Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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The new variants will persuade them, when they start seeing the unvaccinated dropping like flies and the vaccinated doing just fine. They will have a much harder time hiding out in the herd without masks, with the newer more contagious and virulent strains. I wonder what the correlation is between the vaccine resistant and mask wearing, perhaps some people discount future consequences habitually or are not very good at assessing relative risks.

This might be why vaccine resistance is clustered around the republicans, but not exclusively. The antivaccer movement started out as apolitical and many different types of people are vulnerable to this particular disinformation, whose roots preceded the Trump era.
Since the beginning of the year, the evidence is pretty clear that the vaccines (US data) are pretty damn effective at saving and protecting lives.

165 million people vaccinated with at least the one jab. NO deaths attributed to Covid-19. No illnesses attributed to Covid. A tiny fraction tested positive for Covid -- 0.01% in State of Washington. No deaths or unanticipated illnesses from adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Compare that to the unvaccinated population:

About 200 million not vaccinated. Between Jan 1 through March 31: 1,500,000 new cases of Covid-19. About 200,000 recovered but suffering from long haul symptoms. 150,000 dead due to Covid.

I don't see how anybody could look at those statistics and not be convinced that the risks from vaccination are tiny compared to the risks that Covid represent. Also, don't most people have elders in their family? They are the ones who are most at risk. Vaccination removes most of the chance that one might infect and kill their Nan or Granny or elderly mother. What is wrong with these antivaxx people?
I wouldn't dismiss his influence on the Children's Health Defense so quickly. It's not like you find a bunch of pro-hippie stuff on Fox, nor a bunch of pro-redneck stuff on CNN.

I think you mean it the other way around right?

not a big deal...

but anyway

do you think RFK jr. has good reason to not trust the government?
ok - and you're mad that some ppl wanna see how many retarded babies are born after the shot before they decide to get the shot

keep wishing for forced "vaccinations" buddy!
I don't wanna force vaccinations for this pandemic, the mortality rate is not high enough, though it is contagious enough. I believe this a job for Mr. Darwin, once the innocent are covered, including the kids of those who are vaccine resistant, once it is proved safe for kids. I figure school admission should take care of that though and as I said Darwin will take care of the adults. Covid gives ya immunity too, along with a few other things and as more people and their families are protected they will care less and less about those who choose not to. Only the medical profession and scientists in America will care in a few months, because they have to deal with the mess.
Perhaps a blessing in disguise. I believe that I already got covid over a year ago, just before the pandemic officially hit. I need to get an antibody test. Whole family was hit hard. Some with loss of smell and taste.

Funny you say that - i think the same thing - i may have had it in Feb of last year, and my home state of WA is where the first cases were discovered...it felt like a chest cold that i was like "whoa this feels like it might turn into an upper respiratory infection" and then it started to go away....ive wanted to get the anti-body test myself because of that, just to see...my kid had a cough that lasted a month during the same time and i think she brought it home from school

but shit if i know

are you in WA also?
I don't wanna force vaccinations for this pandemic, the mortality rate is not high enough, though it is contagious enough. I believe this a job for Mr. Darwin, once the innocent are covered, including the kids of those who are vaccine resistant, once it is proved safe for kids. I figure school admission should take care of that though and as I said Darwin will take care of the adults. Covid gives ya immunity too, along with a few other things and as more people and their families are protected they will care less and less about those who choose not to. Only the medical profession and scientists in America will care in a few months, because they have to deal with the mess.

ok so you like to talk about Darwin and false beliefs, but if somebody would rather use their faith in God, you're not ok with that

because ya know, thats some peoples view - if God decides it's time for me to go, then i'll go - and who am i to say "well that's not ok to think like that"

but Darwin will take care of the unvaccinated - just for you and your people

Funny you say that - i think the same thing - i may have had it in Feb of last year, and my home state of WA is where the first cases were discovered...it felt like a chest cold that i was like "whoa this feels like it might turn into an upper respiratory infection" and then it started to go away....ive wanted to get the anti-body test myself because of that, just to see...my kid had a cough that lasted a month during the same time and i think she brought it home from school

but shit if i know

are you in WA also?
Get tested for antibodies and you will know, this test is cheap or free, though some are inaccurate and might need to be confirmed by a better test. If you are positive, keep the results and you probably will be able it in lieu of vaccination proof. There are two basic kinds of tests, one for if you have covid and another to find out if you had it, which involves a blood sample to look for antibodies..
I think you mean it the other way around right?

not a big deal...

but anyway

do you think RFK jr. has good reason to not trust the government?

You were saying he didn't write it, but I'm saying that as the founder and chairman, don't dismiss his influence. Meaning, he probably gets what he wants in terms of articles. Same as how you don't see pro-hippie stuff on Fox, because someone high up controls the tone.

