Rusty Shakelford
Well-Known Member
So, it seems my confusion over why I was having so many clones not root/root extremely slow, was because of my ph test strips!! As it turns out because of this I made my RW soak to acidic. Peeled most of the RW from the base of the clones and put them directly into the hempy cups (16oz) watered with PH 6 n they are flourishing nowPH tester on the buy list asap. Any recommendations?? Price is not an issue, more looking for reliablity and easy maintenance. Maintenance wise, being able to replace diodes/tips. Thanks
I used the Hanna Tri-Meter for a While and Simply Hated it! Constant Calibration, major wait time for it to find a number, it would take a Half an Hour to test anything, quite the Pain in the Ass. I recently bought an Oakton Eco PH Tester, and LOVE IT.. Stays Calibrated, Provides a PH Number within a Few Seconds, and I can actually hold it in the soup while I drop PH UP in the Bucket and Stir it, then watch the PH come up to the number I need. No Fuss, No Muss!!! It does not have a Replaceable Electrode, but for the Price, Who Cares, it would cost the same for the New Electrode anyway.. I love it so much, I purchased its Cousin, TDS Tester.
Good Luck Shaggn, finding the Right Tester can be Daunting