Will You Take The Vaccine?

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"Mask up to keep it up": Preliminary evidence of the association between erectile dysfunction and COVID-19 - PubMed (nih.gov)

"Mask up to keep it up": Preliminary evidence of the association between erectile dysfunction and COVID-19

Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED), as the hallmark of endothelial dysfunction, could be a short- or long-term complication of COVID-19. Additionally, being ED a clinical marker and predictor of non-communicable chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular, subjects with ED could potentially have a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.

Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of ED among subjects with a reported diagnosis of COVID-19 and to measure the association of COVID-19 and ED.

Materials and methods: We reviewed data from the Sex@COVID online survey (performed between April 7 and May 4, 2020, in Italy) to retrieve a sample of Italian male sexually active subjects with reported SARS-CoV-2 infection. A matching sample of COVID-19-negative male sexually active subjects was also retrieved using propensity score matching in a 3:1 ratio. The survey used different standardized psychometric tools to measure effects of lockdown and social distancing on the intrapsychic, relational, and sexual health of Italian subjects.

Results: One hundred subjects were included in the analysis (25 COVID-positive; 75 COVID-negative). The prevalence of ED, measured with the Sexual Health Inventory for Men, was significantly higher in the COVID+ group (28% vs. 9.33%; p = 0.027). Logistic regression models confirmed a significant effect of COVID-19 on the development of ED, independently of other variables affecting erectile function, such as psychological status, age, and BMI [OR 5.66, 95% CI: 1.50-24.01]. Likewise, subjects with ED were more likely to have COVID-19, once corrected for age and BMI [OR 5.27, 95% CI: 1.49-20.09].

Discussion and conclusion: On top of well-described pathophysiological mechanisms, there is preliminary evidence in a real-life population of ED as a risk factor of developing COVID-19 and possibly occurring as a consequence of COVID-19. Universal vaccination against the COVID-19 and the personal protective equipment could possibly have the added benefit of preventing sexual dysfunctions.
Nose plugs are going to be the next big fashion trend.
Hmmm, or the hairs could trap the virus with the booger balls.....just sayin lol. Yes I’ll keep trimming till the study is complete ;). It almost feels weird not to mask up now but ya it would be nice not to someday :(. This shit is just crazy ....... never in a million years :(. Guess that was one of the problems though and we should have proactively taken it seriously.
nose plugs are going to be the new rage.
Wife got it, I decided best I didn't. I have adverse reactions to the flu shot making me seriously ill for a week or more and I went through the entire first year without catching it while dealing with guests every single day and then traveling 4100 miles by ground vehicle. I don't think that me getting it or not will save the world but I am curious to see what it does to people in a few years if anything at all.
Wife got it, I decided best I didn't. I have adverse reactions to the flu shot making me seriously ill for a week or more and I went through the entire first year without catching it while dealing with guests every single day and then traveling 4100 miles by ground vehicle. I don't think that me getting it or not will save the world but I am curious to see what it does to people in a few years if anything at all.
That sucks about your reaction to the flu shot. Best of luck, hopefully you can look back and see that this vaccine worked great.
Wife got it, I decided best I didn't. I have adverse reactions to the flu shot making me seriously ill for a week or more and I went through the entire first year without catching it while dealing with guests every single day and then traveling 4100 miles by ground vehicle. I don't think that me getting it or not will save the world but I am curious to see what it does to people in a few years if anything at all.
I like to think mine might save a loved one from the drowning feeling demise of an ICU
I would figure that the numbers out of China and Russia were recorded at least as bad as ours were here in America.

I would consider the scientific advancements in everything around us over the last 46 years. It is pretty awesome how far we have come since a time that we sold kids tiny lead cars as toys.
It's more than awesome,it's unfathomable,Wright bros 120yrs ago!, Civil war ,shot in arm ,amputate arm,all kinds of quackery in medicine,bloodletting,using mercury for treatments etc. this is only 150 yrs. ago or less contrasted to now it bends one's mind. Cancer probably totally eradicated in 20 yrs. from now, releasing nanobots into patients to cure whatever is coming too, now if plain old common sense couild be restored it would be a future of optimism.ccguns
That sucks about your reaction to the flu shot. Best of luck, hopefully you can look back and see that this vaccine worked great.
Maybe an allergy to eggs is the flu shot problem, but the Moderna and Phizer shots are brand new and don't use that old tech, understand that I am not positive about flu vaccine containing egg product but I think I heard that somewhere, if you've consulted a physician about this then totally disregard, but if not look into the flu shot composition and if your allergic to eggs you could probably be vaccinated for Covid w/the mnra vaccines.ccguns
Poll: Young People Want Vaccine Requirement for Return to Work, School
The vast majority of people between the ages of 18 and 29 want schools and businesses to require students and employees to get vaccinated before returning, according to a new poll from Generation Lab and Axios.
Now the fun part. The comments.

