World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Im just not willing to give up my heat reduction/vented hoods for the bit of added light from a vertical bulb with parabolic hood. I jave been toying with the idea of vertical bulbs in cool tubes and a vertical scrog set up though. The woman just gave me the go ahead to run 4 lamps and fill my 8x8 tent...all i jad to do was tell her...if you like 2 lbs to smoke per would love 4-5. Hah! Plus our power bill was mighty reasonable.securedownload-115.jpg

Thinking im going to grab another 600 hps and a cooltube for my 400 mh and rotate my lights ever 2 or 3 days with the mh tending towards the center and vertical like it is now. 2200 watts. Im positive i can pull 3.5 lbs and hoping i can push it to 4.5...but thats not until winter.securedownload-308.jpg

Jela....super props to you and others for helping me decide to use pk 13/14 never been one for fancy supplements but this shit should be in everyones grow box (or something similar). Just fed my last dose of pk last night and the results are obvious to the naked eye even in 24 hours...wish i had taken pics last night.securedownload-274_fx_fx.jpgsecuredownload-298_fx.jpgsecuredownload-209_fx.jpgsecuredownload-326_fx.jpgsecuredownload-200.jpg



..Oh and here are my gods gift...every day i say..that im going to kill them as they pop bananas constantly but im a softieView attachment 2716765


Well-Known Member
Jela, how big an area do they cover? and have u grown with LED's before? I mean like a whole grow?
Coverage: Minimum 24" x 24" ; Maximum 36" x 36" ; Recommended 24" x 36"
Who-kie, here's the stats on the coverage: Minimum 24" x 24" ; Maximum 36" x 36" ; Recommended 24" x 36"
Oh yes, I do 3 complete grows a year with LED's in the hot months...LED's generate less heat in your living space. If you know your plants well, you will see that they love LED light (at least with the spectrum my 180W ProSource Jumbo's have). Leaves become inclined as if reaching for more...stretch is more pronounced and the leaf color is dark and rich. I go right back to HPS though during cooler months to heat the living area...and improve my yields a tad.


Well-Known Member
117° driving home today....120° expected rest of weekend......I could roast hot dogs without the grill. I know what I'll be doing this weekend...lots of cold beverages and transplanting into some new buckets. All 12 of my Skywalker OG clones rooted well and need feeding every day with full nutes. Today they are simply too big big for the cups. Some lucky person is coming to take all the clones but the two I choose. I'm soaking my medium ahead of time....since my last two grows with rockwool didn't allow overflow with 1g per bucket feeds...I'm going to use a smaller rockwool cube with less water retention and mix in some hydroton clay balls to displace some volume. Upstairs I'll mix coco coir with the small rockwool cubes at a ratio of 75/25.


Well-Known Member
Dropped my phone from 3"stories up today..poof.Don't mind all the pics I post tonight. Got that galaxy s4 phone with a pretty decent camera on it.Finally some summer weather here loving it.


Well-Known Member
Since Who-kie doesn't know much about LED's I thought I would throw up a shot with the lights on (these are my old LED's, new still in shipping)...into week 6 now...they've had their 3 feedings of pk13/14 and now I start dropping the nutrients from 30ml/g down to 20ml for weeks 6 & 7. Week 8 will be flush...these are looking very predictable for an 8week strain.


Well-Known Member
Wondering, has anyone dealt with the brick coco from botanicare called cocogro? i got a 5kg block that expands to 65-70L, and was hoping to figure out an easier way to seperate the coco from the water after i wash+soak it? I had to strain it through mesh and then press excess water out last time. it was tiring and plus i didnt get it to dry. Just hoping someone may have some knowledge on this issue
heres what it is


Active Member
Wondering, has anyone dealt with the brick coco from botanicare called cocogro? i got a 5kg block that expands to 65-70L, and was hoping to figure out an easier way to seperate the coco from the water after i wash+soak it? I had to strain it through mesh and then press excess water out last time. it was tiring and plus i didnt get it to dry. Just hoping someone may have some knowledge on this issue
heres what it is
Nizza it says it is already clean, and aged, so u should be good to go??? but I'm not sure...


Well-Known Member
my bag only says "cleaned of excess sodium" its not that exact bag. Plus when i soaked it last time the ppms were ~500 and my tap is 100 and the ph swung a lot. hoping someone may know an easy way of washing and drying the coco?

after reading that i might just try expanding it and going for it this try, thanks whocares.


Well-Known Member
Nizza, I don't know of any EASY way of expanding the full brick.

I try and plan the expanding to when the weather looks good for the next couple of days. I spread out landscape hardware cloth, the stuff that is used as a weed barrier. on my deck. Spread out the coco and turn it when the top gets dry. It takes a couple of days for me to get it dry enough to be able to put it away, sometime longer.

Or you can make a coco press out of a couple of rubbermaid rough-neck totes. You still need to expand the big brick in a larger container, but then you can work it in smaller batches. Mines made out of 2 - 10gal totes. Drill a bunch of holes in the bottom of one tote. (not too many it still needs to support 5gal of wet coco) Line the drilled tote with landscape hardware cloth. Fill with coco, use a hose or shower head, etc, flush as you see fit. The 2nd tote has 2 uses. As a press it's placed inside the drilled tote 1/2 full of wet coco to press the water out, I've even cut a piece of plywood to fit the bottom so I can stand in the tote and jump up and down. 2nd use,,, the drilled tote is placed inside the un-drilled tote, now you can soak in ph & cal/mag adjusted water. When finished with the soak pulled inside tote out and commence the jumping.

Even after jumping on the coco, it needs a little more air drying.


Active Member
I put mine in a 40 gallon tote and added water as needed, the whole block filled the huge tote, it expands at different rates, maybe break off a chunk, I just used a hose and added water as needed, expanded some and then added water to expand some more...put it in my perlite bottom bottles and then the coco on top, put several bottles in a tote to water and they would drain out then set then out to dry in the garage...