Will You Take The Vaccine?

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Hundreds take part in rally at Forks to protest public health orders
Several hundred people took part in a rally at The Forks on Sunday afternoon to protest the continuing public health orders and restrictions in place in Manitoba.

Presented by Winnipeg Alternative Media and promoted by the Manitoba Together advocacy group, the rally featured controversial Ontario activist Chris “Sky” Saccoccia, who has rallied against health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and is currently on a “Freedom Convoy” across Canada from Vancouver to Thunder Bay including stops in Saskatchewan on Saturday.

Other speakers were Minister Tobias Tissen from the Church of God near Steinbach and Manitoba Together’s Patrick Allard.

Many of rally attendants carried signs reading “Unmask our kids now,” “Stop giving your freedoms away” and “Hugs over masks.”

Last week, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe requested that rallies slated for Maple Creek, Sask., and Regina this weekend featuring Saccoccia not take place.

An Easter weekend “recreational party” in the Maple Creek area went “way over” the current outdoor gathering limit and featured “minimal” adherence to public health rules, according to provincial Health Minister Paul Merriman. More than 100 people attended that party and the ensuing outbreak involves the B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant, which was first identified in the U.K.

As of Friday, 40 cases of COVID-19 were tied to the event.

At the moment 44% of covid cases in hospital are the B.1.1.7 variant. A 22 year old man ended up catching it from his dad as well as the rest of his family got it, except the sister who works as a nures and had the vaccine.

'It was horrible': Winnipeg man hospitalized twice by B.1.1.7. variant speaks out
Peter Soliman, a 22-year-old man from Winnipeg, said he was healthy, eating well and physically active before COVID-19 struck his family.

In March, his dad got a call that he had been identified as a close contact to a case. Soliman says the entire family was tested for COVID-19 – and though his dad tested positive, the rest of them were negative.

But, one by one, Soliman said the rest of his family started experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, and, one by one, they started testing positive for the virus. His mother was the first of them to be admitted to hospital. He and his father were later admitted to hospital but released. Within a few days, Soliman said his oxygen dropped to 70 per cent and he came down with pneumonia.

Soliman said the only member of his family who did not test positive for COVID-19 was his sister. He said she works as a nurse, and received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. She has tested negative for the virus multiple times now, he said.
Hope they lock up the tRUmptards for the five years.

I'm wondering why an anti-vaxer would ever pretend they were vaccinated.

I mean, that would make them a traitor to the movement and a hypocrite, wouldn't it?

Oh wait...never mind.

Hundreds take part in rally at Forks to protest public health orders
Several hundred people took part in a rally at The Forks on Sunday afternoon to protest the continuing public health orders and restrictions in place in Manitoba.

Presented by Winnipeg Alternative Media and promoted by the Manitoba Together advocacy group, the rally featured controversial Ontario activist Chris “Sky” Saccoccia, who has rallied against health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and is currently on a “Freedom Convoy” across Canada from Vancouver to Thunder Bay including stops in Saskatchewan on Saturday.

Other speakers were Minister Tobias Tissen from the Church of God near Steinbach and Manitoba Together’s Patrick Allard.

Many of rally attendants carried signs reading “Unmask our kids now,” “Stop giving your freedoms away” and “Hugs over masks.”

Last week, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe requested that rallies slated for Maple Creek, Sask., and Regina this weekend featuring Saccoccia not take place.

An Easter weekend “recreational party” in the Maple Creek area went “way over” the current outdoor gathering limit and featured “minimal” adherence to public health rules, according to provincial Health Minister Paul Merriman. More than 100 people attended that party and the ensuing outbreak involves the B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant, which was first identified in the U.K.

As of Friday, 40 cases of COVID-19 were tied to the event.

At the moment 44% of covid cases in hospital are the B.1.1.7 variant. A 22 year old man ended up catching it from his dad as well as the rest of his family got it, except the sister who works as a nures and had the vaccine.

'It was horrible': Winnipeg man hospitalized twice by B.1.1.7. variant speaks out
Peter Soliman, a 22-year-old man from Winnipeg, said he was healthy, eating well and physically active before COVID-19 struck his family.

In March, his dad got a call that he had been identified as a close contact to a case. Soliman says the entire family was tested for COVID-19 – and though his dad tested positive, the rest of them were negative.

But, one by one, Soliman said the rest of his family started experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, and, one by one, they started testing positive for the virus. His mother was the first of them to be admitted to hospital. He and his father were later admitted to hospital but released. Within a few days, Soliman said his oxygen dropped to 70 per cent and he came down with pneumonia.

Soliman said the only member of his family who did not test positive for COVID-19 was his sister. He said she works as a nurse, and received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. She has tested negative for the virus multiple times now, he said.
They are assholes and should be treated as such, I lived in the peg for over 20 years and if I was still there I'd be a lot more pissed at these assholes than I am here on the east coast. I spent time at the forks, there's plenty of room for a razor wired compound and tents...
They are assholes and should be treated as such, I lived in the peg for over 20 years and if I was still there I'd be a lot more pissed at these assholes than I am here on the east coast. I spent time at the forks, there's plenty of room for a razor wired compound and tents...
They were from the Steinbach/Winkler area. Just talked to my sister just now and it was interesting to hear her husband's sister, who is a bible belter, thinks the vaccine is a way for the government to put a tracking device in you. The people there think that the government is trying to wipe out their religion. They are telling each other on Facebook and the like all this shit and that no one should believe the CBC or other news networks as they are all lying. One of them was not happy hearing people think they are not all that smart for their beliefs on the virus and vaccine. Then they just wait, we will see who is the smart one here.

