Worst Joke Ever?

Big P

Well-Known Member
you know how micheal jackson has had lots of plastic surgery,...

well, hes supposed to be creamated, so what they're gonna do is melt him down and turn him into lego blocks, so kids can play with him for a change:bigjoint:


I used to have a lot of horrible jokes I used to tell people when I was a raft guide, before I got fired for smoking up. Here's a couple I can remember.

What do you call a fish with no eyes?

Why can't Barbie get pregnant?
-Because Ken comes in a different box.

What did the lifeguard say to the drowning hippie?
-"You're too far out man!"


Well-Known Member
How do you know it's bedtime at the neverland ranch? When the big hand touches the little hand.

Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
Probably ressurecting the thread, but i was on a bus the other day and the driver was all like :

"What do you call and empty jar of cheeze wiz?"


"Cheeze Wuz!"



Well-Known Member
those were some funny ass jokes fellas....heres a corny one for ya..
knock knock....
who's there....
little old lady.....
little old lady who....
wow,i didnt know you could yodel....

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
why cant a spick be a fire fighter.......
cuz he cant tell the difference between hose A , and hose B

what happened when the nigger looked up his family tree.....
a gurilla shit on his face

whats the difference between a nigger and a pizza........
the pizza can feed a family of 4

what do you call a nigger in a tree with a brief case..........
a branch manager

what do you get when you cross a gang banger with a retard.....
a nigger who sprays paint on a chain link fence

What's a niggers idea of foreplay.........
"Don't scream or I'll cut you, bitch."

How else do you babysit a niglet........
Put Velcro on the ceiling and tell him to jump.

How do you get him down.........
Invite the spics over, blindfold them and tell them it's a pinata party

How do you fit 15 niggers in the back of a Cadillac........
Dont worry theyll figure it out

why is a midget laughing when you see him running naked...........
the grass is tickeling him balls

theres a moma, papa, and baby tomato walking and the baby tomato falls behind so the papa tomato runs back and steps on him and says catch up

well i could go all day but i threw in a dumb one at the end lol