Would you let your kids use cannabis?


New Member
My parents told me when I was 8 if you ever feel the want to expirence drugs please do it responsibly and under the care of one of us or one of your bros.. I pondered weed an asked my bro .. Hey I wanna try weed... He got a bag an we toked after my third hit I called my mom up.. Mommy ... Guess wat???? I'm high!!!... She laughed asked where I was and asked to speak to my bro I gave him the phone an he cracked up an hung up... I lost the urge to smoke it for about 2 years an my doc said it could help with my head aches an add.. So.. Now I'm mellooooooow... Ha ha but the fact that I knew my parents wouldn't hate me in a way helped me be resonsible... I've only also tried extacy 4 times. Also I don't have to wonder way the drugs are like because they share there expirences with is good and bad an from them I have learned eat would be ok an what I should stay away from.. So I do believe that my parents did right with being open with us.. My father was a big stoner till I was 7 so it wasn't foregin to me.. Also plus for the past 5 years my mother has had her own farm... So I get to go up trim a few plants up an bring them home to dry. As long as they can prove there resonsible enough for it it's all good to me but no dealing and no plants till there 18 an never carry more than 1 ounce on them.. Lol I'm gonna be hella strick but leaient(can't spell) LOL..
That's way too young and no offense it just sounds lame for a kid to be toking up


Well-Known Member

But not until 18.

My child would have to show some serious responsibility in school,
at home, and show me that they can make responsible decisions
even when alone. I'm with growtech on this one.

I would want my child to maintain a certain GPA, get a job,
and be very responsible.


Well-Known Member
Kind of a weird question. My parents NEVER talked to me about drugs. I never tried Cannabis until my Sophomore year of college after being around it on a regular basis for a year and a half.

After seeing people use it regularly and not seeing any ill effects I gave it a try. I don't know what I would have done if my parents approached me about the topic BEFORE I started smoking - prob would have weirded me out.

I was always allowed to drink and it never had "appeal" to me because I always had access to it. My parents never pushed it on me.

If my kid asked me about cannabis I would tell them what I thought about it. I don't think I would push it on them.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't "let" them do it....but if they sneak off and do it (which they will) then so be it...we all did.
i would let my kids smoke weed after thaey are 18 but if i ever catch them with a cigarette then they will have a beatin commin and it wouldnt matter who old they were


New Member
Well my parents don't let me, but my dad has told me that he'd rather I smoke weed than be getting drunk. I do it anyway, and I wish I could just be honest with them, but my mom at least has this opinion as if it's an evil mind-rotting drug. I'd rather live without the stress but I'm too much of a pussy to just come out of the hot-boxed closet.
That being said, it's the same with like 70% of the kids I know who are my age (11th grade). So even if you don't let them, they're going to if they want to.
Also I keep a 85%+ average in school btw, I have one and soon two jobs and I pay for all my own shit, and I consider myself a responsible kid, I stay away from drinking 99% of the time, with the off couple drinks I'll have once in a while (every 2-3 months at most).