Would you support a bill that required the consent of the father to obtain an abortion?

Would you support a bill that required the consent of the father to obtain an abortion?

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this may sound like i'm passing the buck, but it seems like a women's issue to me. i don't have a vagina or a euterus, so i'll trust their judgement, as long as they don't pass a penis/testes bill
this may sound like i'm passing the buck, but it seems like a women's issue to me. i don't have a vagina or a euterus, so i'll trust their judgement, as long as they don't pass a penis/testes bill

I agree that people should determine how others use their own body.

So, would you say that until a fetus or unborn child is born, the mother has the right to treat it as her property, to do with as she wishes or do you think a later term abortion is unacceptable?
i think if the father is actively involved in the mothers life, theres a good chance this won't be an issue. if its a young girl who got pregnant by some kid who couldn't take care of it if he was willing, who may not know the kid exists or will ever see the girl again, then no, he gets no say. you have to try to look at things from others points of view. i don't like the idea of abortion, but i also don't like the idea of more kids growing up with little to no supervision, having even more kids, with no no idea of how to take care of them, and no means to do so.....at least dogs and cats have Bob Barker, no one seems to give a fuck about all the kids who didn't get aborted. once they pop out, fuck em, let em take care of themselves......