Wonder Woman & Northern Lights Coal Chamber Stealth Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
That's the beauty of future grows man! Bigger and better! Bigger and better! I just got my 4 ft 4 bulb T5 for veg and a new 6" aircooled hood. Gotta get an adaptor at the grow store tomorrow and I'll be in action! Gonna get my scrubber running too cause the girls are starting to staaaaank!


Active Member
Suprised you havnt set up that scrubber long time ago.

Speakin O Stank! Got another male, so far just the 2 females. 4 more to go. HOWEVER!!! The 2 fems that are back in the Veg box Fuckin WREEK! I'm SKuRD, gonna need a bigger scrubber and a big vat of ONA...Its not that bad really its just the 1 week they were in flwr brought out enough smell that its kinda alarming. At least I got a warning as to what these plants are capable of smelling like. Was looking closely at the one that looked kinda weird, think i mentioned it in a previous post. ANNND it poped out twice as many tounges as the other one did. Soooo things are starting to get really exciting and interesting. Should be ready to clone in a couple days.

Ima go stare at em some more. Peech!


Active Member
NL is doing great other then the hermi thing. Shes still got like 2.5-3 weeks left. Lots of Crystals forming, not super frosty "yet?".

Combover hasnt put on ONE crystal. Fuck this big bushy bitch takin up to much room and light. Everyday I ask myself why shes not in the garbage or soaking in the crock pot in butter, if its even worth a pound of butter.

3 WR mothers. taken a total of 13 clones off the 2 biggest ones, 3rd mother doesnt have anything big enough to clone.

Clones, 5 clones showed roots in 5 days. Feels good to have that part dialing in. After 7 day was able to trasnplant the 5 into party cup dirt. Took 5 more clones to replace em and we're off the the races.

Feels so good have some success with the clones.


Active Member
Girlfriend/babies mom died May 11th 2010. Couldnt afford the house we were living in. tore down grow a few weeks before optimal harvest time, got aprox 3oz off of the NL Hermi. Trashed the combover. got some decent NL smoke that lasted a couple months and made some kick ass brownies that would keep you high for like 4 hrs. The NL dried and cured nicely, can only imagine how bomb it could have been. New Place is all set up with a stink buddy jr system with 6 white rhino clones hasnt even been a week yet. wish me luck Keep on growing.