Worm repellant advice

What is the best to spray for mites and catipillers and things like that?thank you for any info you can give me..ky
If you want certified organic use the Bio works line for all pest.
What's in the sand box ?
I would spray plants. Spraying everything around it could help. It's never too early to spray BT but it can be too late. Spinosad works alright but I wouldn't rely on it. Hang bug zappers about 25 feet away from your garden on both sides, they will attract moths away from your garden and exterminate simultaneously.

BT is safe and, like all caterpillar killers, has to be sprayed up until after flowers appear and start to fill in. Once the stock/stem wear the eggs were laid are covered in flowers the eggs can hatch. This way they are protected and are born into their food source. Once the eggs are covered it is too late to treat for them so spray up until then.

No matter how safe a pesticide claims it is, it may be much more dangerous than we know yet (ex: DDT). So you should ALWAYS wear a splash proof safety suit rated for pesticide application and a full face respirator with cartridges rated for organic and chemical pesticide (those are 2 separate cartridges) and wear your gloves and galoshes. Never use a cartridge for more than 4 continuous hours or 6 intermittent hours of use.

Use an atomizer or paint gun for best results.
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