worst drug youve ever done


Well-Known Member
Alcohol is poison and sucks. Same with nicotine

Tut tut there Kite, in judicious doses, wrapped in beautiful packages, nicotine can be as pleasant as any other drug you can name - it gives one an etherial, dreamy mindset and if that package is tasty enough, it can provide an hour and a half of absolute bliss - believe me. WE are NOT talking about cigarettes here but fine cigars.

And a good whiskey or an exquisit scotch can bring one to a fine and mellow state - the price keeps one from over indulging. Mix the two and you are in a grounded heaven, cares well departed and silent contentment close at hand.


Well-Known Member
By far the worst is Jimson Seeds...
I could tell you story's that are insane from these...
I have a few friends that have died from this shit...
Used it several times over 30 years ago and I would not touch this stuff if my life depended on it now.

Short explanation of them if you don't know what they are.

Notorious for its toxicity, Jimson Weed is a large flowering plant with the genus Datura and the family Solanaceae. It has long white trumpet-like flowers. Its seeds grow in pods and can be consumed (or its leaves can be smoked) to produce an extremely potent psychoactive effect.

A typical dose is 5 to 7 seeds, but it has been reported effective in as little as 2. An overdose can cause delirium, delusions, paralysis, stupor and death. This is due to its dangerous combination of atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine.

Its effects are said to always trigger a 24 to 48 hour anticholinergic delirium, which basically means the user is incapable of distinguishing fantasy from reality - NOT to be confused with hallucination in which the user may know is false interpretation. Overall, no matter how bizarre things get, the user will still find the twisted reality credible.

Users report when they are not hallucinating, they still are susceptible to abnormal actions which the user perceives as normal, and things the user would never do seem like just an everyday activity: ie. Rearranging furniture into one corner of the room in a very obviously impractical way, but the user, completely aware of what they are doing still does not see it as abnormal and may believe they are doing something useful.

Common Names: Devil's Apple; Thorn Apple; Stinkweed; Devil's Weed; Malpitte; Moonflower; Toloache; Angel's Trumpet; Daemon's Trumpet


Well-Known Member
GHB is nasty shit. spent a long time puking on that. Ketamine is also no fun. I hate acid. Sherm is gross. hey theres lots of terrible drugs heheh. klonipins erase your memory, percocets turned me into a heroin junky. I shot coke till my arms were bleeding all over the house. Had many bad nights drunk. took a few mushroom trips I wish I didnt.
i like weed.


Well-Known Member
Tut tut there Kite, in judicious doses, wrapped in beautiful packages, nicotine can be as pleasant as any other drug you can name - it gives one an etherial, dreamy mindset and if that package is tasty enough, it can provide an hour and a half of absolute bliss - believe me. WE are NOT talking about cigarettes here but fine cigars.

And a good whiskey or an exquisit scotch can bring one to a fine and mellow state - the price keeps one from over indulging. Mix the two and you are in a grounded heaven, cares well departed and silent contentment close at hand.
A fellow cigar and whiskey fan? Cool. Tobacco gets a bad reputation because of cigarettes, but a fine cigar is my idea of therapy.

On topic:

Worst drug for me was a research chemical called DOC (I think). The effective dosage is incredibly small, like 2-4 mg, and it's very long lasting. I tried it once, and I think it was more like 5-6 mg...the most miserable 18 hours of my life, I felt mentally broken on that. The experience is hard to describe, but it took me for a ride and left me emotionally unstable to the point where I just broke down crying the next day. Definitely not what I was looking for.

I absolutely love ketamine. So much so that it's detrimental to my overall well being. I would live my life in a k-hole if given the chance, and that's the kind of dependence I don't need.

Drugs were a lot of fun, I had some great times, but that time of my life is in the past now.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to take x you really need to use a test kit and check pillreports and ecstasydata.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to take x you really need to use a test kit and check pillreports and ecstasydata.
Hey man thanks for the info! I just looked for one of my most prized x pills and they had the pill info! I was kinda shocked. I wish I could find them again. If you ever see these buy em up!!http://www.pillreports.com/index.php?page=display_pill&id=5609

I literally had sex for 8 straight hours, only stopping because I was dripping sweat on her face... The most profound orgasm I've ever experienced.

I got 3 for $10 and by far the best 10 dollars I've ever spent on a drug. I got them from a close friend so I don't know what the actual cost should be. I have never gotten a better x pill, no matter the price.