The same young people who have been indoctrinated by the institutions to which they are returning? Makes sense!

I guess if they knew anything they wouldn't have to be in school.

Guess young people don't believe in science. They won't die from Covid anymore than they would from another cold or flu.

Has anyone thought of educating young people about the US Constitution and personal freedoms?

Relying on advice from young adults who have been fed the teaching curriculum by leftist liberal teachers and professors. . . I'll pass. . .

That teacher dictator that Biden appointed said it's "likely" school can be opened in September. She made sure that ambiguous word was used, so it gives her some leverage to rake in some more money from the Teachers Union to keep in closed. It's all about the money.

How many of those polled had received the vaccine themselves ? And did they know once infected & recovered that the vax can be harmful as they formed antibodies when recovered.

18-29 yr old - the young people, the sheep Baa, Baa, Baa - don't know how to think for themselves.

"I live in a Red area and not many of the people are getting vaccinated".
That's funny. I live in FL. EVERY Red person I know was vaccinated ASAP. The holdouts? Blue anti-vaxers and "science" people. I know that's anecdotal but so is the so called reporting of Red people not getting vaxxed.
And the "open minded" 18 - 29 year olds from this poll? Let's talk about their percentages. When governors are offering free tickets to events and free beers, you know they're not stepping up to the plate. How about walking the talk.
So you' re a vaccine chicken shit, I'll wait for the 12 to 18 year old's and see if they die! Sounds like you never avoided brain damage. Take the fucking jab for Christ's sake, or at least for those around you, not to mention yourself, here something a selfish prick like you can relate to. Maybe yer wife will like the idea of covid limp dick though...
Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence (webmd.com)
Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence

HealthDay Reporter
THURSDAY, May 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Men now have one more compelling reason to get a COVID-19 vaccine — doctors suspect the new coronavirus could make it hard to perform in the bedroom.

How? Coronavirus infection is already known to damage blood vessels, and vessels that supply blood to the penis appear to be no exception.

Researchers armed with an electron microscope found coronavirus particles in penile tissue samples taken from two former COVID-19 patients who became impotent following their infection, which had occurred six and eight months earlier.

Further study revealed evidence of blood vessel damage in the penises of the COVID-19 patients, compared to two other men with erectile dysfunction who'd never been infected, the researchers reported May 7 in the World Journal of Men's Health.

"We found that the virus affects the blood vessels that supply the penis, causing erectile dysfunction," said senior researcher Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, director of the reproductive urology program at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. "The blood vessels themselves malfunction and are not able to provide enough blood to enter the penis for an erection."

Ramasamy compared this to organ damage in the lungs, kidneys and brain that's been found in COVID-19 patients.

"We think the penis also could be affected in a similar way," Ramasamy said. "We don't think this is a temporary effect. We think this could be permanent."

The new report focused on two recovered COVID-19 patients undergoing penile prosthesis surgery for their erectile dysfunction. Both men had normal erectile function prior to their infections.

One of the men had been severely sick with COVID-19 and spent two weeks in the hospital before he recovered, but otherwise was free from chronic health problems.

The other man had a relatively mild case of COVID-19, but suffered from clogged arteries and high blood pressure before becoming infected.

Both men still had COVID-19 particles in their penile tissue, as well as evidence of endothelial dysfunction — a condition in which the linings of small blood vessels don't function properly and fail to provide adequate blood supply to different parts of the body.

I didn't post this for likes or passive aggressive attention so I'm sorry If you have been refreshing your phone since this post looking for an angry response ....you quoted the wrong fella
The way I see forums.... you would not say boo to me face to face.... So.....
The "to my face" thing is always funny to me. It's usually rednecks that say it and of course they're super awesome patriots that completely ignore the part where they're literally saying they're willing to engage in criminal assault because someone exercised their 1a rights in a manner that like...hurt their feelings and stuff.
I didn't post this for likes or passive aggressive attention so I'm sorry If you have been refreshing your phone since this post looking for an angry response ....you quoted the wrong fella
The way I see forums.... you would not say boo to me face to face.... So.....
Don't kid yerself Cletus, you are afraid of a fucking needle and want to wait to see how many old people and kids die before you'll risk your pink little ass on the jab. Profile in courage you ain't son, not a good citizen or neighbor either.

