Would Reagan Vote for Ron Paul?


Well-Known Member
This writer makes some interesting points regarding similarities between Dr Paul and Reagan.

I was happy to see that Paul (on Russert) has left the door open a crack in reference to his running as an Independent. The Republican establishment is really going to tee off on Paul as his momentum builds. They hate the guy, which to my way of thinking, is an excellent reason to vote for Paul.
Would Reagan Vote for Ron Paul?
By Matt Towery
Thursday, December 27, 2007

It is my personal belief that if Reagan were alive and living in Iowa today, and he had to choose among the Republican presidential candidates, that he would likely choose the man the GOP establishment and national media have written off -- Congressman Ron Paul.

As for domestic policy, again Reagan's philosophy seems closer to that of Paul's than any other Republican candidate today. Reagan constantly railed against big government. In speech after speech, he emphasized the need to adhere to the Constitution, and to respect the powers of the individual states. Sound familiar?
As I try to remind my friends who were around in 1980, Reagan was considered by the mainstream Republican establishment to be as kooky as many label Paul as being.
Gerald Ford in 1980 was quoted in Time Magazine as saying that Reagan was "unelectable." It is no wonder that when Reagan challenged Ford some four years earlier for the GOP nomination, Paul was one of only a handful of sitting congressmen who supported Reagan's effort.

excerpts from;
Townhall.com::Would Reagan Vote for Ron Paul?::By Matt Towery


New Member
This writer makes some interesting points regarding similarities between Dr Paul and Reagan.

I was happy to see that Paul (on Russert) has left the door open a crack in reference to his running as an Independent. The Republican establishment is really going to tee off on Paul as his momentum builds. They hate the guy, which to my way of thinking, is an excellent reason to vote for Paul.
Would Reagan Vote for Ron Paul?
By Matt Towery
Thursday, December 27, 2007

It is my personal belief that if Reagan were alive and living in Iowa today, and he had to choose among the Republican presidential candidates, that he would likely choose the man the GOP establishment and national media have written off -- Congressman Ron Paul.

As for domestic policy, again Reagan's philosophy seems closer to that of Paul's than any other Republican candidate today. Reagan constantly railed against big government. In speech after speech, he emphasized the need to adhere to the Constitution, and to respect the powers of the individual states. Sound familiar?
As I try to remind my friends who were around in 1980, Reagan was considered by the mainstream Republican establishment to be as kooky as many label Paul as being.
Gerald Ford in 1980 was quoted in Time Magazine as saying that Reagan was "unelectable." It is no wonder that when Reagan challenged Ford some four years earlier for the GOP nomination, Paul was one of only a handful of sitting congressmen who supported Reagan's effort.

excerpts from;
Townhall.com::Would Reagan Vote for Ron Paul?::By Matt Towery
If Ray-gun was alive, I'm sure he'd have Mrs. Regan vote for him, as he was pretty senile. I'm pretty sure your Idol, Ray-gun was a puppet for the new world order, after all, didn't he take credit for the fall of the Berlin wall. The emerging Neo-cons controlled your Idol, it was the beginning of the end for a free America.


Active Member
:blsmoke:Congressman Ron Paul supporter or not, you should check out this column I found by a guy named Matt Towery. He used to be the chair for Newt’s political campaigns and now he writes a national political column and he does a web broadcast about everyday. Anyway, one of his sites is http://www.insideradvantage.com were he’s posted an article about how Reagan would be a supporter of Paul?!


Well-Known Member
Med how is your post in any way responsive to the proposition "Would Reagan vote for Paul?"

That post explains why Vi put you on ignore!



Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Congressman Ron Paul supporter or not, you should check out this column I found by a guy named Matt Towery. He used to be the chair for Newt’s political campaigns and now he writes a national political column and he does a web broadcast about everyday. Anyway, one of his sites is http://www.insideradvantage.com were he’s posted an article about how Reagan would be a supporter of Paul?!

Uhh, I prefer not do be a dickbomb, but grass, you did not even read the thread....this thread is based on that article!
It helps to read threads before posting.


New Member
Med how is your post in any way responsive to the proposition "Would Reagan vote for Paul?"

That post explains why Vi put you on ignore!

Are you really that dense? I said Ray-gun was too demented to know which way the wind blew, therefore he'd of had his wife (Nancy) tell him how to vote. Regan was a product of the emerging neocon structure being formulated at this time in history. He did as he was told, just like your other Idol Bush. BTW fuck VI, I never liked his politics and definently not his vitriolic attacks. He always claimed it was I attacking him, but he gave more than he took and finally couldn't take it anymore, a typical right wing idiot, it's my way or the highway, so now I only have three or four right wing fanatics to deal with. I don't get Ignore anyway, you know damn well he sneaks a peek at my posts. The guy I put on Ignore got booted from the site, guess what, I was right about that asshole. Hey there are more than one asshole on this site and I'm sure you know who you are.


Well-Known Member
Mr Reagen would vote for Dr. Paul because they were friends. Yes, some people thought Mr. Reagan was "kooky" because of his supply-side economic goals. George B 1st called it "VooDoo Economics" and then became Mr. Reagans running mate. Strange huh? Dr. P. is supply-side as well, I believe, so I suppose he too is a VooDoo merchant.

