Worse, it is incorrect. "Y'all" means you second person singular.
Second person plural is "all y'all".
There are degrees and layers of allitude.
You smoke meff... aka dicksIE: Y'all is hella shady
IE: All Y'all's is hellas shady.
you're gonna need to convince me of this. it has been my long held belief that "y'all" is second person plural.
hey "y'all" greetings greetings , this is my first ever post on this site. been lurkin and learnin for a while now would like to make some aquaintances
Yeah, I lived in Florida for 5 years as a kid still haven't kicked the y'all. Much better saying "what y'all up to?" Than " What are all you up to? "I'm from Texas. Everybody says Ya'll. Howdy is another big one. Or the combo "Howdy Ya'll"
hey "y'all" greetings greetings , this is my first ever post on this site. been lurkin and learnin for a while now would like to make some aquaintances
Grammatically correct but anthropologically ... not so much.y'all is a contraction for 'you all'
all y'all is redundant. 'all you all' and that stuff...
true. slang is slang, but it IS in the dictionary now, as is 'ain't' (contraction for am not) which is used incorrectly all the time... ain't it?Grammatically correct but anthropologically ... not so much.