winterizing ftw

Winterizing is technically extracting with a non polar solvent and then redissolving in a polar solvent, before dropping the temperature to precipitate out the relatively non polar plant waxes.

Iso has a diaelectric constant higher than 15, so it isn't non polar, but it does have a lower diaelectric constant than Ethanol, so winterizing in Ethanol would drop out some of the low amount of waxes extracted with Iso.

I personally wouldn't bother winterizing a QWISO, because Iso doesn't extract much plant waxes in the first place, and as noted, you just lose more monoterpenes.
dude. i dont understand das bitching.. you just made some fire wax!!! and its winterized.

uhhh, possibly bitching because wax is the most tasteless, annoying shit to ever fuckin deal with?!? you ever try getting that fuckin bullshit wax onto a dabber?? talk about frustrating and making dabs no longer enjoyable.

ive made oil in everything from rainy days to -45C canadian winters.

seems like his temp was too high. could be strain dependant though. ive had oil take 7 days to dry out, ive had oils take 7 hours.

all I know is that I can def understand why he doesnt want wax, and why he wants shatter. I understand 100% why. how do you other guys not get it!?!?!?!
uhhh, possibly bitching because wax is the most tasteless, annoying shit to ever fuckin deal with?!? you ever try getting that fuckin bullshit wax onto a dabber?? talk about frustrating and making dabs no longer enjoyable.

ive made oil in everything from rainy days to -45C canadian winters.

seems like his temp was too high. could be strain dependant though. ive had oil take 7 days to dry out, ive had oils take 7 hours.

all I know is that I can def understand why he doesnt want wax, and why he wants shatter. I understand 100% why. how do you other guys not get it!?!?!?!

this wax actually has a lot of yummy lemony taste, but yes it is quite annoying to get it to stay on the dabber, or to get it on in the first place. It's not bad if it's less thin.

My temp was 104F - you think that was too high? I've ran this strain 4 times at the same temp and this was the only waxy result.
no doubt wax can be tasty, but id bet its shatter form (99% of the time) tastes better. since yours waxed instantly it might be the same... or it might not!! very hard to tell.

104 seems low enough that it shouldnt of waxed so not too sure what happened.

I find for wax to get it to stay on the dabber I melt it with a lighter... turning it back to plain ol oil again. which makes a guy wonder whats the point of waxing it up in the first place?? unless you dont enjoy the flavor lol.
I have no experience with the vacuum ovens or BHO really. I have been making oil consistently for about 4 years now. That is all I consume pretty much, don't care much for smoke.

I had something similar happen to me for the first time. I think I may know why in my case. Maybe your case is similar.

What time of year did you do your other extractions without a problem? The reason why I as is I don't do many extractions during the summer. In the past it was because I didn't want any bugs getting into my RSO, not to mention all of the birds an other critters running around my yard. (You would have to see it to believe it). Anyway, I just did a QWET extraction, I have only done a few in the past without any problems. Same strains, same process, but something was much different this time. I couldn't get rid of the water. Normally the water evaporates pretty much with the alcohol. My more dirty batch, I decided to put on some light heat like I do for the final purge of RSO, but still, could not evaporate the water. By the time I could get rid of the water, the end product looked awful. Never happened before. There is one difference that I am aware of. The weather is hot and very humid. The other times I did QWET extractions my house was very dry because I did it in the winter. I use wood burning stoves to heat my house, so it gets very dry. I used 190 Everclear for the solvent. No with 99% iso, any time of year, I don't have a problem. There is a lot more water in the 190 compared to the 99% iso. Unless of course the alcohol was mislabeled and was only 151 or something. ??? Maybe it is due to the high humidity. I am guessing that is what my problem was. I will not do another QWET extraction during the summer!! Maybe I will never know the answer, but I don't have time for crappy oil.

Let me know if you believe it could be the time of year compared to your other extractions. I realize you are using an oven, but I also tried using heat with my lower grade batch and go the same results. I wish I knew if it was the time of year or I got ripped off on my alcohol.

To whoever on page 1 that asked about my method of winterizing, did I use heat? No, I did not use heat, that is not why the flavors disappeared. I am 100% confident that winterizing removed the flavanoids from my oil. The reason why we are not all in agreement on this, in my opinion, is because a lower grade oil being winterized will in fact probably improve the taste. However, when you have a virgin oil that is already elite, and tasty, you winterize it, kiss the nice flavors good buy. Every time I winterize, I can confirm it. I have been working with the same strains for over 10 years, only making oil for 4 though.

Well, I found my problem and it makes me sick. The 190 proof alcohol I ordered and used for my extraction was not 190 proof. It seems to be about 50% sugar water!
It was not long ago I tried a swig of 151 Everclear because I can purchase that locally and it tasted like fire water! Way too strong for me. The 190 Everclear that I purchased through Wine Chateau in a 1 liter size bottle, is not 190 proof like it says in the bottle. It is bunk. In my opinion it was about 100 proof, barely lights on fire and has a dirty yellow tip flame. I got ripped off and just lost out on 2 of my best ounces of bud using that crap!

This really freaking pisses me off! What a let down. How can I ever order 190 Everclear again let alone order from The Wine Chateau. I can't say who screwed me the store or the manufacturer. For now I will have to assume both.

