World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
that was a mother plant that I kept for almost 6 months. It was pretty much that big when I started flowering it. I needed a claw hammer to break the rootball apart later. I don't recall what I was growing at that point.

I guess you can see that I don't drill a big hole in my buckets, just a row of little holes to provide the drain. Worked good for keeping the perlite in.


Well-Known Member
Shooting up daisy''s are rockin the tent @ 10days flower and sucking everything I give them. Moving the light's up 3"-4" every day now. Those 2g hempy buckets are looking small now.



Well-Known Member
I touched on this subject before and wonder what your opinion is...I was just cleaning up the last bucket from the last grow and although a different strain, this girl had no roots in the 2" res zone either. All were uniformly radiating through the coco, but nothing down in the chunky #3 perlite. This really amazes me as I read somewhere that there are air roots and water roots and that some would reside in the reservoir below. As large as my plants have grown in this "passive" hydro grow method, they just won't send anything down into the res. The buckets too have been so free of crud and mineral deposits. I literally flip them upside down, shake the coco/perlite plug out and simply rinse with tap water (amazing). The plants appear to consume everything and I'm not using an enzyme (Cannazyme or Hydrozyme) to consume dead root material. I'm wondering "no-root" zone is due to my use of coco instead of perlite for the main medium, or if the roots just can't take the alternating wet/dry cycles seen in the res. Any ideas?


Active Member

as u can see theres a droop in the leaves..could it be the fan? i have it like 1.5 feet away circulating the air. the lights have a cover on them so theres no heatat all coming from them. actually its pretty cool if u touch the light cover for an hr. the leaves on some of the babies are turning a slight lime greenish.... i just piad 40 bucks for some dynago grow veg nutes... so should i feed them now? or wait til the cotyledon leaves completely fall off?


Active Member
I touched on this subject before and wonder what your opinion is...I was just cleaning up the last bucket from the last grow and although a different strain, this girl had no roots in the 2" res zone either. All were uniformly radiating through the coco, but nothing down in the chunky #3 perlite. This really amazes me as I read somewhere that there are air roots and water roots and that some would reside in the reservoir below. As large as my plants have grown in this "passive" hydro grow method, they just won't send anything down into the res. The buckets too have been so free of crud and mineral deposits. I literally flip them upside down, shake the coco/perlite plug out and simply rinse with tap water (amazing). The plants appear to consume everything and I'm not using an enzyme (Cannazyme or Hydrozyme) to consume dead root material. I'm wondering "no-root" zone is due to my use of coco instead of perlite for the main medium, or if the roots just can't take the alternating wet/dry cycles seen in the res. Any ideas?
im no expert, actually im a newbie but from research, maybe u want to let them search for the rez.. like dont feed her till she hit the rez? it only make sense since the plants will search for water if its parched... just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I touched on this subject before and wonder what your opinion is...I was just cleaning up the last bucket from the last grow and although a different strain, this girl had no roots in the 2" res zone either. All were uniformly radiating through the coco, but nothing down in the chunky #3 perlite. This really amazes me as I read somewhere that there are air roots and water roots and that some would reside in the reservoir below. As large as my plants have grown in this "passive" hydro grow method, they just won't send anything down into the res. The buckets too have been so free of crud and mineral deposits. I literally flip them upside down, shake the coco/perlite plug out and simply rinse with tap water (amazing). The plants appear to consume everything and I'm not using an enzyme (Cannazyme or Hydrozyme) to consume dead root material. I'm wondering "no-root" zone is due to my use of coco instead of perlite for the main medium, or if the roots just can't take the alternating wet/dry cycles seen in the res. Any ideas?
I have to admit that when I break down buckets that they seem to always separate at the top of the rez, but I find roots in the perlite in the rez area. Could be with coco that there is enough expansion and contraction of the coco during a wet to dry cycle to make it hard to maintain roots between the different mediums???? Could be the combined weight of the wet coco above pressing on the non-compressive perlite????
Dalek has mentioned when using the poly fiber that he keeps his root system above the rez, and feeds by wicking...

Here's a 2gal bucket I broke down, that run was soil to the bottom of the veg time soil core. So there was only 1 1/2-2" of perlite above the rez the green algae is the top of the rez (used white buckets and the light does get through)
You can see many roots below the top of rez. BB-rui.jpgBB_riu.jpg

Here's a 2L you can still kinda see the shape of the bottle bottom HempyBreakdown 003riu2L.jpg

jella, this run I'm going to do a couple of coco on perlite hempy's I'll be sure to pay attention when I break em' down later.


Active Member
well i didnt get any replies so i went ahead and put a few drops of dynagro liquid grow in a gallon of distilled water and fed the babies. wonder if it will make a difference since the dynagrow looked diluted as fuck...


Well-Known Member
well i didnt get any replies so i went ahead and put a few drops of dynagro liquid grow in a gallon of distilled water and fed the babies. wonder if it will make a difference since the dynagrow looked diluted as fuck...
Yes feed them, this is a good thing. Now what I believe is your bigger problem. I mentioned earlier about your light cover. Take the cover off. Floro's don't have much penetration power, and an 1/8" of opaque plastic will block any useful lumen's. It's like growin' using incandescent light. "The lights are on, but nobody's home"
Also please tell us what color your floro tube is. A 6500k is much better than a 3000k for veg growth.


