worst drug youve ever done


Well-Known Member
Velaxin by far, the shit sucks me and my friend took 4 pills and almost died. Effect starts with relaxing feeling then you start yawing and during the yawn you feel very intense warm feeling in your legs which starts from stomach, at first you like the feeling but it lasts forever I mean really forever and you yawn in every 15 seconds I`m serious. After 5 hours of non stop yawning we both felt bad so decided to go home and sleep a little. People in the street were looking weirdly at me I was like wtf when i arrived at home and looked into the mirror holy shit I had biggest eyes in the world I`m mean way bigger than during Ecstasy high. So i went to bad tried to sleep but no shit my friend called me and came to my place so we were sitting there for hours. This feeling lasted 3 days 4th day we felt weird 5th day eyes became normal 6th day we were fine. I was scared to yawn for weeks after that. NEVER EVER try Velaxin. Someone told me that it`s for retard people to keep them slow and dumb in mad-house.


Well-Known Member
Any amphetamines, fuck cotton-mouth jaw jacking that lasts for way too long. shittiest drugs ever.


New Member
meth mixed into a speed ball i was up.....no sleep....for five fucking days i took apart a vcr a dvd player and a damn ps3......i was fucking jittery and paranoid as hell and hallucinating like crazy....after those five days i slept for almost 36 hours no lie


Well-Known Member
So the best drug thread is here,so why not opposite? What's the worst? And why?
Mines alcohol,opiates and xanax..alcohol cause I have a problem(working on it),opiates cause I died,an so did 8 friends(I lived luckily,and xanax..I've only don't this drug 2 times and both times an entire 18 hours of my life was erased..I can't get with a drug that makes you "feel so good" and then you can't remember how good you felt the next day(afternoon)..kinda pointless...oh..add crack..I hit it once and got no high at all..I don't mess with anything but psychedelics...they are soul food
I dont have a rather extetensive list, but out of what i have done, my worst experiences were while i was drinking. Funny how everything else are the illegal drugs though


Well-Known Member
I don't know why I didn't think of alcohol..

I had forgotten about Absinthe and Cocaine. By far the worst "Stuck" feeling ever.

One of the stupidest things I have ever done was to take the original Xenedrine with ephedrine after a weekend of Crystal. It put me in the hospital, It was absolutely awful and embarrassing. I went to the ER, they did an EKG and basically laughed at me.. I was fine physically, but my mind was toast. It gave me this weird motion sickness type illness. I had to keep my head between my knees or else everything was overwhelming. I couldn't even handle the car ride to the hospital or even lay down without being the fetal position. Just sitting in a chair with my head up would throw me into a very intense panic attack. It was pretty similar to a 12 hour long Salvia trip. When the ER nurse hit me with a lorazapam iv, I was feeling great within an hour. I was apologizing to everyone an acting aloof. This has to be one of my worst moments and drug experiences ever.


Well-Known Member
I found out from someone else that when I smoked diphenhydramine 100mg plus alprazolam 2-3 mg, the combo would make me genuinely delirious. i had absolutely no memory of sending those completely incoherent emails. cn

But I know the truth and am still working on the details - or am I having a false memory of that as well?


Well-Known Member
kw, killer weed, another name for pcp, angel dust.

now that is strange. I tend to agree with most of the selections for worst drug, at least the one's I've done but I found PCP to be rather delightful. It lended a pure but distant perception of the world around and sent pleasurable waves of energy up and down my spine. To be sure, I took rather small doses of the stuff but I would do it again if the chance presented itself.


Well-Known Member
I love getting wet,but haven't in over 6 years....

Probably the most misunderstood, maligned and politicaly abused drug ever created. I have already described the sad state of affairs when officers each emptied their revolvers into a NAKED man on a street corner because they were sure he was under the influence of PCP. At the time it was supposed that DEAD people who had been taking pcp could rise up like Jason Himself to kill and maim again and so these fully armed officers, standing 10 feet away from this poor soul "feared for their lives" And of course there was poor Rodney King, beaten by a dozen officers to within an inch of his sad life because damn it, he was under the influence of PCP and could have risen up with Hulk like strength and slew them all with one PCP empowered swipe of his fist.


Well-Known Member
Lol, its seems like every COPS episode you see involving a guy on PCP... he is running around naked. I've seen it at least 3 times. I recall one episode years ago, I was probably tripping whilst watching it actually. It had a HUGE black guy that was butt ass naked... and it was a little white lady cop trying to arrest him. There was backup too... they were being cautious at first... all I remember is the guy flipping out, and he busted through a wooden fence like it was nothing (the fence ended like 5 feet farther down, he could have just ran around it)... there were at least 1000 cops trying to get him to the ground but he was in beastmode! He even hit the lady cop. It was one of the funniest scenes ever. of course they eventually got him. i'm sure he is still in prison.


Active Member
Defending myself on the 2 critical posts, just having my say on the thread ' worst drug you ever done' . I dont think that i dont belong belong on a forum for discussion on growing weed when i actually grow weed and might have some good advice or learn something new myself. I think i have a right to say what i said as a warning to other drug users especially naive kids who think any drug use is clever . Am ashamed of my drug use over the years and think any body or any website that condones drug use from opiates to benzoes to speed to weed is plain wrong.


