Words that are hard to say while blazed

So I was high last night with my Fiance and we were experimenting which are the hardest words to say when you are blazed. I found that technological was one of the hardest words to say its a huge tongue twister for me.

What about anyone else? Is there anything that you find hard to say while blazed?
i say words fine but i often mix them with other words. like one time me and some old high school friends were talking about our gym teacher from years back who would put vodka in his coffee. i accidentally said he put coffee in his vodka. although either statement may have been true. i tell you what though, gym class was a blast. the guy didnt really give a fuck what anyone did. after attendance was taken, a lot of kids would leave and get high.
Interjectory is a tough word to say most of the time but especially when blazed lol I also seem to mumble and stutter when I am really fucked up lol - STELTHY :leaf:
I can't seem to pronounce "Nahh, I don't need another bong hit".

Hahaha so true, so true.

Interjectory is a tough word to say most of the time but especially when blazed lol I also seem to mumble and stutter when I am really fucked up lol - STELTHY :leaf:

Fuck man, you are having some crazy talks while you're blazed if you have to use a word like interjectory! Hahahaha, you must travel far and wide whilst smoking the green, Nice!!

O.k well I don't really have a word in particular, but trying to speak in Portuguese is fucking crazy when I'm high! I speak relatively fluently, and even study here in Brazil. But speaking another language while blazed deffinately tops it for me, I don't even know how to string sentences together hahahaha!
when im blazed i often flip around the lirst fetters of two words.. like sun set... LOL

ps: i know that s and s are the same letter, and sunset is just one word..just saying.. wouldnt want to see myself quoted as a signature.. LOL
when im blazed i often flip around the lirst fetters of two words.. like sun set... LOL

ps: i know that s and s are the same letter, and sunset is just one word..just saying.. wouldnt want to see myself quoted as a signature.. LOL

Hahahaha furry muff! (fair enough)
Ok one we should all know but its a bit of a mouthful TETRAHYDROCANIBANOID ....THC is so much easier - STELTHY :leaf:
Or antidistlistabishmentarianismable kind of situation lol man It's a bitch that word lol - STELTHY :leaf:
