Well it's looking like it's NOT going to be a ballast (like I said). I'm getting real close to cutting 2 plants down. those are the 2 I had in the tent when all the shit went down.
I want to add that these plants were grown with the 3 liquid Fox Farm nutrients and the 3 dry Fox Farm nutrients. I'm only saying this because with the exception of the Big Bloom all of the other nutrients were SIX YEARS OLD. They sat in my shed for most all of that time enduring 90+ degree temps to single digit to possibly negative temperatures. They seem to be doing fine.
Here is a picture of a sample bud I cut from one of them today. The main part of this bud is 3" long and about 1.5" wide at the fattest part...not too bad. Trust me when I say this is a SMALL bud from this plant.
Buds from the original plant on page one are turning out bad. They smell good, have plenty of frost, but they are very airy. I'm not sure why. That plant will be the bummer of the harvest. It's pretty sad because there was SO many bud sites on it.
Once these finish there will be 8 more (the ones I said fuck it, and put them in before I wanted) to finish up. Most of those stretched to 3', and one (Blue Kush) stretched to about 4'....they are all looking good at 4wks in.