Pfizer will start shipping vaccine to Canada next week.
Our back orders are starting to come in, we've got 14 million with one dose, mostly Pfizer and 1 million fully vaccinated. We expect another 14 million doses in the next 5 weeks, mostly Pfizer, but also some Moderna and AZ vaccines. 300K of J&J are on pause until health Canada confirms safety issues. All adults who want a vaccine will be able to get one jab by the first week of June and some left over to cover more of the vulnerable with a second dose. I expect more supplies will be forth coming now that American needs are almost met and our orders are filled.

80% protection will have to do for most folks for now, myself included, though it might not stop the spread of variants as effectively as two jabs, it should keep most people out of the hospital and morgue.
One dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine still leaves recipients vulnerable to variants: U.K. study

Researchers urge public to get second COVID-19 vaccine dose after study finds single dose of Pfizer vaccine insufficient to protect against variants

Read in The Globe and Mail: https://apple.news/AvcfNFygNSN62xN2RTXUNpA
Looks like we might have to surge second doses to covid hot spots as soon as we can, hope we can get more supplies now that Uncle Sam has nearly had his fill. Once we are protected we can more easily help others like south America and India. The rich countries getting protected first will help the poor ones more in the long run as we ramp up production. There is no shortage of empathy, shared sorrow does that and self interest will do the rest, we might not be producing vaccines until after the new year, but we've got money and will have PPE to give. I dunno about medical aid, our people are pretty burned out in most places, same for the Americans and Europeans.
They were from the Steinbach/Winkler area. Just talked to my sister just now and it was interesting to hear her husband's sister, who is a bible belter, thinks the vaccine is a way for the government to put a tracking device in you. The people there think that the government is trying to wipe out their religion. They are telling each other on Facebook and the like all this shit and that no one should believe the CBC or other news networks as they are all lying. One of them was not happy hearing people think they are not all that smart for their beliefs on the virus and vaccine. Then they just wait, we will see who is the smart one here.

That crowd would fit nicely inside a razor wire compound and while they are there they can be deprogrammed from a dangerous cult and maybe even converted to Christianity.
That crowd would fit nicely inside a razor wire compound and while they are there they can be deprogrammed from a dangerous cult and maybe even converted to Christianity.
But they are protesting for Christian values. Most are Mennonites originally from Mexico and emigrated here.
That crowd would fit nicely inside a razor wire compound and while they are there they can be deprogrammed from a dangerous cult and maybe even converted to Christianity.
You are a supporter of concentration camps eh? Interesting, but somehow not surprising.
You are a supporter of concentration camps eh? Interesting, but somehow not surprising.
If you had people going around causing death and destruction of others you would isolate them? Sometimes things like that have to be done to protect society. These people are causing the caseloads to increase. Where they live the vaccination rate is half than other parts of the province. And the second wave we went through in December? A disproportionate amount of deaths occurred, you guessed it, in the area these people are from. And the rest of us have to pay for the hospital costs of people that want to stop us taking actions as a society to protect our society.

Now if they remained there and there was no movement of people in or out then their personal beliefs could coexist alongside the rest of society's belief that vaccinations work and that a chip is not being injected in them in order for the government to track them. So these people are helping drive up the hospitalizations and deaths.

What do you suggest be done about the problem? They are mistaken in their belief that the virus is killing people and they think the vaccinations are meant to track them. Obviously they are mistaken. Is the rest of society to pay for their miss-beliefs?
You are a supporter of concentration camps eh? Interesting, but somehow not surprising.
Internment for public safety, they would get to see a judge via video, these people are agitating against public health measures that save lives and are gathering illegally in the midst of a deadly pandemic. Only 1% of Canadians are fully vaccinated and news from the UK is a single does is not effective enough against the new variants. We are far behind the USA in vaccination rates and in far more danger and will be for awhile. The federal government is considering new legislation that would crack down harder. It is my contention that fines are insufficient for these kinda of people and to curtail this kind of activity, consequences must be immediate as they have demonstrated that they discount future consequences.

These people are either dangerous fools who believe falsehoods or they are murdering bastards who know better but don't care. I'm an in your face liberal who believe that rights come with responsibilities.

Here's something to think about when considering "freedom". People should be allowed to go about nude, if the government can't tell you to wear a mask to save your own life and others, it shouldn't be allowed to make you wear clothes either. Try walking around butt naked and see how long you stay out of jail and there isn't even a logical or public safety reason why you shouldn't go around naked, except for freezing you ass, a personal choice though, right? Vaccinated people should show up nude at their rallies and demand their "rights" too. :lol:

Now personally I wouldn't object to public nudity, there are no public health reasons to, I'm a liberal and that means freedom.
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You are a supporter of concentration camps eh? Interesting, but somehow not surprising.
Please acknowledge a full list of who Americans, not the ignorant right , are to hate today ?
And if you could update all new hatred?
love Americans in the majority

Edit: this seems appropriate