Well-Known Member
Mousebudda - no one here advocates that people take drugs. At least none I can recall recently. I was talking about evangelism with regard to sobriety and asking why one would do so. I also find that there are many who evangelize pot as well. I suppose it could be said that if one supports legalization they might be advocates for use as well but that could be argued either way.

I am NOT ashamed of my drug use and in many ways I feel I am a better person for having done so contrary to you. But if you grow weed then aren't you supporting the notion that weed should be smoked? Aren't you by way of spending time and resources advocating the use of that drug?

You have the right to say as you wish - in a public forum, however this forum is owned and thus you have only the right to say what the mods allow you to say but seeing as how they have not acted, then say what you wish.

Now, honestly, do you actually believe that an unitiated teen who happens by this way will be swayed by your statements that no drug should be taken? In that light, the best possible alternative is to expose the truth and engage in as much harm reduction as possible by USING the truth.

Yours is a portion of the truth.

When my daughter got involved with the DARE program she came home indoctrinated with "all drugs are bad, all drug users are losers and tobacco smokers are all doomed"

What message was imparted to my poor 11 year old? That her father is a loser and her mother will shortly die a horrible death. She took the DARE message to heart and was fearful to tears that her parents were going to die and leave her alone. (I and my wife confronted the teachers and the DARE representative rather sternly).

but I told her that DARE was not telling her the full truth, I asked her if bendryl helped her breath and if aspirin helped her head ache less. Then I told her that it was obvious that all drugs were not bad.

Some years later she asked me if, in fact that DARE was wrong, if she should smoke pot. After all, if drugs were good, what is the problem? I told her that DARE was not alltogether wrong but they were communicating the right message in the wrong way. She was puzzled for a bit but asked me again about pot. I said that smoking pot was for fully functioning adults and it was for them to decide. I asked her to call me (cell phones for kids isn't a bad idea) if she were offered pot and we would discuss it.

When she was 18 she called and I said I didn't think it adviseable - she listened, when she was 21 I said she was an adult and to make up her own mind.

She now smokes on very rare occasions. Now this is evidence that the TRUTH is empowering and as best most here can manage, they post the truth about drugs - perhaps that truth will save a life or two. Telling someone not to use drugs, without regard to circumstance or reason is something that simply will not work.

I got into a large argument recently here on the value of advice. This is no reflection on you at all and I hope you don't take offense but advice from someone who has failed is only half the story. It is akin to a sky diver who's chute didn't open but somehow survived. "don't anyone ever under any circumstance go up in a plane and jump out". Now how valuable is that advice? We need to also get advice from someone who has succeeded. "sky diving is a wonderful sport, you are exhilerrated and free, you can feel as though you are flying and it can be very rewarding - BUT, if you don't check your own gear, if you don't follow the instructions, if you don't keep your head about you - you will die"

Isn't that a wiser approach?


Well-Known Member
I want to add something.

When I was a child they had at school, a group of alcoholics describing the terrors and horrors of drinking - they said "if you drink you will end up like me". But the reality is that many people are successful with their alcohol consumption, they have their glass of scotch and they do not "throw up so hard that you can see pieces of their liver in their puke" (as one of the testamonial guests stated wrongly I might add). Those who drink a glass or two of wine with their meals, those who have a very expensive 16 ounces of budwiser swill during a baseball game are those who are the most fit to instruct others on alcohol,not the alcoholic who is unable to stop at just one. We seem to consider that those who have failed are somehow the experts simply because they have experienced ONE SIDE of the situation.

Anyone who is considering heroin should be fully aware that the chances of addiction or habituation are high, that the routes of administration are inherently dangerous and that the feeling one has while under the influence is neither as wonderful as most are told nor as deadly. That is the truth.

Anyone considering cigarettes should be told that nicotine is highly addictive and stealthy and that for most, the addiction is extremely difficult to expel. They should be warned that the pleasures are extremely fleeting and it is not "cool" to smoke. The pleasure vs pain equation for cigarettes is very lopsided.

Anyone considering alcohol should be aware that some have a predisposition to excessive drinking and that excessive alcohol consumption is very bad for you, allows you do foolish and dangerous things. They should also be told that in moderation it can be a life long pleasurable past time that lubricates social endeavors, tastes wonderful and calms ones nerves.

Anyone considering the use of amphetamines should be aware that the pleasures are intense and long lasting, that one can easily become habituated but there is little chance of true addiction. They should be told that it can harm your body and permanently alter one's brain for the worse. They should be told that the majority of those who have used it would not advise others to do so.

And finally, there is pot. Anyone considering smoking pot should understand that it has some wonderful qualities but if smoked too early may retard the user's social and emotional growth, it can be habit forming, it may not be particularly good for one's lungs and that a user may well fall victim to obsession over it. They should also be told that it is, when compared to any other drug, rather benign - and that the authorities (as usual) are wrong in most counts as to it's dangers.

you see, the truth is the only way.


Virtually Unknown Member
Dextromethorphan. Never ever again.
Yeah, not proud of this one. I think when any of this syrup first came out you only had a cherry flavor, thus we called it ruby juice. Just chug the whole bottle. Don't remember much other than I didn't like it. I've heard codeine syrup called that too,