Woomeister's Countdown To Xmas Thread.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:its cool you guys are raising your kids with some manners. i plan on doing the same with mine when he is old enough. there is enough shitheads in the world as it is.:roll:


Well-Known Member
they're never to young for manners!!!lmao I made my little boy say please for his milk when he was 2 months old...he shit his pants!


Well-Known Member
they're never to young for manners!!!lmao I made my little boy say please for his milk when he was 2 months old...he shit his pants!
lmao....nice. i try to teach mine manners. when i talk to him he just tries to eat my nose or the dogs ear or whatever he can get ahold of.


Well-Known Member
I ask my little boy, ''whose in charge?'', no reply ''WHOSE IN CHARGE???'' 'You are daddy...'

On a different note he currently starts many of his sentences with 'of it' and uses 'thatwise' as a turn of phrase...So I spend most of my time with him saying ''because, not 'of it' '' ''Thats why, not 'thatwise' '' poor lad I forget he's only just turned 4!!!
now thats not too bad
it's when they start there sentences with
"can i have" lol


Well-Known Member
Luckily he doesnt ask for things. He gets a cbeeebies type magazine after nursery on Thursdays and a chocolate bar on a Friday and he seems happy with that. The frequency of the 'is it Friday Daddy?' question is growing though!


Well-Known Member
6 months. .
wont be long till the clambering round the edge of the room stage then, desperately gripping on to the furniture for dear life. The learning to walk stage is fun, full of little adrenaline spurts each time you think they are going to fall and bang their heads!


Well-Known Member
i never used to mind my lad saying can i have it, shows there trying to get what they want in life, mind you most of the time he got a NO lol


Well-Known Member
fair play, it's probably the expectation that 'i want that' will automatically get them what they're after that bother me more than the actual words


Well-Known Member
I joke around in public quite a lot especially in the supermarket (yes I do the shopping) from the begining I told my little boy that if he touches things ''I will thrash you with a big stick, and you dont want that do you?'' So my son goes around saying ' I musn't touch things' ''why not'?' I ask, '' Because you'll thrash me with a big stick and I dont want that do I!' giggling his head off. I tend to ask him why he shouldnt touch things next to old conservative looking people, who upon hearing his answer look at me with horror!!


Well-Known Member
wont be long till the clambering round the edge of the room stage then, desperately gripping on to the furniture for dear life. The learning to walk stage is fun, full of little adrenaline spurts each time you think they are going to fall and bang their heads!
not long now. with each milestone brings happiness to us but also more worry and responsibility with it.:neutral::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
not long now. with each milestone brings happiness to us but also more worry and responsibility with it.:neutral::mrgreen:
I know exactly where you are coming from, at least you must be past the prodding them in the cot stage to make sure they are still breathing. Me and all my friends did it for the first 3 months or so.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly where you are coming from, at least you must be past the prodding them in the cot stage to make sure they are still breathing. Me and all my friends did it for the first 3 months or so.
exactly, i just went in his room to check on him and he is so fucking cute it makes me the proudest dad in the world. i pulled his blankie up on him and he snuggled with it and made little cooing noises in his sleep. in the beginning he had colic so he would scream for hours on end and hardly sleep. so youre right, when he suddenly would get quiet in his room we would get worried and sneak in to check on him. we checked on him so much for the first few months. we still check every once in a while now but he sleeps like a lamb. i know other people get tired of reading this stuff but i could talk about him all day lol.