So how many hundreds of millions have to take the vaccine before you think it's safe? If you could keep covid to yerself I'd say let Darwin deal with yer dumb ass.
I like to think mine might save a loved one from the drowning feeling demise of an ICU

Yeah the whole fear thing got you going, you can't guilt or buy me into doing something you can change my mind with sound science though and that isn't quite here yet. The sad fact that you resort to that only furthers my feelings of pity for folks like yourself. You don't even know my medical history or whether or not my doctor has advised me to or not to take the jab. One box doesn't fit all but clowns come in all colors.
I didn't want to write this because of the trolls but I feel this needed to be known.

10 days after my shot I had a hypoglycemic attack and 2 hours later came down with a case of acute pancreatitis. My upper belly was bulging out and the pain went around to my back. It has been the worst attack I have had over the years. It's lasted a bit over 3 weeks now and has subsided slowly and steadily. Every time I do physical work it swells up again and I have to rest for a while.

The kicker? I don't have diabetes. I don't take medication for it. I have controlled it for 20 years with diet alone, but sometimes I fail and eat like crap a few days straight. Hypoglycemia? Never. Not that I know of. I've had a few pancreas attacks before but never like this one. I had symptoms of full on diabetes for a full week after the attack. Bad circulation from my knees down. Sharp burning pain on the outsides of my knees going down both legs. Cool toes to the touch and slight numbness. This would come and go after any meal I ate. WITHOUT my sugar going over 130. Once I digested I could actually feel my hands and legs warming up. Weird shit had me confused as fuck.

I also have CAD and take blood thinner and bp meds. I noticed a correlation between the cold/numb feelings and my pancreas swelling after meals but my sugar was in range every time.

Was it the shot? I have no idea. But I missed my second dose because of this and I don't intend on getting the next one until I feel better and talk with my gastro doc.
I didn't want to write this because of the trolls but I feel this needed to be known.

10 days after my shot I had a hypoglycemic attack and 2 hours later came down with a case of acute pancreatitis. My upper belly was bulging out and the pain went around to my back. It has been the worst attack I have had over the years. It's lasted a bit over 3 weeks now and has subsided slowly and steadily. Every time I do physical work it swells up again and I have to rest for a while.

The kicker? I don't have diabetes. I don't take medication for it. I have controlled it for 20 years with diet alone, but sometimes I fail and eat like crap a few days straight. Hypoglycemia? Never. Not that I know of. I've had a few pancreas attacks before but never like this one. I had symptoms of full on diabetes for a full week after the attack. Bad circulation from my knees down. Sharp burning pain on the outsides of my knees going down both legs. Cool toes to the touch and slight numbness. This would come and go after any meal I ate. WITHOUT my sugar going over 130. Once I digested I could actually feel my hands and legs warming up. Weird shit had me confused as fuck.

I also have CAD and take blood thinner and bp meds. I noticed a correlation between the cold/numb feelings and my pancreas swelling after meals but my sugar was in range every time.

Was it the shot? I have no idea. But I missed my second dose because of this and I don't intend on getting the next one until I feel better and talk with my gastro doc.
Scary shit. Good luck with everything.
I didn't want to write this because of the trolls but I feel this needed to be known.

10 days after my shot I had a hypoglycemic attack and 2 hours later came down with a case of acute pancreatitis. My upper belly was bulging out and the pain went around to my back. It has been the worst attack I have had over the years. It's lasted a bit over 3 weeks now and has subsided slowly and steadily. Every time I do physical work it swells up again and I have to rest for a while.

The kicker? I don't have diabetes. I don't take medication for it. I have controlled it for 20 years with diet alone, but sometimes I fail and eat like crap a few days straight. Hypoglycemia? Never. Not that I know of. I've had a few pancreas attacks before but never like this one. I had symptoms of full on diabetes for a full week after the attack. Bad circulation from my knees down. Sharp burning pain on the outsides of my knees going down both legs. Cool toes to the touch and slight numbness. This would come and go after any meal I ate. WITHOUT my sugar going over 130. Once I digested I could actually feel my hands and legs warming up. Weird shit had me confused as fuck.

I also have CAD and take blood thinner and bp meds. I noticed a correlation between the cold/numb feelings and my pancreas swelling after meals but my sugar was in range every time.

Was it the shot? I have no idea. But I missed my second dose because of this and I don't intend on getting the next one until I feel better and talk with my gastro doc.
No trolling people with genuine health problems, just bullshit artists. I hope you are seeing your doctor about this!
Here is something I ran across awhile back, that might prove useful to you, have it checked out and antifungal medications might help.

pancreatitis fungal infection - Google Search
The prevalence of fungal infection in acute pancreatitis ranges from 7% to 41%, and invasive candidiasis is associated with mortality > 40%. Pancreatic necrosis with poor perfusion of the pancreatic tissue makes eradication of fungal infection difficult.