Does it not seem unreasonable to besmirch the memory of a dead man, who was an asset to this country? After all, even if you disagree with someones politics, it is unfair to make nasty remarks. It would be understandable if you choose to take pot-shots at Clinton or Bush-the-Lesser, for treason or lies to the American people. But political assination of Mr. Reagan is unfair. I would not do that sort of thing against Mr. Carter, with who I disagree with politically.


Well-Known Member
Hi mockingbird, I agree entirely with your assessment.

Although it has occurred to me that when some voters (like med) realize how closely aligned some of Reagan’s views would be with Paul's, they will turn into gibbering hyperventilating, sputtering twits, just like our esteemed Mr. med!
This could cost Dr Paul some votes?



New Member
Hi mockingbird, I agree entirely with your assessment.

Although it has occurred to me that when some voters (like med) realize how closely aligned some of Reagan’s views would be with Paul's, they will turn into gibbering hyperventilating, sputtering twits, just like our esteemed Mr. med!
This could cost Dr Paul some votes?

You just dont get it wavelos, I hated Regan for his trickle down economics almost as much as I hated Nixon which pales compared to my hatred of this Bush asshole, All neo conservative assholes are on my shit list. Paul has enough points in the plus column to warrant my vote if selected to run for president, but he has a few minuses also. All the neocons were rich or elitest assholes, and you can't cure that. Oh, I can't forget Bush I, he was a prick also, ex head of the CIA the most corrupt, Well maybe not the most, we have the NSA vying for top honors there, but as far as US organizations, those two top my list of first to go under government reduction. BTW public figures are open season, fuck Ray-gun, just because he died doesn't reduce the shitty things he did as president, fuck Nixon, I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire and double fuck both the bush bastards only one is worse than the other. Do you like my poetic lisence?


Well-Known Member
You just dont get it wavelos, I hated Regan for his trickle down economics almost as much as I hated Nixon which pales compared to my hatred of this Bush asshole, All neo conservative assholes are on my shit list. Paul has enough points in the plus column to warrant my vote if selected to run for president, but he has a few minuses also. All the neocons were rich or elitest assholes, and you can't cure that. Oh, I can't forget Bush I, he was a prick also, ex head of the CIA the most corrupt, Well maybe not the most, we have the NSA vying for top honors there, but as far as US organizations, those two top my list of first to go under government reduction. BTW public figures are open season, fuck Ray-gun, just because he died doesn't reduce the shitty things he did as president, fuck Nixon, I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire and double fuck both the bush bastards only one is worse than the other. Do you like my poetic lisence?
Mr. Medicineman, are you not being one-sided in your attacks? I never saw Mr. Reagan do anything underhanded. But, I may not have completely agreed with him. The others you mentioned have AT LEAST been underhanded SOBs. But, I believe, you have made an error and omission by NOT mentioning Bubba and Butch Clinton. I could argue a good case that they commited treason and murders.

What say you medi?


Well-Known Member
Are you really that dense? I said Ray-gun was too demented to know which way the wind blew, therefore he'd of had his wife (Nancy) tell him how to vote. Regan was a product of the emerging neocon structure being formulated at this time in history. He did as he was told, just like your other Idol Bush. BTW fuck VI, I never liked his politics and definently not his vitriolic attacks. He always claimed it was I attacking him, but he gave more than he took and finally couldn't take it anymore, a typical right wing idiot, it's my way or the highway, so now I only have three or four right wing fanatics to deal with. I don't get Ignore anyway, you know damn well he sneaks a peek at my posts. The guy I put on Ignore got booted from the site, guess what, I was right about that asshole. Hey there are more than one asshole on this site and I'm sure you know who you are.
dude isnt vitriolic another word for someone who says big words to make themselves sound more intelligent?


Well-Known Member
dude isnt vitriolic another word for someone who says big words to make themselves sound more intelligent?
Its not that big a word. At any rate, yes. He endorsed him when he ran in 88'. the question is more or less...how conservative is Ron Paul, with Regan being the pinnacle. If you ask me, Ron Paul is the pinnacle of the Republican Party. Everyone else is too afraid of the constitution.


New Member
dude isnt vitriolic another word for someone who says big words to make themselves sound more intelligent?
No it's "something resembling acid as in being caustic, corrosive or biting" (Miriam Webster). You may want to take a vocabulary course.


New Member
OK now when you use that word, I defended you. Now I KNOW that you are trying to act smart.
Whaaat? Sometimes you don't make sense. I used that word because it popped into my head at the moment I was writing that sentence. Can I help it if I took vocabulary in college? That word fit exactly my feelings at that moment. I may make mistakes in my posts, afterall, I am human, but I try and clarify my Ideas to the best of my abilities. I realize it would have been more to the point to just call the guy an asshole, but I did in a round about way, with a little more class you see, but you are right, fuck, he's just an asshole, allright?

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
some people don't consider American Hero's much of anything unless they saved THEM from a burning building or took a bullet for them.
......pffft the last american hero was kennedy and he did take a bullet.

Then again, ronald reagon was almost assassinated by a guy who was obsessed with catcher in the rye.