I curse your neighbor Moeb! May her fat, flabby tittys reach her ankles. What, too late?
Seriously though, why are people so fucked up? My neighbor drinks himself near blind every night, and once or twice a month like clockwork, he and his drunk ass old lady proceed to torture the neighborhood with their late night screaming and breaking shit. Yet these same worthless ass people called the police on me when I had some friends set up a few tents and a camper in my yard one weekend. I try to never involve LEO in any part of my life if avoidable, but I now call on this douchebag, if I even hear so much as a door slam over there. His stupid ass got arrested for domestic violence a while back (I don't feel sorry for her, she is as much the problem as he his), and it has been relatively quiet recently.
Even though 90% of cannabis users are respectful, responsible smokers, there is always a group of people that would risk someone else's freedom, marriage, children, livelihood,etc., for something that in no way hurts of effects them. Thankfully I now have my medical card and can tell these people to fuck off. Hope your situation works out Moeb, you have a tough decision to make, but in the end freedom is the only viable outcome, so monitor closely and trust your instincts. Remember it takes only a few months to harvest a new crop, much longer than that if you have to wait for your release date. Good luck man.