World Of Hempy

So, it seems my confusion over why I was having so many clones not root/root extremely slow, was because of my ph test strips!! As it turns out because of this I made my RW soak to acidic. Peeled most of the RW from the base of the clones and put them directly into the hempy cups (16oz) watered with PH 6 n they are flourishing now :) PH tester on the buy list asap. Any recommendations?? Price is not an issue, more looking for reliablity and easy maintenance. Maintenance wise, being able to replace diodes/tips. Thanks

I used the Hanna Tri-Meter for a While and Simply Hated it! Constant Calibration, major wait time for it to find a number, it would take a Half an Hour to test anything, quite the Pain in the Ass. I recently bought an Oakton Eco PH Tester, and LOVE IT.. Stays Calibrated, Provides a PH Number within a Few Seconds, and I can actually hold it in the soup while I drop PH UP in the Bucket and Stir it, then watch the PH come up to the number I need. No Fuss, No Muss!!! It does not have a Replaceable Electrode, but for the Price, Who Cares, it would cost the same for the New Electrode anyway.. I love it so much, I purchased its Cousin, TDS Tester.

Good Luck Shaggn, finding the Right Tester can be Daunting :wall:
Hey Guys! I meant to post this back a few pages when you were discussing seeds, but I am here now so I thought I would post this link -
just in case you dont know.. Its a pretty good Database of Breeders and the Seeds/Strains they offer, along with Some pretty decent Information on the individual seeds/strains. :leaf: :peace:
So, it seems my confusion over why I was having so many clones not root/root extremely slow, was because of my ph test strips!! As it turns out because of this I made my RW soak to acidic. Peeled most of the RW from the base of the clones and put them directly into the hempy cups (16oz) watered with PH 6 n they are flourishing now :) PH tester on the buy list asap. Any recommendations?? Price is not an issue, more looking for reliablity and easy maintenance. Maintenance wise, being able to replace diodes/tips. Thanks

With ph meters you usually get what you pay for. I have a hanna and it's been dead on for nearly 2yr, it's not a pen, it has a wand. It's best if you get meters that are specifically designed for agricultural use. The probes are slightly different for different applications.

I meant to mention i'm also only concerned with PH. Thank you for some ideas to start with. I've used the test strips since as far back as I can remember. Not sure if this batch was messed up or somehow some moisture got into the container. Was starting to get really upset, cause I have never had this much trouble with my clones lol, 90-100% always. Back on track, they are all reaching for the sky now :)
I used the Hanna Tri-Meter for a While and Simply Hated it! Constant Calibration, major wait time for it to find a number, it would take a Half an Hour to test anything, quite the Pain in the Ass. I recently bought an Oakton Eco PH Tester, and LOVE IT.. Stays Calibrated, Provides a PH Number within a Few Seconds, and I can actually hold it in the soup while I drop PH UP in the Bucket and Stir it, then watch the PH come up to the number I need. No Fuss, No Muss!!! It does not have a Replaceable Electrode, but for the Price, Who Cares, it would cost the same for the New Electrode anyway.. I love it so much, I purchased its Cousin, TDS Tester.

Good Luck Shaggn, finding the Right Tester can be Daunting :wall:

I also use a Oakton Eco ph and ppm meter. Does the job well.
It's great to see more folks trying the hempy system, It's a great growing/feeding machine. I think machine is a good way to look at it.

In jella's steps here's my hempy yr in review. Most all of its in the previous 200 pages but I'll consolidate.
Everything you will see is grown in my soil-ponic method (until I mention coco later) (If you want to know more about soil-ponics system go to page 10)
Everything is grown with Osmocote. Lighting has been dual 400w CMH

On 1/1/12 I cut down last plant from grow a White Widow that couldn't hold itself up
WW 001riu.jpg

I was so busy working that I have nothing for the 1st full grow of the yr. Just a hanging bud shot from the Maui-Wowie in that run. That included a WW, Purple Voodoo, & Train Wreck
MW Trimmed 001riu.jpg

Next it was a run of 4 Maui-Wowie's 1st shot of rm at 3wks, and then a shot of one just before chopping.
MW 21dy 004RUI.jpgMW 8wk 001rui.jpg

Now its the solstice and time for new things. Open up the jar with 50+ Hawaiian grab bag seeds from a good friend.
Start 13 in 2L (1st attempt) at 3wk 12/12 8 left boys and ruts pulled. (boys saved for sex this round).
Probably the worst grow cycle I've ever endured, equatorial land races (5 to 7ft tall in 2L), bugs, heat, deficiencies, :wall: ,,,positive,,,, got a bunch of seed.
projects 001.jpgprojects 002.jpgprojects 003.jpg

The MW on the left is finished, the pure tia sative in the back center is just 2wk after showing sex, I didn't finish her.
GR 003riu.jpg

During that shit I had one outside MW girl a 15th gen clone mom, that was put in a bucket & set outside 7/24/12 (4.5 months since cut). Best plant I've ever grown, ate up all the OC and had to feed large amounts of nutes (feeding machine)
projects 007.jpgGR 005riu.jpgMWroot 004riu.jpg

Indoors bombed rm…. Bad product….Run is clones of 2L’s. All new clones die due to bug bomb and girls in 12/12 are stunted. So not much to show here, but I did get seeds, of a purple heroin (also an Hawaiian strain) male crossed with 3 different strains.
gr 003riu.jpggr 007riu.jpggr 013riu.jpg
I added the mainline shoot there by accident

Current growing out my 1[SUP]st[/SUP] X Maui-Thunder, her structure and grow cycle ie early hard fade, resemble her dad, but this X smells sweeter and the buds are fatter like her mom. Now if the smoke is great, I’ll have myself a winner. I do have a clone mom saved.

