Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that justifies it."
Frederic Bastiat​
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that justifies it."
Frederic Bastiat​

Oh yeah you are totally right. Things would be way better if taxes never existed. No legal system, no libraries, all roads are toll roads, no public schools, only private for profit hospitals. I can totally see how taxes are evil.

If we had never taxed the rich, there would be no rich to tax.
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that justifies it."
Frederic Bastiat​

When you are robbing Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul...ironically written by a commie
Oh yeah you are totally right. Things would be way better if taxes never existed. No legal system, no libraries, all roads are toll roads, no public schools, only private for profit hospitals. I can totally see how taxes are evil.

If we had never taxed the rich, there would be no rich to tax.

So keep broken systems going and tax everyone till they are poor...then what?
Are you calling Bastiat a commie? Hardly, he was a classic liberal, better known today as a libertarian. But I don't hold that against him, classical liberalism was fighting against aristocracy and feudalism, they were the good guys at the time. We know a little bit better now, libertarians might catch up to the 21st century eventually though.
They weren't broken until Reagan and his cronies decided to starve them of money....while simultaneously reinstating aristocracy in America, and destroying the middle class by cutting wages and supporting offshoring and making most Americans dependent upon credit.
Oh yeah you are totally right. Things would be way better if taxes never existed. No legal system, no libraries, all roads are toll roads, no public schools, only private for profit hospitals. I can totally see how taxes are evil.

If we had never taxed the rich, there would be no rich to tax.

Funny I never said anything about not paying taxes. I’m not an anarchist but I’m not for “social justice”. There is a big difference between spending taxes on national defense and road ways or spending taxes on welfare programs, public art, social security, healthcare. The federal government regulates how much water my toilet can flush. How does that improve my life? Maybe I take big shits and need a mega flusher.
Are you calling Bastiat a commie? Hardly, he was a classic liberal, better known today as a libertarian. But I don't hold that against him, classical liberalism was fighting against aristocracy and feudalism, they were the good guys at the time. We know a little bit better now, libertarians might catch up to the 21st century eventually though.

So freedom, liberty and personal responsibility are ideas best left to the past?
What is funny is you never said anything at all, you just posted a quote. A quote which was talking about taxation. And again, the rich benefit more from roadways and and our standing military than the poor. Why should the poor pay taxes that go to things that don't benefit them?

As far as your toilet goes, I think it improves your life by making sure there is water there for every shit, would you like it better if when you hit the handle nothing happened???
No, but thinking that the government should have no role in our economy or our society should be.

I've got a quote for you.

"The government has a defect: it's potentially democratic. Corporations have no defect: they're pure tyrannies." Chomsky
What is funny is you never said anything at all, you just posted a quote. A quote which was talking about taxation. And again, the rich benefit more from roadways and and our standing military than the poor. Why should the poor pay taxes that go to things that don't benefit them?

As far as your toilet goes, I think it improves your life by making sure there is water there for every shit, would you like it better if when you hit the handle nothing happened???

Gee I’m pretty sure everyone benefits from national defense and road ways. I’d say the poor do better in the deal since they get the services for free.

If I flushed the toilet and no water came out I’d call the local privately owned water company and find out what the problem is. I don’t need government to take care of my day to day problems, I’m more than capable.
No, but thinking that the government should have no role in our economy or our society should be.

I've got a quote for you.

"The government has a defect: it's potentially democratic. Corporations have no defect: they're pure tyrannies." Chomsky

I guess that’s why standard oil still runs everything. Most of the largest companies from 100 years ago aren’t around today and the largest today won’t be here in 50.
Gee I’m pretty sure everyone benefits from national defense and road ways. I’d say the poor do better in the deal since they get the services for free.

If I flushed the toilet and no water came out I’d call the local privately owned water company and find out what the problem is. I don’t need government to take care of my day to day problems, I’m more than capable.

That's why we are getting increased amounts of chlorine and chlorine derivatives rather than clean water. It's easier and cheaper to dump chemicals into it than clean it up.
No, but thinking that the government should have no role in our economy or our society should be.

I've got a quote for you.

"The government has a defect: it's potentially democratic. Corporations have no defect: they're pure tyrannies." Chomsky

Noam Chomsky was a great orator and had some brilliant Ideas. He was a man of the people. He was very wise to the corporate evils and layed them out for all to see. He is extremely hated by the elites, the rich, and the extreme right. Bringing Chomsky to the battle will certainly infuriate the righties on this site, I can hardly wait for the diatribes to begin
Noam Chomsky = huge tool.
Since 9-11, he has steadfastly refused to discuss the evidence of government complicity and prior knowledge. Furthermore he claims that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg Committee, and Trilateral Commission are "nothing organizations." When critiquing poverty, he never mentions the Federal Reserve and their role in manipulating the national debt.
If I flushed the toilet and no water came out I’d call the local privately owned water company and find out what the problem is. I don’t need government to take care of my day to day problems, I’m more than capable. [/QUOTE]

And you would find out they ran out of fucking water because dumbasses like you don't see the need to conserve water.
Gee I’m pretty sure everyone benefits from national defense and road ways. I’d say the poor do better in the deal since they get the services for free.

Really?? You want to explain to me how the poor have benefited from ANYTHING the military has done since WWII?(no disrespect to our men and women in green, but just about everything our military has done for the past 50 years has been offensive in nature, and was more about opening up markets to US businesses, or putting US friendly dictators in place, than about protecting our citizens at home).

And I'd say a Wal-Mart distribution center benefits more from our roadways than the average citizen driving to work. I might be able to make 60k a year because roads exist that allow me to get to my job. But corporations make billions using our roadways. Sure everyone benefits, but the amount is not equal.
Government approved of course.

The government is the only thing limiting the amount of chemicals in the water. You think private companies would give you cleaner water if there were no regulations in place to force them to? Google coke india, then tell me what you think.

God knows before the USDA and FDA private companies sure did a great job of brining safe products to market, and never tried to deceive the consumer. Maeekes you wonder why we ever needed them in the first place....