Active Member
Yes feed them, this is a good thing. Now what I believe is your bigger problem. I mentioned earlier about your light cover. Take the cover off. Floro's don't have much penetration power, and an 1/8" of opaque plastic will block any useful lumen's. It's like growin' using incandescent light. "The lights are on, but nobody's home"
Also please tell us what color your floro tube is. A 6500k is much better than a 3000k for veg growth.
i bought it at walmart idk if its 6500k or not... im waiting for it to get bigger so i can just throw them under 1000w mh.


Active Member
Yes feed them, this is a good thing. Now what I believe is your bigger problem. I mentioned earlier about your light cover. Take the cover off. Floro's don't have much penetration power, and an 1/8" of opaque plastic will block any useful lumen's. It's like growin' using incandescent light. "The lights are on, but nobody's home"
Also please tell us what color your floro tube is. A 6500k is much better than a 3000k for veg growth.
and if i take the covering off the heat would be too much


Well-Known Member
Well ended up with just about 200 grams of good nugs and half a grocery sack of good trim. Still curing but nicely dried and the bluedream kief tastes amazing! Have 31 smaller plants 4 days into 12/12. waiting another week or so to start a bunch of my pollen chuck seed. BD x maui wowie, elephant x maui, purple sour D x maui. Seeing proof that at least one berry bomb is female. pics soon. cheers.


Active Member
too much heat from a floro? Work on your venting.
View attachment 2372487

hey do u know why its drooping like this? that was before the nutes were added. it looks like nute burn, but its only on like 1 maybe 2 out of the 15 seedlings. the leaves are slowly turning a lime green instead of the uniform leaf green. cal mag def? the growth for almost two weeks is quite slow. barely got second true leaves forming... hope the few drops of veg nutes will help it.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
1) TGA Spacequeen/Jill 48 days 12/12.Citris with a splash of lime with the infamous baby poo bite.
2) HGS Blackqueen 27 days 12/12.Light spice/fruity smell with early White Widow expression.
3) TGA Jillybean 2 mo.Just sexed clone (male).Final shot before being snipped to bits,sitting on top of it's inverted 6oz cup container.
I made a mistake. 3)is a 12oz cup pictured,and what I usualy start seeds in,except for space concerns then 6oz.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I just want to set the record straight.I do not depend on the wicking,capillary action,or lack of such,in the medium I use,or used (Polyfill,Hydroton,Perlite).

My main concern is the capillary capabilities within the roots(not all plants are created equal),but with a micro setup that concern is less.I feel Coco would be silly for me,while I see the benefit for it's use for a much larger Hempy bucket.

The wait while the first signs of growth when the roots hits the res is eliminated with RRR
(roots rest on res) method.It is simply dipping a root or roots on top of the res,so it is at the feeder roots goal.

ABC's Beneath The World of Hempy.

I see 3 zones below the surface,and all should be as light free as possible of course.

Zone A (Taproot):There should be some distance between zone A,and zone C.

Zone B (Air Zone Roots):This is where Oxygen,H2O,and some nutes feed the roots.The larger the Hempy bucket the more important the medium in zone B acts like a proper soil ecosystem for Cannabis the better.I do not grow large plants so I am working on the theory of decreased capillary capability with increased Taproot to res distance.Zone B imho is the major source of Oxygen to feed the roots.Constantly saturated will choke roots,or a collapse of zone B will kill plant entirely.Constantly dry will produce woody stems,slowing down Oxygen absorption.What kind of soil does Cannabis like?

Zone C (Feeder Roots):The underworld of W.O.H.,this is where the mutants live in exile.This is the roots main goal.Find a water supply to support elemental osmotic mobilisation supported by the plants genetics,and enviroment.The grower optimises zone C with the right nute strength,and PH range.Dense medium,or what ever wet/dry cycles that grow roots that do not dig deep in the res would be a good observance.I am simply guessing that when the goals of the Feeder roots are met,they then get comfy.If one wants to see more roots deeper in the res at harvest time,I say try more 6500K in flower,and report back here (I would like to know strain/lighting/etc).



Well-Known Member
View attachment 2372487

hey do u know why its drooping like this? that was before the nutes were added. it looks like nute burn, but its only on like 1 maybe 2 out of the 15 seedlings. the leaves are slowly turning a lime green instead of the uniform leaf green. cal mag def? the growth for almost two weeks is quite slow. barely got second true leaves forming... hope the few drops of veg nutes will help it.
It's dieing, it hasn't had food or light. Give it both and it might make it.


Active Member
It was getting light all the others are doing fine and I heard u not supposeTo feed till week 3 or 4. Well at least until cotyledon leaves fall off. I see some of the dropping go away? Should I turn the fan pointing at them 24/7 off? When will I see this growth spurt? And when will the lime green color change back toDark leaf green?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
It was getting light all the others are doing fine and I heard u not supposeTo feed till week 3 or 4. Well at least until cotyledon leaves fall off. I see some of the dropping go away? Should I turn the fan pointing at them 24/7 off? When will I see this growth spurt? And when will the lime green color change back toDark leaf green?
I start feeding right away,but in very very dilute ph corrected strength.It is important to ease in the light intensity/nute strength right away.Seedlings/Clones less is more.


Active Member
I don't have a oh meter yet until I get paid soon so I'm Ph blind right now. But I'm feeding very low and I'm using distilled water. Hopefully some of these seedlings will pull thru before my supplies come in