Woomeister's Countdown To Xmas Thread.


Well-Known Member
I joke around in public quite a lot especially in the supermarket (yes I do the shopping) from the begining I told my little boy that if he touches things ''I will thrash you with a big stick, and you dont want that do you?'' So my son goes around saying ' I musn't touch things' ''why not'?' I ask, '' Because you'll thrash me with a big stick and I dont want that do I!' giggling his head off. I tend to ask him why he shouldnt touch things next to old conservative looking people, who upon hearing his answer look at me with horror!!


Well-Known Member
exactly, i just went in his room to check on him and he is so fucking cute it makes me the proudest dad in the world. i pulled his blankie up on him and he snuggled with it and made little cooing noises in his sleep. in the beginning he had colic so he would scream for hours on end and hardly sleep. so youre right, when he suddenly would get quiet in his room we would get worried and sneak in to check on him. we checked on him so much for the first few months. we still check every once in a while now but he sleeps like a lamb. i know other people get tired of reading this stuff but i could talk about him all day lol.
Who cares what other people think about it, they can go in another thread! Being a proud father is the most amazing and rewarding thing in the world I think. I have money, a house, a loft full of weed and my own businesses but I would swap all that for the feeling I get when I look at my boy if I had to...Tried to rep you but got to sprrrread it around bro!


Well-Known Member
not that big because we decided to make it at about 3pm and by then the temperature had really dropped so the snow had become much icier and it wouldnt 'roll' in the conventional massive snowball making way that is required for BIGGGGG snowmen.....about 3ft with a carrot for a nose and a round washing up bowl for a hat! My little boy thinks its great though....he named it Frosty.


Well-Known Member
Now my little boy is old enough to understand the Santa claus myth I have managed to get him to eat the crusts of his sandwiches, otherwise santa wont come next year will he!

Ages and ages to go, but not so long as yesterday...


Well-Known Member
eleven months and like something-teen days i think. i see you were wreaking havoc on the girls of rui unite thread woo!


Well-Known Member
It was a little joke that was actually inspired by your comment...lmao! Bloody touchy Aussie girl. Self deprecation is a must for any decent human being!