4 of these will turn out to be boys
veg12-10-30 001riu.jpg

These shots were taken 12/30 of the only girl left, there are 2 smaller Koloco Mist's up front
12-12-31 011riu.jpg12-12-31 019riu.jpg12-12-31 025riu.jpg12-12-31 026riu.jpg12-12-31 034riu.jpg

This is my 4th attempt I hope it works...
I picked up a small Cap Ozone generator a few months ago and love it. I found a larger one on ebay item 181057615832

It says it covers around 5,500 square feet. That's a much bigger area than I have but I thought maybe a timer and running it 5-15 minutes every hour might work well?

Does anyone have any experience with this model?
I've never seen PH affect clone rooting much one way or the other personally. Always good to know your numbers though.
Every clone I have put straight into 2L hempys has rooted so far between 11 and 18 days.which led me to make this 1M cloner , I just hope the 300 watt CFL will do the job ok for the area
2013-01-07 11.50.50.jpg
I've never seen PH affect clone rooting much one way or the other personally. Always good to know your numbers though.

I wouldn't have thought so myself, but the fact remains that everything else in the veg tent is doing great. Clones took 2-3 weeks to start getting bumps (in rockwool). Usually get that in 5-7 days. Environment is bang on, humidity was down for awhile until I grabbed a humidifier to get it up to 30-40% Clones in dome and get misted, when needed). Still nothing changed?? So, last ditch effort was it had to be ph of the rockwool. Peeled the rockwool off the clones and put them directly into 16oz hempy beercups. Instant root explosion, No nutes or superthrive or anything, just water!! Only conclusion I can come to is the PH of the rockwool was to acidic. I usually use straight tap water (sits for 24+ hrs) and have never had a problem. Read that RW should be ph'd somewhat acidic, so decided to try ph'ing the RW. Long story short, next batch will be the old way w/o ph-ing the RW soak. I will find out then if that was the real reason as the environment has and will remain the same. I just took a bunch of clones for a friend about a month ago and most were well rooted in 10 days. I can't seem to find any other reason. A little off topic from this thread, but I enjoy the company. :) Peace!!

P.S. Will post my results when I get there. That being said i'm loving this hempy way already. I am thinking to try a few next round in 100% perlite, as my mix is already made up for the 2L hempys (for this round).
Hello fellow WOH growers. I finished chopping all the girls this weekend and my supply is finally replenished (thankfully). I'll get some pics up soon, but took me and my lady 3 hours to trim. Our hands were extremely sticky afterwards, so I think we'll be using gloves next time or ordering that humbolt soap to wash our hands. My jock horror had purpled leaves so it added to a nice appeal of the finished buds.

Took clones this weekend. I found something interesting that I wanted to raise at WOH. My plush berry mom (from clone) was vegging for around 10 weeks and is nice and bushy. There are a TON of preflowers everywhere and I even noticed that the plant is frosting. My hands were sticky as hell just cutting clones and this mom was in veg! Is this normal? Do mature clones produce frost in veg? I don't mind at all and in fact added all the leaves to my existing trim for hash. Will be nice when the clones root and I can fully chop the mom and extract more hash!!!
Hey, hope this question belongs on this thread.. Noticed some dark spots on my highest leaves on the main cola. Just one plant on only a few leaves. Can't tell if it's a nutrient deficiency or is there such thing as black mold? I took crummy pics with my phone and took a few with a usb microscope. Any ideas?IMG-20130107-00484.jpgIMG-20130107-00485.jpgspots.jpg
Hey, hope this question belongs on this thread.. Noticed some dark spots on my highest leaves on the main cola. Just one plant on only a few leaves. Can't tell if it's a nutrient deficiency or is there such thing as black mold? I took crummy pics with my phone and took a few with a usb microscope. Any ideas?View attachment 2470280View attachment 2470281View attachment 2470282

I don't have any ideas on 'black spot'. In the second pic, the spots look rusty. although the pic is outta focus.

A quick search throws up 'thrips' as a cause of black spots. worth looking into maybe.
Today is the 1 month mark since I started this first hempy. Pretty painless so far, it's good I put it in flower early cuz its pretty large already. I trimmed a bit of lower growth and lasso'd the plant. When a plant starts to sprawl out further than I like ill take some fishing line and lasso the entire plant around the middle somewhere and just pull tight to preference before knotting it.
The 3 plant test still doing ok, the runt is still a runt. I had to trim 2 fan leaves off the others to keep her lit.
The cloth pot test. Still doing fine, hasn't really blown up but I don't blame anything. Because it hasn't grown like crazy I've yet to really use the plate as a res.