It's not binary. Every single person has good reason not to trust the government, but that doesn't mean that everything the gov't does is wrong. If it were binary and nobody had reason to trust anything from the gov't, then why are we here? Why are we buying homes and holding our life's savings in a nation run and controlled by people we don't trust that could take it away at any time? Clearly, we all trust the gov't to a pretty significant degree, with our money and our lives. Yet, we don't fully trust them and maintain a degree of caution, which is fine and doesn't nullify the trust we do have.
ok so you like to talk about Darwin and false beliefs, but if somebody would rather use their faith in God, you're not ok with that

because ya know, thats some peoples view - if God decides it's time for me to go, then i'll go - and who am i to say "well that's not ok to think like that"

but Darwin will take care of the unvaccinated - just for you and your people

I'm an atheist who believes in natural explanations for phenomena, but I also know a bit about Christianity and other religions too. If you believe there is a God then it should be the most important thing to you, even more than this earthly existence. You should read the Bible then, over the years (long ago) I read it twice, Revelations and all (KJV). I figure some of Jesus's idea's came from Buddhism (particularly the sermon on the mount), that he might have picked up in Alexandra, Egypt, if Biblical the myths about his life are true. Mark wrote the first gospel, all the others were added later, Mark never mentioned the resurrection, it ends with Jesus's death.
I'm an atheist who believes in natural explanations for phenomena, but I also know a bit about Christianity and other religions too. If you believe there is a God then it should be the most important thing to you, even more than this earthly existence. You should read the Bible then, over the years (long ago) I read it twice, Revelations and all (KJV). I figure some of Jesus's idea's came from Buddhism (particularly the sermon on the mount), that he might have picked up in Alexandra, Egypt, if Biblical the myths about his life are true. Mark wrote the first gospel, all the others were added later, Mark never mentioned the resurrection, it ends with Jesus's death.

jesus christ, i don't think i could ever read the bible :lol:

im italian so we're roman catholics (go ahead make fun of me for that everybody)

i did go to sunday school so i know some - i did everything except make my confirmation in 8th grade because id walk in the front door when my mom would drop me off, and then walk right out the back to go smoke....now look at me :lol:

but anyway....

i like to watch Lucifer - a lot of hot chicks on that show... can't wait for the rest of Season 5 to start back up :twisted:

Peace be with you
Funny you say that - i think the same thing - i may have had it in Feb of last year, and my home state of WA is where the first cases were discovered...it felt like a chest cold that i was like "whoa this feels like it might turn into an upper respiratory infection" and then it started to go away....ive wanted to get the anti-body test myself because of that, just to see...my kid had a cough that lasted a month during the same time and i think she brought it home from school

but shit if i know

are you in WA also?
No, I'm in Cali, and we got it shortly after a visit to San Jose for a martial arts exhibition. It was really just like 2-weeks before the whole covid thing blew up. I had also just flown to and from Dallas during the same time period, so the potential for me to have gotten it outside of my immediate community is definitely there. If we had gotten sick just a couple of weeks later, the whole family would have gotten tested, but tests weren't really even a thing yet then. By the time testing started to get ramped up, we were all fully recovered. The wife, kids, and I were all at home and sick as dogs for a week or two.
They say the dosage of infection plays a role in how bad you suffer from it. My buddy is really fit and athletic 30-something and we think he had it around January 2020, with a 106 fever and really should have gone to the emergency room, but somehow rode it out without permanently cooking his noodle. Took him several weeks to get over it, said it was the most sick he's ever been by far. I'm sure he'd downplay how bad he had it now, because he generally kinda scoffs at Covid, but we know how he really felt about it since he spoke without bias back when he was sick.
They say the dosage of infection plays a role in how bad you suffer from it. My buddy is really fit and athletic 30-something and we think he had it around January 2020, with a 106 fever and really should have gone to the emergency room, but somehow rode it out without permanently cooking his noodle. Took him several weeks to get over it, said it was the most sick he's ever been by far. I'm sure he'd downplay how bad he had it now, because he generally kinda scoffs at Covid, but we know how he really felt about it since he spoke without bias back when he was sick.
Imagine what a 70% more virulent new variant would have done to him, sounds like he barely survived the original wild strain. Anybody who wants to play the covid roulette wheel is crazy or stupid, nobody has any idea of how this will affect them. 90 year old people can be asymptomatic, while 30 somethings die, but most often it is the other way around. When people are vaccinated fully or even partially and the hospitals are filled by younger people with the more virulent variants, it will be a great motivator for many of the vaccine resistant, especially as their deaths and maiming's hit the local news.
Roulette wheel, exactly. People laugh when they get it and it's no big deal, because people often struggle to envision an experience outside of their own.
They have the below-average IQ. Almost half of the population are in the 85-100 IQ range, so they can conjure all kinds of idiotic ideas.

Like there are 2 guys who think that since they "might have" had covid over a year ago, that now they're good to go. :lol:

Ya just can't fix stupid. :roll:


i never said "im good to go"

but you can go ahead and imagine that is what i posted because guess what

i still dont care what you think just like you dont care what i think even tho you think you know what i think even tho that really big IQ that you have helps you think to know what i think

so keep thinking thinker