worst drug youve ever done


Well-Known Member
I took a bad ecstasy pill once. Was a really bad scene. I was the only one who had drug experience baby sitting 3 other kids. I was sure someone was gonna have a heart attack. They thought they were having fun, good for them. I sat in the club and tried to chill. Counted my heart rate, did it 5 times because I was sure it wasn't right. 190. Shit had me shook. Vision was dancing like crazy and not in a good trippy way, in a losing control of my nervous system way. Scares me talking about it.

Also had a really really bad trip on a mushroom once.

Craziest drugs trips I've seen was a couple friends tripping on GHB after a very long night of lots of other drugs. And a girl freaking the fuck out on a bunch of E and K. Woah that was wild. Exorcist type shit.


New Member
Worst drug I ever did was 2 hits of 2-CB ( aka Europa ). I thought it was ecstacy because it came from a long reliable source of e but to my dismay. I have a high tolerance for e but this one was not working with me at all. Total dissociation from my torso. At the onset it felt like my brain was floating inside my cranium (not in a good way) and I had to quickly walk away from anybody that was near but I couldn't that easily. I still don't know how I was able to walk. You literally see everything in front of you as if you were a fly with multiple eyeballs. I was literally seeing 5 if not 10 of every object spinning in front of me. Super extreme vertigo and dizziness with zero nausea because of the complete dissociation from the torso.


Active Member
Never had an overtly bad drug but in one of the very few times I've done DXM in my life, I was lying on my couch for hours drifting in and out of consciousness (not trippily) with a fan on me, throwing up repeatedly. Not a fun 5 hours.


Well-Known Member
man i love dxm, it goes weed dxm than opiates, specifically dilaudid.. but dxm is magical like the other dissociatives.....sorry you had a bad experience bro, this one chick i knew literally shit herself on it...it was bad


Active Member
Like I said, I've had a few good ones on it, very enjoyable. It was just also happenstantially the drug that gave me a bad experience too. There'll be good ones and bad ones, it's no big deal. Maybe at some point I'll even try it again but at this point I've been interested in psychedelics and weed almost exclusively. Dissociatives have never really been my cup of tea, even with their psychedelic elements.


Well-Known Member
I read the dyphenhydromine(sic) thread...seems like that should pop up here..maybe it has and I forgot...just remembered a bad experience with bourbon barrell stouts and jeagermiester..I put toothpaste in my contact case when I went to bed...nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Diphenhydramine. I like to steer clear of the deliriants personally.
Toothpaste in contacts sounds awful.


Well-Known Member
<--------------------- p.c.p..... once unknowingly.... 2ce I knew I was getting wet... fucking horrible drug... second worse was crystal meth...


Well-Known Member
ive done 2ce and 2ci rory, the ce was more of a roll feeling, the ci was too trippy
what class are these in and exactly what is there chemical funtion if ya dont mind me
asking, they gave me some free back when i use to order jwh


Well-Known Member
Phenylethlamines(I can't spell)...I like the 2c drugs a lot...next day its like I haven't done anything at all..very maintanable as far as the 'freak out' factor..2cb is by far the best...


Well-Known Member
As far as a chemical function...I guess they are there for psycological research or that need brought them about..shulgin..look him up...the only function I get from them is patterns and euphoria..lol