i have the same problems. tiny white worms, about one millimeter long, turning the seeds into flush
did you cleaned with bleach your lamp, reflector, socket, plant pots, watering device before using them?
did you use soil that has been in contact with soil coming from the outside (eg compost)? has your soil been sterelised with steam? check your bags.
do you buy any imported fruits where tiny flies could have been carried in the stem root (where the stem attaches to the fruit) such as prunes, apples, peaches, grapes.
do you have other plants nearby that could contaminate?
try germinating your seeds for a longer time and have them grow a longer taproot, 1 or 1.5 inches before putting them in the ground.
where do you germinate your seeds? don't do it in a closet or nearby cotton, shoes, etc.
live and learn, my friend. starting seeds is the toughest, most delicate part. dont be sloppy at all.