Finally wrapping up the night. Some weigh ins. From the stuff cut on the 2nd. About 3 more still drying, @OneHitDone Added the 6 more. Cut one more. 207g and counting. Not bad. LOL
Kind of hard to say. LOL I start a the front of the tent. The Cobs are angled in and blend with the xgs and rw. I try to rotate from front to back left under XGS to RW , Either way though finish under the RW or cobs. Both are pretty solid though the cobs definitely perform better overall.
Forgot to post the the numbers for that tray Thursday night. Only posted over on GK apparently. And just weighted that last plant. Nothing left drying at the moment and don't feel like doing anything other than watering and blasting a little today. Blasted a little yesterday too. So since 9-2 I have chopped 207+76+31=314g as you can see still more to come come and the rotation continues. Probably start cutting more down either tomorrow or Monday. Just a little under a qp shy of the 1lb mark for the month. Should meet that in another week or so. Either way still on track for my 1lb or more per month. It's known what lights I am using and what those draw and my yield numbers I have no issues in showing, so pretty much anyone could take a stab at the gpw since some people still care about that. I have no qualms being transparent. Hell it's hard to know what's truth and utter bullshit when it comes to the internet and relying on complete strangers for help or info. Been there, still there. LOL
Alright so. Since the 14th I have chopped 5 other plants. 1 glass slipper, 2 chunk diesel, 1 sweet tooth, and 1 bushed out galaxy. Bare with me I'll get pics posted in a moment of some of the stuff I cut on the 14th. Finally did the final weight today and lets just call it an even 200g. So that's a total of 514g so far this month. The pictures of the weights I just left the bowl weight in there instead of tareing out the scale, so subtract 100g. Actually it's 99.64g but whatever. lol There will be another post with the current. Should still maintain my 1.3g/W average. Not sure where the picture of the Glassslipper at chop went so from bottom down. 1. Chunky Diesel left and Sweet tooth right, 2. Galaxy left and chunk diesel right (pics 1 and 2 are the same thing just one has flash and other doesn't so you could see the numbers), 3. Chunky, 4. Chunky, 5. Chunky, 6. glass slipper, 7. sweet tooth, 8. Sweet tooth closer up since due to my lackluster manicure on that one(got tired of fucking with it, lol) made it look airy, 9. Galaxy, 10. Bowl weight.
And in addition to the dry weights from today above, here is the current. Have an SD that will be coming down any day that can't support itself along with another galaxy.