And you would find out they ran out of fucking water because dumbasses like you don't see the need to conserve water.
The government is the only thing limiting the amount of chemicals in the water. You think private companies would give you cleaner water if there were no regulations in place to force them to? Google coke india, then tell me what you think.
God knows before the USDA and FDA private companies sure did a great job of brining safe products to market, and never tried to deceive the consumer. Maeekes you wonder why we ever needed them in the first place....
You have no idea how I feel about personal conservation. You just a wassumed because I don’t like the government cock in my mouth, like you do, that I’m for wasteful use of resources. And I’m the dumbass. Enjoy that cock meat sandwich.
You are woefully misinformed my friend, got any more lies for us?
I think people tend to forget that water sometimes just falls out of the sky. But what that has to do with teachers is beyond me. Maybe some day teachers will fall out of the sky too?
No I was referring to your lies about the government doing a bang up job 'protecting' our water and food. I was also referring to the other lies and spin you've put out.
The jonquils are in full bloom where I live...
The FDA won't even look at cannabis to treat medical conditions. That alone tells me how great the FDA isHow many pills does the FDA approve? Pills that can kill people by simply taking too many? Yups, they sure is looking out for us...
Good gasoline does not fall from the sky . . .
I think people tend to forget that water sometimes just falls out of the sky. But what that has to do with teachers is beyond me. Maybe some day teachers will fall out of the sky too?