When I tasted it, it tasted like very sugary 100 proof vodka. I could drink a shot of that no problem, but I certainly can't make oil with it. This explains everything. There was more to the process than what I said earlier. I also tried to make red oil (water soluble). When I tested the remains of the supposed 190 I lit it on fire in a clear pyrex dish, with it puddled into a corner. It barely lit, had a dirty yellow tip, and would not even burn all of the liquid, only half, then it would not relight after that.

I have used 190 Everclear in the past and have not experienced any of this. I placed 192 proof polish vodka, purchased from the same store, put some in a clear pyrex dish puddled into a corner it had a nice clean blue flame and it burned every bit of liquid and left no signs of anything being in the pan. For now on, before I do any extraction, the solvent will be tested and confirmed that what is in the bottle is what it is supposed to be.

These are the two bottles I have been speaking about. 1 liter of Everclear and 750mL of 192 proof polish vodka. I am waiting to hear back from the Wine Chateau to see what they have to say about it. Thank God I didn't try to do a full batch of RSO with it!! I would have lost a lot more than 2 ounces of premium bud.

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Well, I found my problem and it makes me sick. The 190 proof alcohol I ordered and used for my extraction was not 190 proof. It seems to be about 50% sugar water!
It was not long ago I tried a swig of 151 Everclear because I can purchase that locally and it tasted like fire water! Way too strong for me. The 190 Everclear that I purchased through Wine Chateau in a 1 liter size bottle, is not 190 proof like it says in the bottle. It is bunk. In my opinion it was about 100 proof, barely lights on fire and has a dirty yellow tip flame. I got ripped off and just lost out on 2 of my best ounces of bud using that crap!

This really freaking pisses me off! What a let down. How can I ever order 190 Everclear again let alone order from The Wine Chateau. I can't say who screwed me the store or the manufacturer. For now I will have to assume both.

When I tasted it, it tasted like very sugary 100 proof vodka. I could drink a shot of that no problem, but I certainly can't make oil with it. This explains everything. There was more to the process than what I said earlier. I also tried to make red oil (water soluble). When I tested the remains of the supposed 190 I lit it on fire in a clear pyrex dish, with it puddled into a corner. It barely lit, had a dirty yellow tip, and would not even burn all of the liquid, only half, then it would not relight after that.

I have used 190 Everclear in the past and have not experienced any of this. I placed 192 proof polish vodka, purchased from the same store, put some in a clear pyrex dish puddled into a corner it had a nice clean blue flame and it burned every bit of liquid and left no signs of anything being in the pan. For now on, before I do any extraction, the solvent will be tested and confirmed that what is in the bottle is what it is supposed to be.

These are the two bottles I have been speaking about. 1 liter of Everclear and 750mL of 192 proof polish vodka. I am waiting to hear back from the Wine Chateau to see what they have to say about it. Thank God I didn't try to do a full batch of RSO with it!! I would have lost a lot more than 2 ounces of premium bud.

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As you note, 190 proof ethanol burns with a blue to invisible flame. Yellow indicates contamination.

You can also test it with a hydrometer.
altho with winterizing.. u will lose some mono and sequesture terps.. but u shouldn't be losing enough to have that huge of a difference..

also.. if u use 3 pyrexs while blasting.. first spray into pyrex 1.. and 2 and 3.. having 1 be the best of the best.. till it goes clear.. then switch to pyrex 2.. blow the rest into that.. .. and then put it down.. and blow the next tube.. into dish 1.. and 2.. put that tube down.. and then pick up tube 1.. blow another can.. into dish 3.. same with tube 2. and if u put ur butane and pack tubes into the freezer for a while before spraying. DISH 1.. wont need ANY winterizing.. and if u do.. u will notice it isn't worth the loss of terpenes to remove the tiniest amount of wax/lipids.. dish 2.. u winterize.. and dish 3.. u take the waxs and lipids u filtered during winterizing.. and mix it with dish 3.. use some ethanol to dissolve it.. and watevers in pyrex 3.. and then repurge....

Dish 1.. perfect for vaping.. and best taste and smell..

Dish 2.. usually comes out almost as good as dish 1.. but more waxes so winterizing makes it smokeable.. or u can leave it and use as edible.. all depends on the yield for me..

and Dish 3.. topicals or edibles.. or u can winterize and smoke..

but this will make it easier to keep shit consistent.. all of this also depends on the materials quality to begin with..

lately ive realized.. using 2 brown coffee filters.. then 1 screen 50micro filter.. and then another 3-8 coffee filters clamped on the end of a 100 gram tube.. has been making a very pretty extract.. the less filters ive noticed more wax pulls threw... especially since I put my shit into the freezer before extracting.. less wax is being extracted to begin with..
did this experiment where i ground one batch by hand and one with machine, the other variables were all the same, but somehow i got one piece of wax and one piece of

im guessing the machine grind was dust and washed more junk with it, and the hand grind was normal sized chunks which got ya the clear/nicer stuff?
VP, I turn all my stuff to dust, I am telling you when u freeze it it locks up alot of shit.

me too... I always have and always will. always comes out clear. weed is room temp, butane is frozen. there is so many variables in oil its so hard to tell, especially a situation like above where it comes out with 2 diff products. so hard to tell.



cant really see where its starting to wax in your pic.... I think this is what you were aiming for:



3 cans per 80 to 100 grams in my big tubes, all depends on how much i am running, the picture above was an ounce of O' giesel and it took me 8 hours till it was finished.