WTF!!! my plant have been nearly destroyed


Well-Known Member
i went back to my spot today and found that nearly every one of my plants were horribly mangled, one all that was left were the sugar leaves in the corners some were still ok and not real bad but most sadly were. if i new how to post a pic i would but i think most of u would cry at the sight of this. ne way besides that they were starting to preflower so does ne one no if the horribly mangled ones (provided they dont die) will revegitate and sprout some new growth, im hopeful they will but who knows
That sucks. I'm with the rest of them on hearing your ideas as to what happened. Or pics if you can figure it out?
Sorry man, I have had this happen before. That is why I never do outdoors w/o chicken wire. That and I drink a 22 oz. of beer on my way in, guarantees I have to pee at the patch.

Sorry for your loss,

here are my possible explainations- we had a pretty bad storm the night before so i assumed this may have been it but earlier in the year they made it through a pretty severe storm with no damage so im sceptical about it being bc o the storm - i thought it might be deer as one of them is stripped completely but where i have is on a high rocky hill where i no deer dnt travel and also i saw no track and or visible deer trail, there should of been tracks given it just rained-my third and final explaination is some stupid kid who just started smoking stumbled across it and for whatever reason thought the leaves would get em high and had a grab fest stripping whatever they could in a hurry be4 the owner of the plants got back , but any who i relocated them just in case. and its not a complete loss i still have 3 good ones out of ten im hoping theyll pop new leaves out in the coming weeks seeing as how they still have some vegitation on them
here are my possible explainations- we had a pretty bad storm the night before so i assumed this may have been it but earlier in the year they made it through a pretty severe storm with no damage so im sceptical about it being bc o the storm - i thought it might be deer as one of them is stripped completely but where i have is on a high rocky hill where i no deer dnt travel and also i saw no track and or visible deer trail, there should of been tracks given it just rained-my third and final explaination is some stupid kid who just started smoking stumbled across it and for whatever reason thought the leaves would get em high and had a grab fest stripping whatever they could in a hurry be4 the owner of the plants got back , but any who i relocated them just in case. and its not a complete loss i still have 3 good ones out of ten im hoping theyll pop new leaves out in the coming weeks seeing as how they still have some vegitation on them

yeah you should get some new growth for sure, i`ve a lady outside thet had the whole plant literally taken off its stem with just the bottom node left, i didn`t want to get rid so left it to one side at the bottom of the yard to its own devices and after two weeks it has lots of new growth, and i have every faith that she`ll be a producer at some stage,

fingers crossed for you man.
always cover your soil with something. mulch. turkeys like to dust themselfs on bare dirt. there wings will break any stem and distroy them
i no a rabbit didnt do this if it was i was the biggest fuckin rabbit in the world as on one my top branches were ripped down and my crown was broken. not off though so i think i can hopefully fix it by straightening it back and giving it support. the stem and leaves still have life bc even though it was broken the leaves were still curling toward the sun so im hopeful it all i really got at this point. and id love to post pics but 1 no camera and 2 wouldnt nohow if i had a camera. if someone would like to post directions as to how to put pictures up so when i do have a camera i can, its sad my biggest plant recieved the most damage
damn man sorry to hear about your plants. you would be suprised the beating those plants can come out of. On of my best plants the other day was completely snapped over at the base and has a pretty big crack in it. i just staked it up with a couple small bracnches and hopefully it will heal up. i feel for ya.
Ouch! Rabbits got me twice within a week--- just put up "rabbit wire" to keep em off-- completely stripped a couple mine too! Such a painful experience!!

Take a couple pics (maybe you have a cell?) go to & upoload!! there are lots of people here willing to give the best helpful advice they can!
im def gonna use chicken wire or some sort of fencing next year. ill post another thread in a few weeks to inform on how there recuporating
I have never used chicken wire and pulled pounds.

Where I live there are several scenarios. Bugs would be number 1 idea cause they destroy the leaves without a track. Number 2 slugs, they also leave no track and are violent with the entire plant. 3 would be someone picking em.

All others are wildlife you would have tracks or your whole damn root system would have been taking by coons and other diggers so it's not an animal.