
So is she trying the good old fashion flash notes to the journalists so they can take a picture and read it afterwards?
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Now you also have Right wing backed "Local News" websites and local TV. They go online and get pumped full of right wing conspiracies that never get touched to debunk them in the sources that they trust, then they get to drive home to hate radio, and drink some beers to some hate TV on Fox.
Conspiracy theories simplify a complex world and give it a sense of order for the weak minded, they appeal the their egos, because they feel they have "special" knowledge they think others do not posses and are among the selected, it make em feel special.

Right wing radio and TV is all about emotion and feelings, generating feelings of fear and hatred first to prime them, then layer on a narrative to guide their thoughts to flow into the channels of your making. It's an old game taken to a new level by modern media, but the basics remain the same, prime them to establish a baseline "feeling" and then slather on the bullshit using simplistic conspiracy theories, people naturally see and want to see patterns and they provide the framework for them.
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Although I agree with the premise, I don't agree with the details.

Trump is an extremely narcissistic sociopath. It's 100% Trump. There is no room for prioritization of anything to the man. It's him, and him alone. Everything else is completely irrelevant as soon as it no longer provides him perceived personal benefit. That includes his own political party. We've already had numerous examples of him wiping his ass with the Constitution.

tRUmp is now turning on Lindsey Graham because he won't subpoena Obama to testify.
Okay, I accept your challenge. Prove there is a "collective mind".

View attachment 4571413
Would it more helpful to the linguistically challenged if he said, "Has Uncle Sam" lost his mind? How about the soul of the nation? I use that phrase too. America is like an ambivalent person, torn between two impulses, one to do good and the other evil. Some people don't like black people, but draw the line at lynching out of "moral" considerations, besides it looks unseemly.
is that a cross?
Ha! Yes, indeed. The devil takes many forms. A classic deception.
Although I agree with the premise, I don't agree with the details.

Trump is an extremely narcissistic sociopath. It's 100% Trump. There is no room for prioritization of anything to the man. It's him, and him alone. Everything else is completely irrelevant as soon as it no longer provides him perceived personal benefit. That includes his own political party. We've already had numerous examples of him wiping his ass with the Constitution.
All true, but that's not what makes him a draw. It's his blatant racism and he taps into the pent up frustration of "the flyover" people who feel left out. Then there's the battle against his detractors. His followers love it. He simply observes and tells them what simple minds want to hear. Think snake oil salesmen, it's an ancient ruse.
Edit: As far as "what good has he done for this country"? Nothing, just the opposite. He's further divided us, made us poorer, more in debt, and lessened our prominence in the world, made us a laughing stock.
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tRUmp is now turning on Lindsey Graham because he won't subpoena Obama to testify.
Lindsey is in trouble back home and the polls have not been kind to the bag licker and chief, his race is unexpectedly tight. It will get a lot worse for him when the death toll mounts and Nancey holds his feet to the fire with oversight on Donald over covid-19 and probably impeachment, depending on the body count. Make him vote to acquit Donald over this fiasco as catastrophe reigns back home, when people are more pissed and want answers.
Speaking of simplistic stories and theories, Donald fucking up the pandemic response is a real simple story and timeline that anybody can comprehend, You can explain it with facts and graphics in a few minutes and several have with TV ads, it's a hard narrative to beat back. People want answers and the simpler the better, this one is real simple, Donald personally fucked up every aspect and stage of the response, and hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying because of it. Whistle blowers and scientific experts will be plentiful and it would be most unwise to withhold witnesses and documents over this one, but Donald will try.
Speaking of simplistic stories and theories, Donald fucking up the pandemic response is a real simple story and timeline that anybody can comprehend, You can explain it with facts and graphics in a few minutes and several have with TV ads, it's a hard narrative to beat back. People want answers and the simpler the better, this one is real simple, Donald personally fucked up every aspect and stage of the response, and hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying because of it. Whistle blowers and scientific experts will be plentiful and it would be most unwise to withhold witnesses and documents over this one, but Donald will try.

I wish you would stop saying he fucked up like it was accidental, tRUmp is doing all this on purpose, it's no mistake, it's intentional. You of all people here know his mental make up, malignant narcissist, personality disorder and probably more.
I wish you would stop saying he fucked up like it was accidental, tRUmp is doing all this on purpose, it's no mistake, it's intentional. You of all people here know his mental make up, malignant narcissist, personality disorder and probably more.
Oh I agree, but on some level he wants to be a hero, but is an imbecile in way over his head. It's easier to convince folks of stupidity and incompetence than malice though, especially his supporters. Even though people forgive stupid quicker than malice, stupid is easily proved in this case, malace will be easier to prove when he loses the election and wants revenge on ya for feelings of social rejection. He will also want to distract from the fact that if he loses the TV shows he loves to watch will be filled with mocking and speculation about his legal fate, he will go off the deep end and need a really big distraction then. "If you think you didn't like me before, just wait till ya try to walk out the door", what he does depends on who gives him the idea that most appeals to his "gut", he is almost devoid of imagination or the ability to think abstractly and cannot see future consequences.

He'll kill ya off like flies and not lose a wink of sleep about it and whether that is a conscious process or a largely unconscious one makes little difference. It doesn't matter so much why he is burning down the shining city on the hill, because it's blindingly obvious he is, whether because he's nuts, stupid, desperate or following Putin's instructions. He bankrupted a casino too remember while trying to be a billionaire, he didn't want to win the election, but did anyway and he's fucked up everything he's ever touched and was reduced to Russian money laundering and selling steaks. Maybe he's just stupid and evil, a bad combination at the best of times as you know, a disaster in this situation.
Would it more helpful to the linguistically challenged if he said, "Has Uncle Sam" lost his mind? How about the soul of the nation? I use that phrase too. America is like an ambivalent person, torn between two impulses, one to do good and the other evil. Some people don't like black people, but draw the line at lynching out of "moral" considerations, besides it looks unseemly.

Uncle Sam is not the people of the United States. He is a fictitious figure sometimes in the past thought of as a meat packer who provided provisions for U.S. troops fighting British overlord attempts.

Nowadays I think of him more as a fudge packer, sticking it up the nether holes of his tax serfs.

Concur. And, damn, that girl is scortching. They used to say Bill Clinton surrounded himself with beautiful women (he did). This jagoff takes everything to a new level.
Yeah I think most people who grew up in the 90's and prior are going to have a pretty screwed up perspective of male/female/racial power dynamics.
They ARE in the bubble. Most Americans (IMO) watch only one TV News “service.” We rarely really ever get the same 24/7 “other perspective.” Fox, and POTUS continually teach that any non-conservative source of information are a)Liberal, b)Corrupt, c)Capable of anything. Also, that the most absurd conspiracy theories are daily occurrences in the real world. That vague statements = facts. I’m pretty sure that the progression from legit cable news channel to hard right propaganda network didn’t happen instantaneously. They got indoctrinated, & I don’t know how to bring them back to some sense of reality.
Well it may be somewhat liberal but damn do I love NPR
@DIY-HP-LED This false narrative that tRUmp is just inexperienced and doesn't know better but is trying to do the right thing is such bullshit. The fucking guy is nuts and carries a grudge for the smallest of slights. Remember this video, how do you think someone with tRUmps mental problems would possibly react to it? Being humiliated by a black man and laughed at by the entire elite power brokers of the USA and it's all on video. If given the chance would he want to punish Obama and the USA for laughing at him? Would there be any limits to his revenge with a mental make up like that?

@DIY-HP-LED This false narrative that tRUmp is just inexperienced and doesn't know better but is trying to do the right thing is such bullshit. The fucking guy is nuts and carries a grudge for the smallest of slights. Remember this video, how do you think someone with tRUmps mental problems would possibly react to it? Being humiliated by a black man and laughed at by the entire elite power brokers of the USA and it's all on video. If given the chance would he want to punish Obama and the USA for laughing at him? Would there be any limits to his revenge with a mental make up like that?

Donald only understands hate and fear and can empathise with that to a certain degree, he is a sociopath with no emotional or behavioral brakes on his impulses. He has a limited conscious ability to learn and process information and serious attentional issues too. The fact that he depends on his "gut" to make decisions says a lot about his dependency on these subconscious processes, we all know the decisions that come out of them too, though most are quit conscious. Donald lives in fear at his basic level and the lust for revenge is a desire to annihilate his foes, for slights and insults because he feels so insecure, stupid and ignorant. At one level of this damaged mind and brain he knows what he is and projects it onto others all the time and constantly hides and distracts from the plain fact that he is a fool. He is a sadist too and derives pleasure and an alleviation of his basic fear when a foe is vanquished. Revenge and retribution is foremost in Donald's mind and has priority above all else, didn't we just witness the biggest case of jury intimidation in American history when Donald got off on impeachment? They know what they are dealing with, but they are gutless assholes, held hostage by their base of lunatics and bigots.

If he loses the election he will take revenge on America any way he can and will have a couple of months to do what he can, which might be a lot.

Donald needs a doctor feel good and leaving the WH drooling with a thousand yard stare might save a lot of lives.
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Donald only understands hate and fear and can empathise with that to a certain degree, he is a sociopath with no emotional or behavioral brakes on his impulses. He has a limited conscious ability to learn and process information and serious attentional issues too. The fact that he depends on his "gut" to make decisions says a lot about his dependency on these subconscious processes, we all know the decisions that come out of them too, those most are quit conscious. Donald lives in fear at his basic level and the lust for revenge is a desire to annihilate his foes, for slights and insults because he feels so insecure, stupid and ignorant. At one level of this damaged mind and brain he knows what he is and projects it onto others all the time and constantly hides and distracts from the plain fact that he is a fool. He is a sadist too and derives pleasure and an alleviation of his basic fear when a foe is vanquished. Revenge and retribution is foremost in Donald's mind and has priority above all else, didn't we just witness the biggest case of jury intimidation in American history when Donald got off on impeachment? They know what they are dealing with, but they are gutless assholes, held hostage by their base of lunatics and bigots.

If he loses the election he will take revenge on America any way he can and will have a couple of months to do what he can, which might be a lot.

Donald needs a doctor feel good and leaving the WH drooling with a thousand yard stare might save a lot of lives.
You give Trump to much credit for being ill, limited or damaged. He is none of those. He intends to do harm and knows exactly what he's doing.
You give Trump to much credit for being ill, limited or damaged. He is none of those. He intends to do harm and knows exactly what he's doing.
I'm more focused on the fact that he is doing harm, the experts can debate the details, but there is a consensus of opinion that he is a psycho. His comments about bleach and disinfectants were revealing though, he stood there while a guy lectured about it and couldn't absorb or understand any of it at a shockingly fundamental level. This was not mere distraction, this was an imbecile, imagine how dangerous he would be if he actually had a brain. I'll leave it at stupid and evil, the details are for the experts when they candle his head in prison, first up, a high resolution MRI scan of his brain.
Trump is both a stupid piece of shit and an evil piece of shit. Does he do things to get reactions? Maybe but nobody is going to convince me he has this all planned out. This fucking clown couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery.

I know it’s hard to wrap your head around the possibility that the president is fucking moron but that’s simply the case. He real is a stupid mother fucker and he’s been one his entire life.
I think NPR is pretty straight, but recognize other perspectives, when they’re not too loud about it.
I listen more to those who recognise problems and search for or offer solutions. It's easy to bitch and complain while pigeonholing whole swaths of people and over over generalising. Simplistic analysis is appealing and understandable to many, understanding details takes a bit more effort, as does all learning. Blaming others for their misfortune is quite popular and pandered to regularly on the right who always seek to evoke outrage, but more correctly invoke blind rage and that is just the opening to prime them for the bullshit to come. When you seek to educate (like NPR) you don't need to raise the bar of stimulation like when you titlate or invoke fear regularly, it always has to get worse then, because people adjust. Blame the coastal "elites" and the educated for your plight if you are in the heartland, those folks who fly over and drop shit about you in the "mainstream media" or fake news.
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