winterizing ftw

nope. PTFE is awesome. No more scraping pyrex or annoying gathering in a nogoo.

Just pour my winterized solution into it, let it evap, and put it right into the chamber. I dont even touch it till its not sticky anymore. This way too the layer is super thin cuz i form the ptfe into a pyrex, and pour into there

check this shit out, doing a mini run of some trim a buddy gave me and after 20 minutes of evap im getting the milky water already.

Yeah goalie what up bro. I hopefully am doing a good size run this weekend. It will be my first evap on ptfe. Did you have any issue with any of it sticking to the ptfe. I know there was always some tough spots when using parchment.
Is ptfe 100% safe with winterized oil?... I can see it being ok for butane, but isnt alcohol more corrosive to the ptfe during evap?... Excuse my ignorance in this category.
Yeah goalie what up bro. I hopefully am doing a good size run this weekend. It will be my first evap on ptfe. Did you have any issue with any of it sticking to the ptfe. I know there was always some tough spots when using parchment.
Yo todder, i did have some sticking, but folding and making it thicker made it easier to get off. Just left it SUPER thin at first for faster purging. I still dont get you 24-48 hour purgers, i have yet to have to purge that long :P
Well now that you are vaccing for much less time I will be purging this one for much less. I think that little increase in temp makes a huge difference in vac chamber time. But in the past I have noticed a smoother hit from stuff purged for over 24 hrs than the 24hr. purge.
makes me almost want to get some.....but I've heard stories.. so im hesitant... i just got my Reynolds PanLining, one side foil one side parchment.
let me know how it goes francy. I just did another run of 112g of bunky animal feed looking trim, and got 4g of some sappy shatter. Decent, but only vac'd for maybe 3-4 hours total if that. Did 115F
I have a question. I didn't want to start a new thread tho.

When i winterize, i filter through a single coffee filter.

If i were to have a buchner funnel would there be any advantage to it over the coffee filter?

OR is it more effective at removing fats/waxes from straight blasted non-winterized bho? Can this be done?