Wonder Woman and PPP Grow


Well-Known Member
definitely gonna strive for your density on my grows, i appreciate your updates, showing my virgin eyes how it's done!


Active Member
definitely gonna strive for your density on my grows, i appreciate your updates, showing my virgin eyes how it's done!
I appreciate that bro, im still trying to figure all this out also. I have a few grows under my belt but im always looking back questioning if i could have done something better. Thank you for your kind remarks. I cant wait to see how your new plants turn out.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Just wanted to post some pics of my Killerskunk babys. There doing very well, one plant took longer to root than the others but it will catch up.I cant belive how good these little plants smell. i can just sit there taking wiffs of these little gals. There definatly going to produce some top quality buds :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post some pics of my Killerskunk babys. There doing very well, one plant took longer to root than the others but it will catch up.I cant belive how good these little plants smell. i can just sit there taking wiffs of these little gals. There definatly going to produce some top quality buds :leaf:
babies are looking healthy, happy, and leafy! if they already smell it's gonna be dank!


Active Member
Day 38: just want to get some pics up for the journal things are still looking good,the buds are getting denser from the inside every day. Im really looking forward to see them put on there biggest weight gains in the next couple of weeks.:leaf::bigjoint:



Active Member
Day 40: The buds are still looking good. The wonder woman is getting very top heavy the plant is starting to lean. The PPP's are getting heavy as well im going to have to tie up the side branches to keep them from snaping here soon. The Skunk haze trichs are starting to turn amber so i flushed her with 35 gallons of strait water today, ill probally cut her in the next few days or so.



Well-Known Member
looking so good mang, i wanna make out with ur ladies! 35 gallons damn. teach me rydub, you water it, wait till it waters though, and keep watering 35 gal? looking great bro!


Active Member
yep i carried the plant to the bath tub and flushed it out with with 35 gallons of straight tap water no ph ajusting , no declorination. Just water drain, water drain. until you run through about 3 to 6 times the size of your pot in water. or until you see straight water draining out you would be suprized how much of the nutreints the soil retains over the weeks. Usually i would let the plant go for 1 week to 1 1/2 weeks on a flush but this plant is so damn weird in its structure that the only way to tell when its done is trich color. and right now im at about 10% to 20% amber. 1 week will be to long and ill start loseing potency. ill post some pics before i cut it down. this plant is going to be a bitch to trim:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
right on ry, thanks for the flush knowledge, defn can't wait to see the harvest, think heavy, smelly, and danky!


Well-Known Member
skunk haze! i wanna cheat on my wife with her, can you set something up? great work man, it's all nug! can't wait for pics of the harvest!


Active Member
first off here are the pics of the skunkhaze harvest. the smoke is very good tasting and very powerful!:hump: Unfortunatly it is so wispy. I kept waiting for this plant to put on weight but it never realy did. It just didnt produce much. its almost ready to start curing. I will get a better idea of what kind of weights it will have then. But the quality of the smoke is unquestionable, its top notch.

Also here is a pic of my Killerskunks that are in veg, There going to be getting bigger pots here soon!



Active Member
Day 45: the buds are getting denser by the minute :joint: Everything is going well, the smell is incredable! So sticky! The PPP's smell like a mix between Lemons and a freshly cut pine tree. The wonder woman is hard to explain, it just smells dank, and a bit skunky with a little sweetness to it.



Active Member
skunk haze! i wanna cheat on my wife with her, can you set something up? great work man, it's all nug! can't wait for pics of the harvest!
LoL! I wouldnt want to get you in trouble Bro! but i would hook you up with some of these buds if that were posible! The Haze side of the plant really took over, Thats great for potency and quality but bad for yeilds. Its all head high very sativa. But it hits real hard. my wife has some ak-47 that we hooked up with at a despensary . She thinks the Haze is more powerful!


if u had 2 choose between ppp and wonder woman which would you choose in therms of yield? which should i grow? or should i get half of each? nice grow good luck


Active Member
if u had 2 choose between ppp and wonder woman which would you choose in therms of yield? which should i grow? or should i get half of each? nice grow good luck

If you have room for taller plants i would sugest the wonder woman for yeild , but if you want to keep it compact the ppp is the better choice.

I would probally say that the ppp is the plant that i would chose to grow again. there both heavy yeilders. but i had much better luck with the ppp. The wonder womans were much more unstable. i had 5 seeds, only 3 germinated. out of those, 2 lived and one of those hermied 2 weeks in to flower. so ended up with one but i must say the one i did get is looking really good. Out of the ppp's 4 out of 5 germed and they were pretty much the same genome structure. The both produce dense buds. hope that helped your decision, good luck!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
LoL! I wouldnt want to get you in trouble Bro! but i would hook you up with some of these buds if that were posible! The Haze side of the plant really took over, Thats great for potency and quality but bad for yeilds. Its all head high very sativa. But it hits real hard. my wife has some ak-47 that we hooked up with at a despensary . She thinks the Haze is more powerful!
potent potable! these will be the stash nugs, gotta save em cause there's not as much as theire brothers and sisters! i love seeing the variety with the master grows, keep it up man. i love the dry box, defn, gonna steal ur designs. is that yarn that you knot at the end of the box slots? do you run a fan in there? when do you open the box if ever? is the box completely sealed. defntly way excited for your next harvest, coming soon!


Active Member
potent potable! these will be the stash nugs, gotta save em cause there's not as much as theire brothers and sisters! i love seeing the variety with the master grows, keep it up man. i love the dry box, defn, gonna steal ur designs. is that yarn that you knot at the end of the box slots? do you run a fan in there? when do you open the box if ever? is the box completely sealed. defntly way excited for your next harvest, coming soon!
Was up brother!. Im just taking a square box and cutting slits with an exato blade. Then just pulling the yarn down into them, it holds pretty tight with out nots but you might need them if you have heavier buds.

I close the lid will im drying. there are several holes punched into 2 sides of the box to allow for a little air flow. I put a fan on low about 4 feet away and let the air blow through the box. But i also live in semi arid desert. So high humidity is not a problem for me. My problem is making sure the buds dont dry out to quick. 2 1/2 to 3 days seems right for where im at. Then i put them in mason jars and burp them 15-25 minutes a day. Until the moistness is even throughout the bud.:peace: