Well interesting reading here today, Which raises some questions for me.
I got a PH meter this week, stuck it in some tapwater and it came out at 6-7 I let the meter sit till it stopped moving...Well the other night I left the meter in a gallon jug and when I found it the next morning, the PH was down to like 4, does it evaporate? and can I trust my tapwater or should it sit and breathe?
Oh yes Clones....I think I have found some mothers...Some of the bagseed is looking good, I have a few female cheese plants and they rock...Still trying to figure this out. Anyway will bigger clones make bigger plants? Or will the plant stay the size of the Mother? I'm kinda liking some of the bagseed plants as short Hempys, I was training them, but I think the next bunch I'll let go straight up, because they are not big plants now in week 5 of flower. I need the shorter plants and I think I'll try a few...What size clones should I use, so far most of my clones have been slow to develop as they are tops...so no real growth with them yet.