and i also like beer - mainly IPAs

thats it

and im sorry if you wanna believe otherwise


happy now?
so you're saying i do meth

ok if you wanna think that go ahead

honestly i think its the worst drug ever - and then i also hate opiates

i used to like coke but not anymore

i like weed and i like lsd

and i also like beer - mainly IPAs

thats it

and im sorry if you wanna believe otherwise


happy now?

do you have your official victim card with vaccine verification? Asking for Americans majority?