Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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They should pay Donald $10 a head for every one of his supporters he gets vaccinated, say the government spent $300 or $400 million for the "program", just let the republicans vote against it! :lol:

Just after the government pays Donald, they confiscate all his assets for tax evasion and money laundering, net cost zero! Joe can then take the money and use it for African American reparations, that should trigger them Trumpers real good! :lol: Sore arms and sore assholes for sore losers.
That's hilarious. Thank you for providing the misinformation of the crank organization Dissatisfied Parents Together.

I like you, you are easy to fool. But Donald and his pals love you.

Now get back to that Alex Jones podcast.
Donald fooled me into voting against him twice? Weird thing to want to fool someone into. I listen to NPR not Alex Jones.
Do I have to mask up anymore if I have been double vaccinated? My job wants me to but why should I ?
Because you can still catch covid and spread it around asymptomatically. Bill Maher and 8 NY Yankees just got covid even though they are vaccinated. There's a case to be made that it's more important for vaccinated people to wear masks than unvaccinated people due to their higher likelihood of asymptomatic infection.
VAERS data isn't monitored or verified...

Quit posting this crap. It's dangerously misleading to those who lack scientific literacy. Or is that your intent?
Yeah, it's estimated that only 1% to 10% of cases are actually reported to VAERS despite the fact that it's supposed to me a mandatory reporting system, so you can add a zero or two to the end of every number you see on VAERS. In fact VAERS just went through a complete overhaul in the past week.
I think it was tongue in cheek. Answer being, because an employer can create that criteria if they want to, regardless of what Jesus says.
I think it was tongue in cheek. Answer being, because an employer can create that criteria if they want to, regardless of what Jesus says.
Sure, if they want to get sued for illegal discrimination related to religious beliefs as protected by the US Constitution.
Classic American narcissism. Nobody else has any rights, just me. Other people can impose their religion on me and I have to just take it, because I have no rights myself. Brilliant.
I think it was tongue in cheek. Answer being, because an employer can create that criteria if they want to, regardless of what Jesus says.
Thanks heavens I don’t work for that catholic hospital anymore. :spew::spew:I turned the crosses in my department upside down my last day. How dare they put a cross on my paycheck !!
Religion isn't something you're born with, or something that you can't do anything about, like color, sex, etc. It's just an idea. It's just a thought. That's it. And your thoughts are no more valuable, in terms of rights, than anyone else's. In which case, protecting religious beliefs is no different from protecting people that think the earth is flat, or that green hats raise IQ, or that smelling your farts is good luck. Religion has no business being a protected class. It cheapens the others by stuffing itself in with them.